Ne vedem diseara la protest
Ce incerci sa obtii?
protip: nu o sa se schimbe nimic
trebuie sa-l inscaunam pe nicusor dan ca rege al romaniei.
doar asa putem fi mai bogati: legalizand casatoriile intre homosexuali si aducand arabi si negri la infinit in romania.
Our news say you are revolting cause your government passed a law making corruption legal.
What really happen in gipsyland?
>making corruption legal
The law is in general about releasing some minor criminals or reducing their time because our prisons are overpopulated and expensive. It's kinda vague but people think this law is made just to release or save corrupt rich people from prison. It doesn't say much because in this country everyone that is rich is considered to be corrupt even if he may not be.
Soros paid for some dudes to protest with the end goal to overthrow the elected government, and now some facebook hipsters joined and some people thinking they actually fight corruption. Same thing happened literally 1 year ago.
Ok, thank you user. I believed it was a legit protest since the news come from a right wing TV news, now I don't know what to believe anymore.
They passed two laws that fucked shit up.
One releases everyone from jail;s that have a remaining sentence of less than 5 years who isn't released will have their remaining jail time cut in half with no exceptions. Also everyone who isn't in jail but under surveilence and shit like that have the slate wiped clean
The second law is the modification of various crime definitions so that most of the party at power, including the president of the party would have their case thrown out because it's no longer illegal. One law would lead to over 2000 investigations that are years old being closed instantly.
Also don't listen to the shills that defend the commies.
The leader of the commie party are the ones that met with Soros in the past, are being helped by israely jewish advisors now, are the ones that gave money and agreed to the construction of the biggest mosque in Europe here in Bucharest, wanted to put a minority turkish muslim woman as prime minister and have promised during in the election to embrace Western multiculturalism.
Also, our anti-corruption institution (DNA) that protesters are cheering for is kinda shady. While actually fighting some corruption, they also seem to arrest or threaten to arrest and silence every major voice that is opposed to the status quo. Don't get me wrong, they might be corrupted but it's nothing done to them until they start talking or acting against the people in power. Its funny to me because people outside think they protest commies but also cheering for some actual communist practices.
TL:DR : Romania's left wing is economically marxist but socially conservative/nationalistic , our right wing is economically capitalist but socially marxist. The protesters are against our left wing.
Also even Trump's cabinet criticized the commies at power right now who passed the law, basically siding with the protesters.
well, this sound pretty bad.
We too had a multicultural government few years ago, with a nigress as minister, but luckily it lasted less than a year.
Hope you won't fall like the western Europe has done.
I'm a bit confused about your political situation, but, well, our is not better.
I wish you to find another based Cordeau.
*Cordeau - Codreanu
>Tatar minority
>for some reason you are assblasted about this
Codreanu is not based, he was merely spewing some lies to cater to the Christian masses, mostly idiots whose values are instilled by G-d. This is how a sorry version of far right arose in Romania back then.
I must be an idiot too then, my own values are instilled by my Christian faith.
Go fuck yourself please.
Also another thing.
The biggest problem is how they passed the law.
See, normally, the government proposes new laws, they go to the parliament and a vote is made after the opinion of carious justice institutions is given about said law.
Also another thing, when there's a government meeting they have to release to the public a list of what will be discussed that day at the meeting. They have the right to add emergency topics on a list that doesn't have to be released to the public.
Now, thing is that the commies have the majority, they could pass any law they want without problem.
But what they did was break the rules of government meetings. They never added those two laws on any of those lists, they passed the laws during the night hoping no one would notice, and they passed them as executive orders which means they will instantly become law and bypass the parliament and the judging of the institutions that have to give their opinion about the law. Why? because the following day the party president, Liviu Dragnea, was supposed to receive a sentence regarding to a crime that they just modified.
You can't think of a set of values by yourself and thus you needed the biggest one of the biggest herd controlling religions to guide you.
Lol at gipsies thinking anyone care about their shitskin country
>Tatar minority
islam is the religion of peace
I believe a society or nation must share a common set of moral values, and these values are not to be imposed by the government.
Christianity is pretty good and has been molded during history to fit our European minds. I believe in it.
We are all linked, bad luck but we are in the EU.
If Romania fall, they can became a new route for muslims to conquest Europa.
>Christianity is pretty good and has been molded during history to fit our European minds. I believe in it.
Fuck the current Pope. We had others bad Popes in history, but we survived.
I hate this faggot, but he will eventually die, and a better one will replace him.
the future looks bright :)
>hate this faggot, but he will eventually die, and a better one will replace him.
I hope man.
I might be a fedora tipper, but even I'm disgusted about how he's shitting on Catholicism.