Wet Wipes Conspiracy

A friend of mine once made fun of me for using ordinary toilet paper. He said: "Are you a monkey? The only people I can think of that would be fine with wiping shit off of their body parts with dry paper are monkeys!"

If you think about it, he's right. I never went back, my asshole is fresher, cleaner and I've not suffered any issues with my rectum ever since!

But apparently there is a concerted effort by water companies, MSM and the government to reduce the usage of wet wipes.

Wtf? Apparently they clog sewages, but.. that doesn't make any sense as these wipes are subject to regulation and need to meet certain criteria to be allowed to be sold as 'flushable' wet wipes.

Whats going on?

Other urls found in this thread:


>thousands of cases of rapes by refugees
>freedoms taken away day by day
>cares more about wet wipes than his future

>things that never happened
Fuck off with your slide threads

Why would water companies care hans?
If anyone - the paper companies are to be concerned

>not knowing the amount of water required to make paper.

OP here: I did a little bit of research. The water companies care because they have suffer additional costs to remove blockages.

The paper companies dont care, because they know their products are flushable.

The problem seems to be that they cant sue the wet paper companies so instead they are spreading fake news convincing liberals to stay away from wet wipes!

ya but you can't flush them down the toilet they're usually say on the package to not flush down toilet.

>wiping your ass in front of friends
Only in Germany

