What are 'they' putting in our water that's causing this? I'm 21. There is no incidence in human history of men my age balding before we all started drinking the same water.
What are 'they' putting in our water that's causing this? I'm 21...
same shit happened to me at that age
tfw been drinking only bottled water since age 7
it's your hormones and genetics
manlet is mad he's balding.
It's not the water, it's too much dairy in our diets.
It's what happens when you no fap.
have you tried Rogaine for Manlets?
You have shit genetics you faggot LOL
Men tend to bald as they age. Look at all the 60 plus guys in your neighborhood. How many of them have full heads of hair?
Shave that shit off you low test faggot and accept that you're early. Or you could buy a toupee.
>tfw in your mid thirties and still rocking a full head of hair while beta manlets are balding in their early twenties
It´s the genes.
Nah I don't eat dairy and only survive on chicken and fish and bottled water and it happened to me at 27 though slowly
It's all genes
The mark of the white gene makes you a bald cuck there's no way around it.
just shave it
you are on the road to ruin and it really doesn't matter but it will fuck with your head
shave it, go to the gym. the fact you're posting this bullshit is evidence that you are agonizing over it. don't.
Don't worry user. You're probably just high test as fuck.
Testosterone and genetics.
Whites are evolving into skinheads
>There is no incidence in human history of men my age balding before we all started drinking the same water.
There's tons of them, they're not drawn or shown often because nobody cares about ugly people. Look up WW1 images, lots of them so you don't only see the popular ones. 1/5 of the dudes have early balding.
Trump started balding and he got implants. Make your scalp great again.
>here is no incidence in human history of men my age balding before we all started drinking the same water
Yes, please show my the recorded rates of balding for the past thousand years.
I'm 25 and still have all my hair. If I start balding before I hit 35 I'll just shave my head and go shiny bald. All or nothing.
I'm 31 and my hairline is rock solid and I drink nothing but tap water. Sorry.
Either get a hair transplant or shave it. You genuinely just have bad genetics. Why on earth would they put shit that makes you lose hair in water? If they do, why does Alex Jones have a receding hairline?
hehehe thats funny steve!
If you were a decent human I would tell you to reverse this and keep your hair. Been there, done that.
But you are an Anglo, so... just fucking bald already!
Not true at all, that if anything would have a protectice effect with all the oestrogen. I dont even have dairy but its not the root of all evil.
Dairy, soy and pesticides that mimic oestrogen. Your body produces more testosterone to compensate (to a point) which makes balding happen faster.
That said, it only makes it faster, if you get pattern baldness its in your genes.
it's the slav genes. i'm so polish i started balding at the age of 18.
Why don't you stop being a pussy and shave your head? Pic is me and i've been shaving my head for two years now and don't regret it
I went through a period of extremely high stress which receded my hairline but now that I'm chilling it stopped. Stop being so stressed. Relax.
Been balding since 19, I just shave my head. Embrace it and stop caring so much about appearances you sissy faggot.
I have the same issue since I was 17, it never got any worse.
Its happened thoughout history, you just had shit genetic luck, too much DHT. Try finasteride if you care but check the side effects.
that's what happens to mixed race people
the purer the race the healthier the hair.
real germanics and native north americans are naturally immune to balding till they have foreign admixture
I'm suffering with the same. 25 and my hairline is so receded I have to shave it all.
>the dairy meme
Just because you have genetically altered shit in the US doesn´t that make dairy bad.
I´m drinking lots of milk, eat lots of Joghurt etc. still rocking full head of hair in mid thirties and high test as fuck.
Losing your hair comes from high testosterone not low. That's why women don't lose their hair.
wear a hat or get cancer
I don't know what's in the water but IT'S TURNING THE FRICKING FROGS GAY.
you should be worried about what (((they))) can't or won't take out of your water
like people's medication and drugs
this is what happens
>people take various meds
>people urinate the meds into the toilet
>that water gets recycled and "purified"
>they can't remove the medication from the water but it passes the "safe" levels for consumption
>people are drinking water filled with anti depressants, hormone therapy and hundreds of other medications still in the water
I can't find the links to the exact studies done on municipal water treatment, but trust me, it's real
Shit genetics. I'm going to assume you're a manlet too.
>blaming society
>tfw your dad is in his 70's and he has a full fucking head of hair
>tfw your mother's side grandfather was bald
fuck this shit
High low, it happens to us all eventually. OP is an insecure faggot regardless and should just shave it off completely.
pick 1 op
Plebs. I'm 19 and balding, at least I get a decent beard.
You'd be cute with hair.
Your body doesn't produce more testosterone in response to oestrogen. Thats not a physiological pathway.
>get mothers side granddads receeding hairline
>fathers side glorious full and thick well into old age
>drinking tap water
>doesn't understand the fact that he got shit genes from one of his parents
>B-but it has to be the water supply
looks like a couple forming
Probably stress, young people now have a lot more of it than young people decades ago.
Since you don't have hair, do you just wash the top of your head with regular soap instead of shampoo?
Blacks and Asians go bald too. In fact now that I think about it I have never seen a bald spic. Are we all getting PACO'D? Is the brown menace causing baldness??
Whad dhe fugg???? how?
When did you even start balding?
