Well, it looks like Shapiro is slowly getting on the Trump train
>says that his first days in office have been a wild success
>wears the hat unironically
>constantly reiterates that he was wrong about Trump
Well, it looks like Shapiro is slowly getting on the Trump train
>says that his first days in office have been a wild success
>wears the hat unironically
>constantly reiterates that he was wrong about Trump
too late sweetie.
But is it really? I think it's great that he's admitting that he was flat out wrong
Trump train already left.
No it's not. He jumped on the train after Trump won. He can go fuck himself. I could spend a lot more time on why he's a slimy piece of shit but why bother.
You can't place your bet again after race is over. He is trying ot regain his lost support but it's too little too late.
that's how Jews operate. when something takes off despite their wishes they infiltrate and take it over
this faggot can hang himself
He also made it very clear that Trump's been doing well so far, but he's made no assumptions about the future. He's not in the Trump train, he's the same as before, being pragmatic
Witnessed and agree.
stereotypical badger
Nope, too late. This cuck had what, 2 years to start supporting Trump? Supporting someone after they win is called bandwagoning. You don't get to make a bet on a sports team after they win.
He's obviously shit for being a non-believer initially, but he's a smart guy and can be a powerful pawn for the conservative movement going forward.
Disavow michelle fields you beta manlet
Backpedalling backstabber kike realizes he needs to switch tactics to get in good with the new regime.
"Just trust me! I'm all aboard now! Please forget the year I spent talking shit about you, your candidate and divorcing myself from the right ".
"Hashtag Magga!"
Meh. Better late than never.
Of course it is great, because he's intellectually honest. But you have to recognize that Shapiro does not like Trump as a person and continues to constantly criticize him, which are not necessarily bad things. Besides, Shapiro ultimately thinks that Trump is pushing forward all these great conservative agendas so he can get Republican support when he later pushes forward his liberal agendas, like tariffs and infrastructure spending. "Hey, remember when I did all those things you liked? Well now help me push forward the things I want."
>he's the same as before, being pragmatic
Is that what he's calling it now? He literally tried to stop trump with that bullshit story about his campaign manager roughing up a reporter. Guy is a piece of shit.
literally switchtacticsjew.jpg
New phone homie, who dis be?
>wears the hat unironically
Liar. He only wore the hate because he lost a bet with one of his crew guys.
Honestly the cutoff for tickets was when Trump called out ¡Jeb! for the "kept America safe" bullshit and insisted that his mom should be running for president.
Everyone else just gets thrown in the coal cars.
I mean good God, Cruz supporters? He almost tied Bernie for cuckoldry.
these kikes are only waiting out trump hoping he gets shot. they only act like they support him for the shekels
except he was wearing the hat 100% ironically.
because he lost a bet.
Do you even listen to the podcast? He's not on the Trump train, he criticizes Trump all the time.
I'm a Trump supporter but I think blindly following him isn't good, it is also good to have people who are willing to be a bit of a devil's advocate while also being conservative. Love Shapiro!
Fuck this (((guy)))
He's an enemy of sjw and that's good enough. Stop holding grudges you faggots.
>Sup Forums
>engaging in any political activity besides shitposting here
of fucking course they don't
>Do you even listen to the podcast?
Fuck no.
It's because Trump started stroking Israeli dick. I mean, do you remember what his twitter looked like about a year ago? Especially after the Trump manager incident? Non-stop anti-Trump tweeting.
Thank you! too much infighting u faggots. not everyone has to agree with you 100% to be on your team
fuck off kike sympathizer
>Fuck no.
Then shut the fuck up if you're talking about shit you clearly know nothing about
you want a kike on your team? god damn this site has fallen off
Shapiro is a slimy sneaky Jew who will piggyback on whatever movement currently has the most sympathetic audience. He'll stab you in the back at the first sign of a better, more lucrative deal. Never fucking trust these types.
He's jumping on the bandwagon so he can continue to blend in. He's already shown his true colors, never trust a Jew
So you have no idea what you're talking about then. After the initial livestream he tore the hat right off, he only had it on because he lost a bet. A bet where he said Trump would never nominate a textualist SCOTUS justice. He lost, he admitted he was wrong, and wore the hat on his show as agreed in the bet.
Is he? Looks like it's my stop to get off then.
you idiots are part of the problem and you don't even know it.
politics isn't sports, you aren't better because you like Trump first. He's not the Seahawks, ffs.
You're enjoying feeling superior by being opposed by a bunch of smug liberals who riot and destroy shit and call Gavin and Milo Nazis.
It's easy to be superior to that, but ffs if they any of them wake up to how stupid that whole thing is, by all means we have to welcome them aboard, not play "I'm better than you".
Shapiro has been consistent on his social and economic views, which are what I care most about. None of this edgy shit about kikes and the like.
go back to the_donald bitch
I was responding to the fin about him supporting Trump now you dumb fucking cunt
Holy shit you are on Sup Forums with an ounce of reality left in you? how does it feel
T_D is the shit nigga the fuck you know?
