If you look past his cons, his pros resound like an angel's harp

If you look past his cons, his pros resound like an angel's harp.

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I wonder what Justin's hair smells like. It probably smells pretty fresh. I wish I could meet him so I could go for a hug and smell his hair while he holds me in his strong arms. Sigh...t'was just a dream...

Shit, reading that made me wet.

Too bad he wasn't at that mosque huh

So has he accomplished a fucking thing or is he literally only in office to look good and virtue signal to the rest of the world?

I bet there is only one kind of shampoo in his shower, his wifes'

>creating gender balanced cabinet
>accepted thousands of refugees
>legalized human-animal relationships
>legalized recreational cannabis usage

Um sorry honey try again

>>creating gender balanced cabinet
>>accepted thousands of refugees
>>legalized human-animal relationships
>>legalized recreational cannabis usage

He is also passing legislation to finish off the pretext of free speech in Canada.

The Canadian media is running stories on O'Leary which is a warning signal that he might be a globalist shill. This guy was put in the conservative race by the liberals, has had liberal stances his entire public life and is now trying to steal the conservative parties candidacy. He is literally Canada's Jeb Bush.

After the mosque shooting in Quebec city there was a massive amount of attacks on twitter and facebook specifically targeting Kellie Leitch. The comments were the typical "racist xenophobe" talking points and were blaming her for the shooting, both by her policies she has stated on stronger immigration and because of her open support for Donald Trump.

Right now the "polls" have O'Leary at 27% and Kellie Leitch at 1%. Do not fall for the same fake tactics that Americans have already figured out Canada. The news and polls are tools used to manipulate our politics and make us choose the candidate that the elites want us to elect. I am supporting Bernier and Leitch but the media going after Kellie so hard is telling me who my vote is going towards when / if it comes down to the two of them.

A REMINDER TO ALL CANADIANS. The majority of the candidates running for PM are pro "refugee". If a conservative becomes PM who is soft on immigration it means we will have to wait 10+ years for another chance at electing someone who will stop the flow of Islam into our country. Ten years means 10+ million new immigrants with the current policies most liberals AND conservatives have. We have to choose the best person to stop the "100 million Canadian population" ideology that many candidates on both sides are promoting.

>finish off the pretext of free speech
Source? And I doubt he's completely eliminating free speech. He's simply going to make racists, xenophobes, sexists, transphobes, homophobes, white supremacists, Islamophobes and bigots harder to say what they say.