DDT - synthetic pesticide
DDE - breakdown from DDT
Kelthane (Dicofol) - miticide
Heptachlor - insecticide
Kepone (Chlordecone) - insecticide
Methoxychlor - insecticide
Toxaphene - insecticide
Endosufan - acaricide, insecticide
Dieldrin - insecticide
Phenylphenol (Dowicide, Torsite, Fungal, Preventol, Nipacide...) - preservative, biocide
Butylated Hydroxyanisole [E320] - antioxidant, preservative
Diethylstilbestrol - synthetic oestrogen, endocrine distruptor
Polychlorinated Biphenyl - coolant
Bisphenol A - plastics, epoxy resins
Nonylphenol (Alkylphenols) - antioxidants, oil additives, detergents, emulsifiers, and solubilizers
Phthalates (Butyl Benzyl Phthalate) - plasticizer
You're low-t. I have a full head of thick, luxurious hair on my head and I'm 25. My rippling muscles are also covered with hair, especially my pecs, abs, and glutes. I don't trim, either. It's like matted fur when my nude body emerges from the shower every morning.
Same here. Came as a complete shock to me, asked my parents and mom's dad lost all his hair and teeth by 30. I'm doomed.
He's one of the guys who can pull off the bald look desu
Well, keep telling yourself that while seeing that geroge costanza looking fellow everything you gaze into a mirror. It's just my high testosterone jerry, I swear.
This user tells the truth. You will literally get cancer on your head.
>implying user could be as based as rogan
Strangely enough I still use shampoo. Probably out of lifelong habit
Here ya go friend.
I guess I'm lucky. Everyone in my family has a full head of hair, even into their 50s. Even my 80 year old grandfather still has thick, blonde hair, with only a bit of grey on the sides.
I live in an area that gets water from reservoirs, and I'm balding in my early 20's like OP's pic.
They pump plenty of fluoride into the water here though
One of my good friends went completely bald (on top) before he graduated from high school.
You look like a massive faggot kek.
baldness is inflammation PERIOD.......DHT is a catalyst for the inflammation, but ultimately its inflammation that kills the hair follicle.........I blend a whole head of garlic at night and strain the juice , and put it all on my head every night.....stops baldness dead.....yes it stings like a bitch
Asians don't bald as much. If blacks do they likely have 10-20% white in them that fucked them up
This is where the balding cancer originated.
Make sure you shave it off when it gets bad enough. Too many people hold onto their last few strands of hair and turn into faggots.
Testosterone leads to balding when its high and converts to DHT, so you're exactly wrong.
It's your diet and lifestyle combined with genetics and possibly poor hygiene are responsible. Being in good shape promotes healthy blood flow and circulation which helps prevent hair follicles from going dormant or dormant hair follicles from dying, it's also why you're supposed to massage your scalp when you wash your hair.
The connection to healthy blood flow is why there is a corrolation between hair loss and heart disease.
>tfw high hairline and everyone thinks you've been balding for two decades
why don't you just do a low buzz?!
that's what I go with, I shaved once and I was too fucking scary.
That makes no sense whatsoever. The myth is that too MUCH testosterone causes balding; hence why women very rarely experience it.
In reality, it's just genetics. Humans evolved to be relatively hairless as it is, bald people just take it a bit further.
u sexy
I knew a guy like that. He had armpit hair in 4th grade too, I remember everybody freaking out about it.
>living in the city
Actually german tap water depending on where you live is better than bottled water. At least better than drinking from plastic bottles, which will make you go balled because of the hormones the plastic releases. Make you impotent too.
Top kek
Probably because a lot of us are stressed out all the time.
Liberals and everyone else bitching all the time, trying to get our lives together, jobs, student loans and shit like that.
Life isn't as good as it just to be.
And then genetics is part of it too
dam another contender
u guys gonna hook up or what
>Been there, done that.
What did you use?
>dirnking any water but spring water
>driking your local ((certified no drugs, or checmicals)) local water.
It's almost like you don't want beautiful white children?
bad genes. get over it, at least you're not a manlet right? Balding is like -10 manhood but being a manlet is -100 manhood which gets worse with each desperate act done to compensate for it.
It is great fun to laugh at their impotent rage.
This thread makes me realize that I'm overdue for a haircut. My head is shaggy as hell from going months without a proper cut because of work and school distractions.
t. in denial
Absolute nonsense. Your male pattern baldness is completely normal, at least among white males. From 10 to 20 percent of males will have that amount if hair at your age. Wtf OP? How did you come to that conclusion?
If course, if you compare yourself with Asians, who usually have thicker hair and get bald later in life, you'll think of yourself as balder than normal.
I had the same amount of hair when I was your age, now I'm 34 and I have almost the same, maybe slightly less. There are periods in your life when baldness increases and then decreases, depending on the fluctuating levels of testosterone and dht in your body.
how bad is it?
If you have the David Beckham / Rafael Nadal / Trump style of thinning where the hairline doesn't get affected, just sprinkle that hair in a can powder over the thin parts of your scalp and you're solid
dude just embrace it. My dad has no eye brows. Just deal or squeal
Balding or not, the majority of you cucks are still either fat pigs or weak skeles. Get a gym membership and get in shape, you fucking idiots.
I'm native and German. What do.
lol you will be bald like old man in your 30s..
Sup Forums's idols are manlets. Hitler and Putin.
Stress can cause balding
Not being a manlet at least makes you look somewhat threatening if you got a thuggish face.
The annoying part is women and kids are afraid of you when it starts getting dark