Antifa is really Sup Forums guys
It's over, Cenk figured it out
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Gee what a shock, the Armenian genocide denier is denying other atrocities.
We anarcho-communists now.
Fuck you, I'm better than you!!
Ana won't even name Milo. Say his name you dumb cunt.
ana looks like she loves anal
Jesus fucking Christ, TYT are crashing hard.
>Everyone I don't like is GROUP#A
>People in GROUP#B which I do like, who do things which I don't like, are actually GROUP#A
I knew it!
>people still don't know about what will happen to cenk this year
They've always been like this, desu.
Shaun King will fit in great there.
she literally called it problematic, kek
Cenk pretends to be a political commentator on Youtube, but 99% of his posts on twitter are about sports and other pleb shit. The guy isn't even interested in politics. He's just a lazy faggot going through the motions.
Kek Soros is funding to many people that the left instead assumes its all Sup Forums
Ana is one later away
lol too bad the dumbfucks have no common sense at all and will mint many, many MANY more voters for the midterms
>this 40 year old bitch doesn't know who antifa is
she's twenty something
This is some Alex Jones tier shit.
she is better than you
>milo doesn't have any real fans.
meh if I had known he was going to show up I might have gone to see him.
glad I didn't
Kek. TYT has always displayed a remarkable difference, but you bros are right. They (the whole left right now desu) are more lost than the cuckservatives were in '08. The best thing about it is, they don't even realize they are bewildered.
Dear god, are they arguing Antifa is a 4chang falceflag?
We really are the jews now aren't we?
I guess you can put the tinfoil on and say fascists are false flagging, and these riots ALWAYS make people dislike them.
But, that's assuming ANTIFA and similar aren't just retards, which they are.
Always bet on stupidity.
This one is for you, Chunky Yoghurt, and your disgusting Armenian whore!
Bourgeois liberal class traitors will be the first to go!
>Kyle Secular talk aka 'white' Cenk more popular than Milo
Is this true?
The guy who spraypainted that is cool
>idiot no name
>has no fans
top fucking kek
he has a bigger audience than their cuck show
This is potato level analysis. holy shit.
I think Milo could attract a larger crowd to watch him eat a bag of popcorn than these morons.
"All these conservatives do is cry and cry and cry".. fucking inversion world. wtf
Pretty funny desu
>allow 150 antifa to show up and destroy/injure conservatives
>liberals collaborate with the antifa allowing them to cause mayhem
>liberal major and school doesn't allow police to arrest any of the masked rioters
>try and blame conservatives for antifa
literal retards.
Wtf i hate myself now
Jesus, I don't like Milo but the guy knows how to sell himself
I mean, this is some Ra's al Ghul-tier shit. I'd be kinda impressed if we could pull it off.
i really have something important to tell you guys will someone jump on omegle just for a quick moment Sup Forums is where i will be
Cenk is 46, he's been a wizard for a long time.
speaking of lefties
if winning was a commodity, its price would be skyrocketing due to a overabundance of supply right now
you still here user? gimme a random interest cause theres a lot of people with pol on their interests
Don't you dare Alex Jones is way more credible
>a true leftwinger doesn't do violence
That's the thing though, he doesn't 'sell himself', his popularity just soars every time they try to censor or bring him down, it happened multiple times with twitter suspensions, then the ban, previous protests at his talks and now this.
He's said from the start the way to 'beat him' is to just sit down for an honest, open conversation, but they just ignore him and try to censor him again, which just makes him more popular.
Everything Cenk says is fucking retarded, and I want punch ana in the face so bad
i thought ana quit tyt??
real communism doesn't exist. communism isn't supposed to be embraced by insecure faggots. communists were brave wolves. none of these faggots are actually fighting for communism. they don't want communism, they just want safe spaces. and no i'm not a communist
my god how fucking ignorant, why are we giving them views? they dont even know about Antifa, and resort to middleschool antics making fun of Milo saying he needed a safespace...
>liberal faggots need a literal safespace with coloring books, puppy videos, and bubbleblowers for a talk given about rape.
>somehow equal to avoiding a legitimate physical attack/riot hatecrime against a gay jew by UC Berkeley students dressed like ISIS, burning a lightpost with Milos name spraypainted, literally burning an effigy of a faggot.
When does he mention Sup Forums? I can't stand watching The Young Turds for too long.
Also, have these idiots never heard of the Streisand effect? "Hurr, we're not gonna name this individual, just do an entire segment on this guy." Fucking garbage.
no, oversupply devalues a commodity unless you introduce an artificial scarcity like the McRib effect
Haha, what a speculative faggot.
>I-It was a false flag, we swear!
To be clear, it probably was manipulated, but probably by Soros Destabilization Corp. Not sure if that counts as a false flag, but whatever
Berkeley is not running short on crazies.
