Hearing a rumor that Trump's next EO may cause some next level chimpouts in the next couple days. As a white male in a major city full of welfare check recipients, what do I do to prepare with such short notice?
Next 24 to 48 hours? Help me prepare, Sup Forums
order a bunch of chinese food and ride it out with some anime and weed.
Been working for me past 6 years.
move away from there, loser
That combination is usually a perfect Friday night for me too.
However tomorrow the delivery guy may have some trouble getting to my house while all the dindus run around burning shit.
this is a shill thread, so much copypasta
Then get frozen pizzas instead. Holy hell how have you even made it this long??
My survival instincts have atrophied from easy access to modern conveniences. Just like everyone else, I usually only keep about 2-3 weeks of consumables in the house. I've got a day to prep, what would you buy?
Been on this board quite a bit over the last month. Even I haven't seen this pasta. You know why? Because it's hand-written. In real-time. By me. Fucking stupid faggot.
stop sitting in front of your computer bragging about how "u-us conservatives gonn get dem libruls if they try to hit us a SEVENTEENTH time, we got duh guns and t-testosterone....."
fucking cowards
protect yourself and your community or hide and wait to die
>t. japanese man living safely in his 100% culturally and demographically homogenous country free of of marxism
Exactly. We took care of our socialists. You're letting them walk all over you. You're letting the media rewrite the narrative. You're letting their violence get normalized as justifiable resistance against "evil". You're letting them get practice in terror and anarchy and assault. You're letting them get as emboldened as possible, and letting them realize there are NO negative consequences to their actions. You're writing your own last chapter.
Not actually that conservative. But the welfare state isn't going to pause and ask me what my political beliefs are before they loot my house during a riot. I just want to defend my house, family, and my accumulated material wealth. Not looking to crack skulls.
>Hearing a rumor
From where and what is the EO? If you don't give any details you're a LARPing faggot.
I've seen it before. You're dad's high level military. kike.
This is fucking hilarious. "We" are supposed to be policing some kind of "them", somehow? This kind of blanketed, bullshit rhetoric is completely useless as any kind of social philosophy. Are you preaching a police state?
If you're using Japan as a "how-to" for ANYTHING in this point in history, that's just fucking laughable. You're in the middle of a "lost 20 years" in economic, social, and population growth. You're the "after" picture of a broken model.
Didn't we have to nuke you twice to get you to settle down and behave?
When the time comes to finally fight, they're going to be a lot better at violence than you. You should be spending this time practicing running, since that seems to be the only strategy you use to protect yourself from these mobs.
>waah i can't formulate a coherent argument, m-muh nukes
Fixation on the bombs is another emblematic symptom of the white guilt that keeps your culture weak and passive.
>mfw live in a cucked state but sometimes carry totally illegally
>mfw OP's post might potentially be my state
Don't LARP OP. Post deets and GTFO
Killmington Delaware reporting in. Huddle up, set up defenses and traps and keep your gun close.
Fair enough. Seen here, and a few other places that immigrant welfare benefits may be on the chopping block. Like, before the week is over.
Ok, lol, maybe I got taken in by some OTHER pasta. Cucked as fuck then.
Cucked state for sure. LA has a lot of Mexicans on welfare. Hence my concern if such an EO happens.
Violence is not a survival mechanism. The third world is ample evidence of that.
>"If we defeat our enemies we lose"
>"No, don't stop this antifa from sliding a knife into my ribs, that'll just be giving him the reaction he wants"
Yeah, I'm not preaching pacifism. I'm just pointing out that violence =/= survivalist ability. Methinks your english is lacking, or all you have is typical fascist talking points. Either way, gtfo.
Nice dubblets breh.
I'm in NJ. A major cucked state. Thankfully former 0311 with a piece by my side all the time. Don't give a fuck. I can't risk it.
I am embracing G.E.'s god damn EO. MAKE IT HAPPEN.
Fucking school these protesting faggots with real pain.