Daily reminder to fellow burgers !!! ANTIFA AND (((RESISTANCE))) MOVEMENTS AND MARCHES are financed by (((George Soros))) The same movement called (((OTPOR)))=(in english RESISTANCE) has been also financed in a color revolution that took down Serbian government in 2000 that was paid and created by (((George Soros))) Both organizations: (((RESIST))) and (((OTPOR))) share the same iconography and ideology and have literally the same LOGO
Opposition isn't just Hillary but the Hillary is the public "supposed" leader and the face of the democrats, progressives, SJW, liberals etc etc.
Soros, CNN, MM, Lobysts, Wall Street, Think Thanks, MIC and all of the establishment are behind the Hillary. They've invested almost 2 billions in her campaign hoping they could buy favours and influence, now that she lost. They're switching on a plan B.
Jack Foster
You're the same people that said there was a conspiracy to keep him from winning the election, yet he won by a technicality, even failing to get the popular vote. So he was voted by the rules. What they're protesting are his actions in his first 2 weeks.
Benjamin Gray
they've your rulers now hoping that what Bolscheviks Lenin, Trotsky and Stalling couldn't do you'll be abble as a cannon fodder to finish, as much as you can
Robert Parker
its more complicated
Jack Edwards
But twitter knew Trump was gonna win last year.
Isaiah Butler
lel who added all the (((((((())))))))
Ethan Martinez
Cooper Gonzalez
We in Weimar now
Oliver Adams
no it's not the same people that commited the Red Terror and killed tens of millions of Orthodox Christian Russians and commited mass starvation and Holodomor of Ukraians are doing it again this time they're gonna use you in a divide and conquer strategy, you'll have to go and die for their interest, while they use chaos to rob you and profit from credits and weapons sales the difference this time is that Russia is free USA is struggling but you're 100% ZOG occupied vassal state
Nolan Cooper
u use coincidence detector plug in?
Brandon Scott
Daniel Bell
dont be stupid russia has belong khazars too and your country too. khazarz its more like sectary than nationality
Cooper Flores
my country yes, it's curently under ZOG occupation but Russia? NO hence that, war in Novorussia, Crimea, autistic screeeching from the west, sanctions and etc.
Cameron Cruz
btw there is no such thing like christianity in the ukraine or russia its just old heathendom
Parker Rivera
im sorry but you wrong. russia is khazar country they live above khzarians law long time ago (70 years)
Hudson Cooper
everytime you try every tactics u use every bit of money you spend the're no cure now nor thre is way of stopping us redpilling is now world wide and there's nothing you can do about it
we the jews now
Henry Robinson
you are christian? how many gods you believe in?
Mason Wood
Look at me semite You're the goyim now.
Angel Howard
Ryder Jones
>Both organizations: (((RESIST))) and (((OTPOR))) share the same iconography and ideology and have literally the same LOGO
Soros has lost the mainstream though and is resorting to terrorism, Trump has the full resources of a superpower against one subhuman.
Isaiah Wilson
Yea no shit dickhead, that's why there have been threads about "DON'T RESPOND TO ANTIFA"
Don't stoop to their level, (((They))) want a civil war
Robert Robinson
>Antifa trying to pull shit in Oklahoma, the most red state of red states Be my fucking guest. I can guarantee they will be on their best fucking behavior. The cops and even most the student won't hesitate to fuck their shit up there.
Dylan Allen
you just another jaw of the same dog
Liam Jones
This is the very definition of treason. Please tell me your government is planning on freezing this fuckers assets and putting a bullet in the back of his head
Eli Clark
I go to this school. Anyone else that go here want to meet up? Looking to organize.