Another Kremlin assassination attempt is underway at this very moment.
>Vladimir Kara-Murza, a close ally of the assassinated Nemtsov, has been poisoned for the 2nd time in two years and is in critical condition.
Another Kremlin assassination attempt is underway at this very moment.
>Vladimir Kara-Murza, a close ally of the assassinated Nemtsov, has been poisoned for the 2nd time in two years and is in critical condition.
>criticize putin
>get poisoned
>somebody no ones has heard of allegedly has food poisoning
youd think these motherfuckers would just stop drinking eating food they didn't prepare.
He probably went to take a whizz in the middle of cooking his spaghetti and a ninja came in through the rooftop window and shat in it.
fucking eh. the samurai of hepatitis a.
He is angry after the failed project took 85% of Russian GPD
Fake news!
He doesn't know how to photosynthesis
No disputin the Putin
Kek he is not even dead.
>Eat some bad quality shit
>Get in hospital
Seriously iam sure if some fag in US or UK will get a flu, Guardian will write
But where does it end, though? How can you be sure the ingredients or your utensils aren't poisoned?
>tfw you stab yourself ;)
>after stabbing himself multiple times
This can't be real
Someone redpill me on post-soviet russia? what the fuck are they don't after they realized that communism was a colossal failure?
Whats their endgame? Are they just trying to fend off (((THEM))) as long as they can?
>Are they just trying to fend off (((THEM))) as long as they can?
1/4 oligarchs in Russia are jews.
It's not. He fell on the knife multiple times.
>Vladimir Kara-Murza
Is it a kike and or a marxist??
Go find your own chan, Rachel.
>just another day in the office...sips tea
Obviously tatar. Literally means "Black prince"
Mummy will protect.
*sips radioactive tea*
He just sick with diabetes or cancer and his relatives try to give this useless human some weight. So after he dies they will use him to get money and attention from the West and they will ignore the results of investigation into his body saying they are forged. all they think is money and attention
The radiation expert who discovered the poison that killed Alexander Litvinenko "committed suicide" by stabbing himself repeatedly with two knives months after a trip to Russia, a coroner ruled.
Matthew Puncher, 46, bled to death at his home after receiving multiple stab wounds across his body from two kitchen knives, an inquest heard.
A pathologist said he could not completely exclude the possibility that someone else had been involved in the death of the father, but came to the conclusion that the injuries were self-inflicted.
...He was found dead at his home in Drayton, Oxfordshire, in May, with stab wounds to his arms, neck and upper abdomen.
Well fuck me then. Rooskies play for keeps. Maybe that's why Trump is so intent on sucking Soviet cock
All of them are shit. Only the sane solution is an h1b visa.
Hey mummy-britposter. How goes it?
oh shit it's time
i been awake sinse 1 am
O hai mummy
want to kis prety mumm
have to go but won't forget
He died in the UK, so if it was a cover up it was your guys who had something to cover up.
I've never seen a more disappointment man
Best Mum ever.
is he really that bad of a guy
he seems so god damn charming
and he knows judo right
how many assholes know judo
so much mummm :)
> Father-of-two Mr Puncher had told colleagues he would be “better off stacking shelves in B&Q” and tried to hang himself at work with a computer cable, but it broke.
It sounds slightly more likely with that in mind.
putin crafty russia. he pretend to be coat rack. assasian walk right past.
I hope she would judge me worthy.
weird pic of mum
Such is life in mother Russia
Just so you know, he was one of the Russian representatives behind the Bill of Magnitsky which basically started the whole sanction shit. There was also Boris Nemtsov who mysteriously tripped on a bullet in direct vicinity of Kremlin.
I like judge dredd. And I love Mum. So when I saw it, I saved it.
Teбe пopa нacилoвaть бeлых швeдoк, мoнгoлoид. He oтвлeкaйcя.
Russian spies fall on their knives repeatedly, american spies shoot themselves in the back of the head repeatedly. What a bunch of morons these government workers are lel.
i lik mums smile its pretu
Too bad it wasn't Soros
Pizzagaters playing with country's future
Based putin taking things in his own hands in his country.
That's her daughter?