Got plenty of people to listen to when it comes to Trump than Ben Shapiro, but it's nice to see that he's finally on board.
You need to listen to every show to have an opinion on him? Do you work for him
by chance?
this top quality bait user
I wish he'd do more videos about jew memes.
peepee did 911
>a shapeshifting jew
Gee, that's a first.
Friendship with online neo nazis ENDED
BEN SHAPIRO is my new best friend!
Trump's administration is all about uniting. You can fuck off with that negative attitude, my dear lad.
Sup Forums is a board of peace
Every statement i make on this site is for satirical purposes only and i am not a nazi and there is more than 2 genders.
>I was responding to the fin about him supporting Trump now
Which he fucking doesn't if you listened to his podcast retard. He criticizes Trump all the time. But you admit you don't listen, so you don't know what you're talking about, so shut the fuck up.
too late faggot
I'm positive that the people that hate Ben on Sup Forums are a vocal minority. He likely has a lot more support here than even he himself thinks.
If that opinion is wrong? Yes.
and there's no brakes
I hope so. He is such a smart guy, and I've used his videos to red pill a lot of people.
>takes dick out of mouth
>Which he fucking doesn't if you listened to his podcast retard.
Who's the retard again? Don't have a stroke defending his honor online.
Omg someone's wrong on the internet again
checked, confirmed for this one being forgiven
You all sound like Obama dickriders in '08. Like the leaf above said this isn't sports and you don't get good boy points for liking Trump before your subjective cutoff dates. Ben has moral convictions above your petty desires to "btfo" the "ebil (((sjws)))" and wasn't willing to support a candidate who everyone agrees talks like a used car salesman and very well could have been. Like MOST of the skeptical GOP base that have seen twice as many elections as any of you edgy screenagers, he's warming up to Trump more and more every day as Trump delivers on his promises. Come off your high horses you faggots.
I like Ben, but he is a SJW himself. If he were born black, he'd be the most obnoxious BLM member of them all. Any time anything about Jews or Israel comes up, you can see him whining about the holocaust, drawing comparisons to nazis, and speaking on behalf of the entire group. He also attended "Jewish studies" courses in college, and constantly brings up how he's Jewish. I don't even have a problem with Jews, I just think it's amusing to watch him flip the switch from SJW killer to SJW when the subject is treated upon.
Corey Lewandowski.
He stabbed everyone in the back over that mess, over a blatant lie.
He betrayed his principals to try and get ahead.
He sure as shit hasn't made up for that, let alone apologised.
you seem like an intelligent individual
(((pol)) is a zionist board now
He said that he only went to jewish studies to meet girls, and said that anyone else who goes to ethnicity studies does it for the same thing.
>Ben has moral convictions
I agree with that 100% and that's why I don't trust him since he's a zionist kike and his warming up to Trump is probably a result of Bibi's support for Donald. I'd be more inclined to believe in Michael Moore's change of heart rather than that of Shapiro or some neocohen snake.
Is Ben Shapiro, dare I say it, /ourguy/ ?
But he's Israel first. As soon as that subject comes up his inner jew comes out.
>He literally tried to stop trump with that bullshit story about his campaign manager roughing up a reporter.
this was the point of no return for him, and showed his true colors. It's ok to change your mind to new facts, but this event showed his true colors.
Fuck him
Benji finally came home?
I will take him as an ally against antifa, but this should always be a stain on his record
Honesty, I just find it difficult to trust him again.
Its not even that he didn't like Trump. The Michelle Fields incident soured my opinion of him. Plus, he acted like a huge faggot for almost a year. And you know if Hillary had won, he would be rubbing it in our faces.
He keeps saying he doesn't think politics should be a team sport.
Well put
>Spin a tale for money
How is that not pragmatic?
jews sucking up
He's a nice kid.
he lost a bet on trumps supreme court nominee, thats why he's wearing it
You dont have shit on shapiro
Not really. He constantly says what's good about him and what's bad.
he's so fucking annoying, i can't stand him
He's rubbing his little Jew paws together hoping that trump will invade Iran
>But is it really? I think it's great that he's admitting that he was flat out wrong
Nice trips
A lot of guys who didn't support Trump have come around.
Krauthammer is another one who has come around to Trump.
>I mean good God, Cruz supporters? He almost tied Bernie for cuckoldry.
Fucking Christ.
Yeah whatever, good on him to admit he's wrong and that Trump is actually doing what he said he would do.
However it's going to take a fuck ton to absolve him of the stupid shit like hopping on the never trump hashtag and not voting for the man. That mentality is what could have cost us the election.
Also the petty fit he threw when he left breitbart and his white knight shit is pretty much a show of his true colors. I'd keep him at arm's length.
What blows my mind with Ben is that every product he happens to advertize is already being used by his wife. Ain't that some coincidence!
Fair weather friends.
don't believe the jewish lies, there is some plan behind it