Libertarian here (Not actually anarchist, but still libertarian).
Can we all agree that commies and "Left-anarchists" are cancer and should be abolished?
Can we all agree to go after each other only once the communist plague is defeated?
Libertarian here (Not actually anarchist, but still libertarian).
Can we all agree that commies and "Left-anarchists" are cancer and should be abolished?
Can we all agree to go after each other only once the communist plague is defeated?
Yes I'm a recently converted authoritarian here. I used to be libertarian. But we really need order right now.
We had this threads before.
Yes, leftism is inherently incompatible with libertarianism.
I think I've spent far too much time arguing against right wing authoritarians.
Time that could have been better spent ganging up on commies.
Once the commies are gone, we can all see how we feel about each other, but they do need to go.
Same this is getting too much lol
I support support both of these agendas and I don't care which one wins. I think we should also add the greens (only a fascist state can save the environment), for a Brown-Yellow-Green alliance
there are no fashists here. we are all civic nationalists with strong beliefs on who can become a citizen.
Stealing that meme
Also, had no idea this discussion has already happened, but I guess I should have assumed it.
They call us Fascists anyways.
this is Sup Forums
I am pretty sure there are a few faschies here
I got called a fascist by "Libertarians" just today.
The reason?
I defended the right to speak about white nationalism.
Portuguese bro and Slovenia bro been in charge of making /libertarian general/ here for a while now.
Join us in our threads friend, we've discussed this at length.
Global warming is a hoax you commie faggot
I feel the same.
I am of libertarian views and altjough statist Nazi and authoritarian right are not our friends at all they appear to be a preferable ally as opposed by Commies.
I got called a Fascist for being pro-border control and controlled immigration.
stein is literally no different from sanders or shillary
Non-whites need to go
Whites can quibble among themselves about the ideal form of government after that is achieved
Fascism sucks but we need authoritarianism to establish minarchism in the future. The left needs to be destroyed for freedom to triumph.
I simply think we should be doing more modern and advanced forms of small-scale intensive agriculture, rather than large-scale extensive. I live in a cattle and cotton zone, and the ecology has wastefully been ruined. The only people who do research into this stuff are the greens.
This is what Sup Forums is m80, its already who we are.
Problem is that libertarianism is extremely fragile due to it being based on lies and false statements. In other words, mostly written by Jews like Ayn Rand and Milton Friedmann.
It is very easy for liberals to infiltrate libertarian parties and start advocating for 'cultural libertarianism' which is basically just degeneracy, feminism, athiesm, republicanism and racemixing.
Libertarianism can be compatible with nationalism, but we have to be carefull. Remember that it was the snake, that tempted Eve.
This post x100,000
The good old days when Hitler killed himself?
pol has always been a split between Evola fascists and Hoppe libertarians.
Personal views on what is "degenerate" does not exclude you from being able to live in a free and prosperous society.
I do my best to keep lefties far from me.
Not gonna lie, former libertarian here. It's fucking hilarious watching the free market crash and burn. But in all seriousness, we can't let these guys smash the state!
No. Not until you admit that libertarianism can't work in a multicultural society. Bottom line is if you aren't for ethnonationalism, you are an enemy of sensible people and truth.
well, I disagree that the US has had a free market for some time now
But at least we can agree that the commies have to go
>To establish minarchism
Do you really think that the government will voluntarily fire itself and go find some other job?
They will rather take your guns and put you in the camps.
Right wing fascist are only a temporary ally of ours when dealing with Commies because Commies are strong.
But at no fucking point should We ever support them.
that is a dank flag man
And yeah, I've gotten into huge arguments about that before
Still, I think all our time is better spent focusing on fighting the left and not each other
powerful argument, well written, something to think about
Once commies are defeated then both ideologies would inevitably decenf into conflict with each other
>Evola fascists
That's a thing? I thought Evola was against fascism.
personally, I think once the commies are gone, everyone else will be able to get along just fine.
just go full Ancap on them, if they hate the power the central government has on free movement why not show the same hate for the influence the state has on your spending habits?
I'd assume that taking away 40% of your income is a bigger intrusion on your personal freedom than having to wait 5 minutes to apply for a visa online.