Cenk means to masturbate and uygur is the noise Cenk makes when he cenks. Cenk... cenk... cenk... vinegar strokes, cenk UYGUR! See?
>When the left going full conspiracy mode
/leftypol/ is laughing at him too
Agreed. I don't know why these newfaggots post this shit here.
I got triggered hard when he said the right wing hates facts.
If that was the case then why all the raiding, not only the're attackin Sup Forums but will blame us when they get caught out
what fuckin scum!
keep attackin defenseless women fuckin commie pricks
did you get triggered hard when you realized you're keeping them relevant and afloat
It's typical commie tactic of accusing your enemy of everything you do
He sounds like you right wing dumbasses "It was a peaceful protest, but agitators/provocateurs were paid"
>they're still pretending they're journalists
this ones for hillary...
>blah blah blah
No mention of any facts.
No mention of a security stand down.
No mention of police stand down.
No mention of the costs paid for security to be inactive.
No mention of the city that was damaged.
No mention of the guy beaten with a shovel.
No mention of the white vans that showed up.
No mention of any arrests.
Literally nothing of value gained by watching this.
she's better than you
and now with blonde highlights
TYT are trying to spin the fuck out of this because they don't want own what happened. make the left own this shit and make them drown in their own bullshit, don't let them escape.
pretty sure it was Sup Forumsblart and Jackie4chan that started it
Cenk is trying so hard to punt this shit off
30 you mean
right? right.
That bitch should be shamed for appropriating white noses. Imagine if a white person got surgery to get a jew nose or nigger lips.
the're not trying to convince us the're trying to convince themselves and other leftists despite the fact everyone knows what actually happened
i guess we'l just have to remind them.
That shit pisses me off so much...
I swear that Cenk runs his shitty channel just to feed his own ego.
How is he always finding this shit out. We spent a lot of fucking time on this. Anyway, good job bros who went out there. It took a lot of courage to beat women and destroy people's shit, while masking yourself as our moral betters.
We'll figure something else out better next time. Hopefully, this fucking TYT cunt won't figure it all out. How do we get past him in the future?
He knows all. He sees all.
unironically, Alex Jones is much more truthful and on the money
see his appearence on Joe Rogen
Honestly this. TYT is debased from most anything irl.
I like to watch them, confused and suffering internally, refusing to admit it.
Alex Jones drops truth bombs you couldn't even imagine, the guy gives no shits while does it fuckin legend.
I honestly think I my IQ dropped 12 points across the span of that video.
The spin they try and put on is insane but they have no chemistry at all. It's sad watching people who think they're incredibly intelligent and on the cutting edge of modern politics but are operating on the most basic level imaginable.
>"political journalists"
>I didn't even know what antifa was until yesterday!
>Spends the first several minutes bashing Milo, refusing to name him, and acting as if it's his fault and he's not completely right about liberals not wanting free speech
These people are retards.
>He has no fans, don't protest and only seven people will go and see him!
I don't even follow Milo but a quick search shows that every fucking event he does sells out
>first they say Milo only has 7 fans in total
>then they suggest his fan base is so large and passionate and well organised they are able to organise 150+ people in one spot in a rush and totally subvert a leftist protest
This Cenk cunt can't seriously be this stupid
Anyone else find it so weird the way leftists in 2017 literally copy every conservative talking point of the past?
>you guys need safe spaces
>you guys are snowflakes
>you guys are involved in vast conspiracies
Weird how it's like total subconscious mimickery.
But forchan was famous russian hacker guy, did he joined antifa now?
the surgery that saved western civilization
This video was okay up until the 7:00 minute mark when Cenk started talking.
>tfw they said we were anarchist domestic terrorists
>then far left pedophile hackers
>then nazis
>now we're anarchist domestic terrorists again
Not looking forward to the pedophile stage tbqh m8s
I mean, it's pretty delusional thinking.
Anti-Fa have been doing this shit for literally decades, and promote it.
Liberals/SJW's, including TYT have been condoning, championing and encouraging it.
But when it actually starts to happen?
The left really has taken up the mantle of crazy tin foil cap wearers.
>Idiot no name
Just signed a quarter million dollar book deal.
Meanwhile, Cenk is making youtube videos with a twitter troll.
Soros funds Anti-Fa associates.
It's not manipulation. These fags just need extra cash for their designer clothes and iPhones.
and we would have gotten away with it too
Blast! Or false flag attack has been dashed!
You meddling Turks!
Right? Drinking game
"all conservatives do is cry, and cry and cry"
wow cenk, I'm actually speechless, how can you be this tragically dumb. It's not even funny.
Seek help cenk. It's hurting me to see you suffer in delusion like this.