Would you spend +1 Million US Dollars on a Car


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If I had 1 mio to spend on a car, sure.

No, 200k yes

Why would you ever spend more than $50k on a car?

Because I'm not poor.

depends on the car

the one in your pic no

the one in my pic hell yea

I would spend 250,000 on a boat, 10,000 for two motorcycles, and 200,000 on a home. I would spend the rest of the money traveling between the US and Europe.

Why not? It's your money.

Already did

pic or you're a faggot

Fuck no. Spending that kind of money on cars, even if you're rich, is for faggots trying to buy masculinity.

>you could buy half of mexico with that.

a classic car is an investment that like land usually only goes up in value

a million today is a few million tomorrow because they don't make them like they used to

Are you INSANE? This is HITLERS CAR!

But user, for less than a million dollars, I could buy a fully functional tank.

>tfw found a hearse in the parking lot


if i could, then yes

he had good taste

I love that movie kek

Why do you want that? Why not buy 2 Cougars instead?

>same gas mileage

Can I flip it or will it go down in price the moment I buy it?

True, but the Cougar is bomb resistant and can take small arms fire.

Oh shit it's a brick!
Fuck I miss Volvo making their own shit
Fuck you ford

a honda civic is bomb resistant
bombproof or gtfo

The guy who owns that Volvo also collect classic vehicles.

that car ugly as sin. i would get a RR.

cougars arent road legal dumbass

I haggle when they want me to pay more than $17,000...so no.

Does it have a bipedal mode?

They are if you put a 50 cal on them.

yea if I had the money

driving one of these is the only way a normal guy can know what it feels like to be a hot girl, with bitches throwing pussy at you everywhere

Nah. Even if I had the money, the most I'd spend on a personal vehicle would be 50k or so

Depends on the car. Maybach never really appealed to me. They look like those Chinese copies of German and American cars despite basically being super upmarket Mercedes.


if you gave me that ammount of money today right now, i would probably buy a japanese care that costed under 30 grand, and a house in the 500ish K range.

keep the rest for safety.

nah, i'm not a nigger

I would to this extent: i would get a sweet ass RV that looks like poop in the outside but has lots of cool shit inside, and make it my own home then put the remaining money towards gas and repairs.

if i had millions and felt the need to get a luxury and fully armored car, then yes

who gives a fuck about gas mileage, most super valuable cars aren't rated to go very far without maintenance, if you're going to keep it dealership maintained, you can count on seeing them every 15k miles, and probably wont see more than 100k before you need to spend many fold what you ever spent on gas just to get it somewhat near its original performance.

unless you then hang on to it so long that the handful of cars like it all die off and it then reaches a market with collectors.

I once went to a corner mechanic for my modest audi A4 quatro and they wanted $800 just to plug in the little obdII sensor to tell me what the check light was about.

mind you im being extremely generous here, most of the cars you see in the pictures aren't going to rack up more than 35k in their entire life.