You will see that they suddenly love the force of the government and their argument about "free global cooperation" is exposed as a hoax.
I wish we had war with Stalin instead of Hitler.
>libertarianism can't work in a multicultural society
Social darwinism bro.
No social services, zero welfare, no free shit at all, looters will be shot, survivers will be shot again.
Mow down any riot with machineguns the very moment the first fire is trartet, the first stone is the own or the first foot is set on private property.
In such enviroment the white man will thrive again.
Sounds like a good alliance. Libertarians can't exist or function when lawless hordes are running amok.
We are nothing without Law.
I know the holocaust didn't happen the way we were told
I know hitler was going after the bolsheviks as a whole and not just the jews for the sake of being jewish
They were going after the jews because the jews were almost all leftists and had way too much money and property. Just like now. Just like always.
>You will see that they suddenly love the force of the government and their argument about "free global cooperation" is exposed as a hoax.
To be fair, I was arguing with LP USA people. They want open boarders to crash the welfare state with no survivors. I think they're idiots because they believe Libertarianism would rise from the ashes.
Something would rise, but It won't be Libertarians that rise.
that is not a functioning society
No. Libertarians would slaughter your gangs and riots if you ever allowed them to.
Legalize shooting criminals from your window
We were never enemies in the first place. Libertarians want to be left alone and fascists want to be something people want to join. Only the radical left espoused a universal, absolute system. Fascism and libertarianism are both capable of existing in a single state. Only communism demanded the world-wide revolution.
Sounds kinda like pre christian rome, actually.
The best version of rome objectively speaking
Fuck Commies. NatSoc and Libertarians should have united long ago.
White ethnonationalist here.
Always willing to fight side-by-side with libertarians against a common enemy, even though I don't view libertarianism well.
Still though, we cannot afford infighting in the right wing until the common enemy (antifa, commies, feminists, muslims, globalist kikes) are crushed or swept to the fringes of society.
I don't support nazi shit but if you are fighting commies, godspeed
This thread is humming with positive energy
The fascists I've argued against tend to call me a leftist, and they also tend to have the same opinion I do of leftists
Same opinion as pinochet :D
It will become one after a cough*civil wa*cough transition period.
Eventually niggers will realize that they have to work or die.
The human-garbage will die out and the good people will form a great community of working and thriving people.
I say once the commies are gone, we may think differently of each other.
Wars have existed long before comunism was even thought of
Yes, those roman machine guns sure were great
No. We need you guys.
No matter what happens you will ensure that the Nazis don't become too strong. You are the element that reminds us where we are stepping. You will rattle and we will listen.
The Snake and Falcon will be one! NOBODY CAN STOP THE LIGHTNING STRIKE!
studying the philosophy and history of fascism, I don't see why fascists would even care much once the commies are gone.
Fascism is only necessary as long as commies exist as far as I understand
Mises understood that the left represented an existential threat fascists just don't.
If fascists are wrong (former libertarian here, verging on full fascist now) we will know that when our system doesn't work. Libertarians, the same.
Communists and leftists never will. The reason is libertarians and fascists have measurable goals and clear ways to prove we are wrong.
Communists just blame people for not being on board enough. They will scape goat the group they believe is least on board, and try again. Over and over again. There are no measurable goals, no end state. It's just "we failed? Must have been the rich people." "we failed again? It was white people." "We failed again? It was the strong."
Communism is our true threat.
LOL @Swiss guard
This has been the case here since the beginning.
Well, I always leave the door open for libertarians to impress me, judging by their bravery or actions, and I also acknowledge we should try to build consensus as much as we can, but ultimately, I just want a big nationalist government that is not corrupt, not too coercive and serves the best interests of the ethnic/white groups who built it. Think of Switzerland or 1960's social democratic Sweden, but with more nationalism and closed borders.
Honestly, I wouldn't mind fascism if there wasn't quite as much pressure on "Degeneracy"
Fuck Nazis. We line them up next to the communists if they try and pull anything.
Alert, alert, a shill has entered the thread and is trying to divide us
He talks a lot about radical traditionalism and has a boner for group identity.
