America needs to send Trump to Australia to get his ass kicked by a giant boot.
Insulting Australia is a bootable offence.
Fair outcome?
America needs to send Trump to Australia to get his ass kicked by a giant boot.
Insulting Australia is a bootable offence.
Fair outcome?
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he didnt insult us, and if insulting Australia is a bootable offence then Turnbull deserves the boot more than anyone
He insulted your wuss of a prime minister
quit being babies. It's true you know
Why you people voted Tony Abbott out is a mystery to me.
If you really wanted Tony to go that badly you could have at least put in a worthy replacement like this patriot.
Hanging up on an ally is respectful.
we didnt vote tony out, we didnt have a choice, its his party that kicked him out
and memes aside tony was shit anyway, he only did a couple good things
Turncuck deserves to be insulted
My bad. I forget your country elects your PM the British way.
Well, I would rather have Tony in power than this sissy. The man looks like he can barely pick up a pencil
No he doesn't, he is a good bloke.
bwahahaha. Boot the most powerful person on the planet. Yeah, good luck with that
Tone Abet was better than Malcuck.
Australia's future is alliance with China, not the US.
I would have called the, chazzwuzzas!
at least it's not a wingtip.
welcome to the club australia.
Mexico-Chinese-Australian comercial agreement..
STAY mad ozcucks
>defending malcucked turnshill
We had based Tony as our prime and we kicked him out, why?
Sounds good to me.
>defending Prepbull
Get a load of this cuck.
Worst. Deal. Ever.
not sure if you know how westminster system works, lad.
>He insulted your wuss of a prime minister
FUCK turnbul i fucking hate him
yeah and you know who was actually better than both of them? Gillard
your time is near stupid yank.
Disparaging the boot is a bootable offence, it is one of our proudest traditions.
Trump is being very disrespectful to your people as well.
Lads, at the end of the day, THEY ARE TAKING OUR REFOS, even with Trump as the President, we are just too good at deporting cunts, they cant stop us.
The bonus is Malcolm Turnstien looks like a dickhead too kek.
He called me rapist and bad hombre, We never forget.
yeah he practically called you mexican
its not only him, all Australia.
Malcolm prepthebull has had things far too easy for far too long.
These career politicians we have got are SOFT.
They're fucking velvet inside
They gotta go
Are you being mean to us as well?
This. Fuck Turnbull. He, the LNP and the Labor party have fucked our country for too long. The fact that the only news out of this story as well is Trump insulting and hanging up on him proves how much of a spineless coward he is.
We are not that bad. We dont invented the atomic bomb nor killed innocent muzzies yesterday in Yemen.
>not prepbull
I expected better bantz from you, Australia.
Why not?
Lack of work ethic?
He humillated all Australia with that phone call. Trump is an idiot that has no honor.
Yeah "Based" Tony was a really strong leader.
He needs to play a game of knifey-spoony with Turnbull and they'll be best buds again
Because the bible said once love each other and dont kill native americans for the greed like Americans did to them.
Go have a fucking bath you rancid hippy
whats wrong with this?
Trump insults Australia while having no idea that Australia has stood by the US like no other ally, marched into battle with you where no other ally would go, including Vietnam, something Donald Trump would have known if he had served in Vietnam and heard those men beside him with those Australian accents, men who saved the lives of American troops