This is the bitch that organized the Berkley riots! Spread her shame!
Yvette Felarca the brains behind the Berkley riots
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she's pure fucking evil
what a ruthless cunt
Is there a way to get her dox?
I try not to hate people, but that lady is evil
The group she's part of is basically a cult
Woah, an Asian is a socialist/communist leader?
I'm shocked. Shocked.
Lol what a crybaby chink
Pretty sure she's a bean person
Wtf is up with her neck she has the same thing as the Are you kidding me cuck.
She's a Flip
She is the organizer of the Sacramento Antifa 300 that attacked our 30 lads. They got 9 serious injuries while right wingers only one.
>now we rise, now we rise
>the reds they want a war but not when they're cut down the sides
How much you wanna bet her boyfriend is white?
David Horowitz is a holocaust denier?
You know if all the sexually frustrated bitches like her got together with all the sexually frustrated losers from Sup Forums, everything would be fine.
But instead the rest of us have to live with you angry virgins.
Let's teach her a lesson by doxxing her!
BAMN is creepy as fuck, why are they even putting up with these people?
That flip bitch got her brain flipped.
I won't bet on a definite.
She's antifa because she's compensating for her lack of attraction to her own race. By bringing down the "white man" she's battling her own demons aka her addiction to white cock.
There's no way this bitch dates flips.
True facts
This bitch is a fucking sociopath
>implying that braindead SJW gook could be behind anything
stupid goyim
She runs or is part of a terrorist group called BAMN "By Any Means Neccesary".
She took part in the 'battle of Sacramento', and is seen assaulting a man on video in front of police, who refuse to protect the man.
She was charged with this and fired from her job of teaching children (yes they let radicals interact with young minds) but used her 'organization' to literally threaten the school heads and they re-hired her.
>cut down the sides
>the sides
Soros is still probably involved.
god I want to give her my BWC
where do you lads think she lets loose? I live next to berkeley I want to try and fuck her
what does it say about white nationalists?
If you hate it so much, either toftm, or stfu nigger.
>a chinawoman
pick one
That they love themselves, and want to spread BWC.
Don't. It won't work and they'll just use it to prove they're victimized. i suspect she wrote the threats that were sent to the school where she teaches kids too.
People tried getting her fired but the school wouldn't to avoid troubles with the Teacher's Union. Education needs to be purged, especially down there in Commieland.
Calm down, Mr. Monkey. We're not fucking niggers, we're better than ooga booga muh dickings. Jesus Christ, people like you are no better than the savages we're fighting. The world needs to be bathed in blood before we can ever be purified from the disgusting likes of you.
I thought being a commie was illegal how the hell did it get so bad
>hey you guys, asians are on our side, they would never try anything against us, they are our allies
top kek
She doesn't look like any of those Black Rock people. They were all male.
I wouldn't mind cooking that rice ;)
I can try if you know what state she lives in
you can't let him keep getting away with it
Didn't we get this antifa cunt fired awhile ago? Wtf is she still doing there
It's against the rules to dox would just give Hiroshimoot an excuse to delete this board. So if anybody does find her address, don't post it here. Don't post in a pastebin, on twitter, or in a YouTube video, and whatever you do, don't post a link here.
Seriously, lads. Don't dew it.
>f-fake news, right?
Are you telling me that a fucking chink bitch is the leader of the libtards and the brain behind campus riots and violence? hahahaha Only in murica.
you don't know how much he's involved
>Trump is going to pull funding to Soros affiliated educational facilities
>Liberals will lose their shit to defend a Nazi enabling Jew killer like Soros
>inb4 reddit
I'm drunka nd this is the firs tlink I could find. Fuck off.
That's fucked up
Also she's responsible for that fight that broke out in which a bunch of antifa cucks got stabbed fyi
can wife pls?
Japan needs more like her!
Post on Sup Forums
It is. BAMN is a legit defooing cult.
>the holocaust denier David Horowitz
Wow really activated my almonds
I thought it was a reference to the stabby stabby. My bad burgerbro
she's accusing the other people of exactly what they do and are doing
It's a fucking cult
jesus christ how is this allowed
HOLOCAUST THE CHINESE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm not surprised, apparently flips have some weird propensity for joining cults.
I went to a wedding at a filipino "Iglesia ni Cristo" church (which is basically a cult) and it was pretty creepy
We need to find a way to stop her.
Since doxxing won't work, what other suggestions you guys have?
And is she still free on the streets? Fuck.
Predator organization, why am I not surprised.
hang her from the tree senpai
Force her into a debate free of rioting goons, where her arguments have to stand up to reality.
Barring that, send niggers.
white nationalists and asian nationalists stick to their own kind unlike miscegenating communists.
Liberals saved this criminal's job and then she organizes assaults on UC Berkeley students and vandalism on several business. This is why insane liberals are. This bitch says exactly what she is going to do and then just ignore it.
>teachers openly trafficking children to be political agitators
how is this even legal
You should read their Wikipedia page. They were considered by the Obama DoJ to be a "low-level" terrorist organization.