He thinks that the demise of society will be the growth of the lower caste of people (subhumans) and he is generally antiegalitarian, antiliberal and antidemocratic.
The antiegalitarian and antidemocratic part makes him compatible with radical libertarians like Hoppe who also talks about the degrading effect personal hedonism has on society as a whole (somewhat antiliberal)
EXACTLY! We dive from the heavens and then the snakes bite the fuck out of them and we are GONE.
the nazis have been largely peaceful, not violating the NAP.
Jesus christ, I argued this for three hours not that long ago.
dont leave i got something for you, wait around a minute
Hoppe isn't radical he stands for real libertarianism
Could you elucidate on which aspects cause that? The only thing I could imagine riling them up like that would be weak stances on immigration or borders.
>NatSoc and Libertarians should have united long ago.
>Authoritarian national sosialists
>Free market Libertarians
Shit man its like they have almost no common goals.
Only a common enemy.
But natsoc represent everything that Libertarians oppose and vice versa.
The only thing is that Commies are even worse.
For now. They sure as shit weren't peaceful in their rise to power in germany.
As long as they don't try anything, whatever they wanna say they can.
actually it is usually my strong pro-drug and pro-sex stance
Although recently it was also for freedom of association as opposed to racial segregation
Fuck Greg Johnson praise Kek
I was actually hoping someone would post a picture like that.
gary johnson?
Yeah, fuck that douchebag.
Definitely praise Kek
Thus Spake Zarathustra by F. Nietzsche (/ourguy/)
*During his epiphany, an eagle and a serpent appear to Zarathustra. He converses with the two animals and then embraces them for their ability to lead him out of the wilderness into which he has journeyed.
*Zarathustra said this to his heart as the sun stood at noon: then he looked inquiringly into the sky -for he heard above him the sharp cry of a bird. And behold! An eagle was sweeping through the air in wide circles, and from it was hanging a serpent, not like a prey but like a friend: for it was coiled around the eagle’s neck.
‘It is my animals!’ said Zarathustra and rejoiced in his heart.
‘The proudest animal under the sun and the wisest animal under the sun -they have come scouting.
‘They wanted to learn if Zarathustra was still alive. am I in fact still alive?
‘I found it more dangerous among men than among animals; Zarathustra is following dangerous paths. May my animals lead me!’
tldr Nietzsche predicted this union for us
Fascists are left wing you fucks
of course, we are peaceful people, do not let seboteurs speak for us.
Fascism is just a means to an end to restore order and defend the nation against subversion. It always devolves to democracy once the commies have been dealt with. And democracy takes care of the rest.
I'm not sure what actions would impress you
But I never back down from a debate or a fight.
I don't flinch when guys twice my size threaten me.
And I pretty much laugh my ass off at every meme nazis put out
Like this one
>when you have a voluntary exchange with your NatSoc neighbor's 12 yo daughter
>temporary autocracy to establish a healthy free state
sounds fine to me
>he isn't a fascist and a libertarian at the same time by adapting a synthesis of MINARCHIST LIBERTARIAN TRADITIONALISM
So did the Mexicans and Aztecs I think
Says the guy who lives in a 99% homogeneous country. Visit London or Paris and see if you think civic nationalism is a good idea. Also how does civic nationalism help us maintain our ethnic nations and culture in diverse multicultural society?
Liberal here, you cucks aren't going to do jack shit.
I know, the fascists, even the radical neo nazis are trying to achieve their ends through legitimate legal means.
Which is part of why antifa needs to be destroyed because all antifa does is legitimize fascists even more
Nazism isn't compatible with libertarianism at all.
>real libertarianism
both Rand Paul and Hoppe are "real" libertarians , yet one stands for the free market to play a bigger role in the choice for a healthcare plan and the other wants to abolish democracy.
I'd call the later pretty radical.
Nobody cares about you trolling shills, we've got a good discussion going.
that's hiterism though, Hitler gave more power to inviduals while having absolute power to make sure individuals powers aren't trampled on.
read and link the 25 point plan of NSDAP here.
kill yourself
Libertarianism is degenerate. Fuck off
Not trolling, actual liberal. You pussies aren't going to do shit.