Maybe making complains in the school she teach until she got fired again. I'm quite sure the school wouldn't handle those complains if they get a lot of them
>Yvette Felarca
>Yvette Fellarca
>Yvette Fellarga
>Yvette Fellahga
She was also behind the TradCon/SJW fight in Sacramento
>those glasses
every fucking time
whats with feminists and those ugly glasses?
If even the Obongo admin is calling them a terrorist organization then you know they're really one
Iglesia ni Cristo is the Philippine equivalent to Jehovah's Witnesses. The rest of the country doesn't like them, but they have such a huge base that they literally sway elections.
This is pure fucking evil. These people have to go.
No mercy
send niggers anyway
Quick Run down
>Some actions by BAMN, such as protests, were classified to be "low-level terrorism" in a Department of Defense exam in 2009
>In 2005, the American Civil Liberties Union reported that in 2002 the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) identified BAMN as "thought to be involved in terrorist activities." The FBI acknowledged in the report that the Michigan State Police had information that BAMN has been peaceful in the past. According to the FBI, the group's protests were discussed in a meeting about alleged links to terrorist organizations. In response to the monitoring of BAMN and other non-violent groups, the Executive Director of Michigan's ACLU Kary Moss said that the FBI "posed a 'threat to legitimate dissent.'"
>In 2016, BAMN organized a counter-protest against a rally held by the Traditionalist Workers Party, a white nationalist group, outside of the California State Capitol in Sacramento. Violence at the protests resulted in ten people being hospitalized with stab wounds. According to police, the violence was initiated by BAMN members
These people are literally insane
wasn't that the same antifa cunt that attacked that nationalist guy
she deserves a fate worse than death
>9/11 was a false flag
>Sandy Hook was a false flag
>Boston Marathon Bombing was a false flag
But a number of thugs dressed head to toe in black crash a lame college march full of normally dressed young people at a university known for peaceful protests, proceede to smash windows, tip over generators, light shit on fire and assault bystanders is obviously 100% true and not even possibly caused by outsiders trying to manipulate public opinion.
it's apelike tribalism
>Yvette Felarca the brains behind the Berkley riots.
Smash the Yellow Peril
>Yvette Felarca
What the fuck is that name? I can't come to my mind whether this bitch is a chink or gook.
Leftists have literally been doing this shit for decades wake the fuck up.
She probably lives in Cali since that's where she seems to always be at riots
you dumb faggot
this thread has plenty of information on BAMN who was there, and who have been known to be violent in the past (sac)...big fucking surprise they're hard-leftist huh?
Not to mention Bay Area Socialist Alternative?
Did it ever occur to you these people might attend the UC or have affiliations with the faculty? and though not overtly invited they were there at the forefront? Then were allowed to riot unchallenged for 2 hours? Yeah I am sure that far left city government totally false flagged themselves bro!
We're trying to apprehend criminals. Totally different from targeted harassment.
This woman trying to abduct people in shit. Should we do a Petition to get Trump to shut down BAMN(just hearing of this garbage now)?
>whites are compromised
>asians are compromised
No excuses left Sup Forums
I think its like an allows them to recognize another member of the cult...
Works two ways though, as we normies recognize them as the sjw's they are...
This poor excuse of a human should be purged with the rest of those brainwashed hacks.
Iglesia ni Cristo is way weirder than Jehovah's Witnesses in my experience
>tfw have to move to Commiefornia in March
Is there anywhere in that shithole state that's safe?
It's almost always a woman lol
Berkley actually kicked her out of being a professor and she's been trying to get her job back:
>>Sandy Hook was a false flag
>>Boston Marathon Bombing was a false flag
no one believes this, even on Sup Forums. the ONLY people who buy into that shit are legitimate mental retards and disinfo agents that push it in order to destroy the credibility of a forum or image board in Sup Forums's case
>9/11 was a false flag
it was orchestrated by mossad so not a false flag. it was an act of war by israel and saudi arabia
It isn't. We need to shut this shit down somehow.
>luckily they were all pretty slightly built women so i managed to push them off me
At least some of those faggots got stabbed by Skinheads. Shame they didn't kill any.
.I know a little about "BAMN"I went to a local high school in Oakland. I will not say which.However, a member from BAMN, a short, latino lady with small glasses, frequently came into a few humanities and English classes to try to get us involved with their group.This was some years ago, so I assume "BAMN" is still active now.
I also saw an Antifa logo spraypainted near the 580 and 24 highways. This was all back in 2013-2014.I'll post more pictures cause they're on my phone.
She's a middle school teacher for Berkeley Unified School District.
>literal communist terrorists are teaching our children in public schools
Holy shit could she be linked to the Trafficking arrests?
Dunno but I think your Burgerlanders have some governal organisations/institutions you should be able to report such shit to?
Fucking Maoist Red Guard
>Force all people who don't think like I do into struggle sessions we have seen your Chink tricks before. Fuck off
Sorry bud.
The damage control isn't going to work.