What's wrong with this Sup Forums?
What's wrong with this Sup Forums?
ask the antifa rioters who were protesting the gay jewish guy speaking on their campus the other day
They're actually swedish girls.
No one should be intimate before age 14 minimum. No adults should be promoting that behavior. No child should go as long without the belt as those children most likely did.
kys nambla degenerate
hi fbi
Why does it matter what you think they should do? It happens regardless
Probably created by a pedo so he can slippery slope his way into being accepted by society
I understand I might be being trolled, but what the hell. Let's do this.
Many paedophiles do not understand what it means to be a compassionate, worrying parent and a protector of others. They may never know how it feels to raise a child, to love it, to fear that child being taken away from them unjustly. They do not know the discipline and control needed to educate that child, to teach them right from wrong, to instill a sense of morals and ethics. They will not know the joys of something as simple as a smile, or an A+ on their child's report card, or their child proudly displaying their first car.
Thus, many paedophiles cannot be reasoned with. They know only their selfish, sexual gratification. Instead, revel in the knowledge that what you're reading, is the truth.
To any person who defends paedophilia, I respect your right to free-speech and the right to argue what you believe are "merits" of said-practice on a forum board.
Know this, however. Were I to meet you on the street and it was conclusive that you were a paedophile who had offended in some manner, shape or form, I would shoot you. I would shoot 50 of you. It's just a fact. I harbour no hatred toward you, just the knowledge that your demise would help create a safer society for our children to explore their innocence and sexuality among themselves.
Know that I am far from a "crazed, lone wacko" in this opinion. Multitudes of rational people would do exactly the same. Live in fear, or seek help. Adapt or perish. Your choice.
Thats not very progressive or tolerant of you.
The vast majority of child molestation is done within families, so I think your argument is irrational.
>Thus, many paedophiles cannot be reasoned with. They know only their selfish, sexual gratification.
Many paedophiles don't do anything.
>Know this, however. Were I to meet you on the street and it was conclusive that you were a paedophile who had offended in some manner, shape or form, I would shoot you.
>I'm going to kill you for having sex with someone
>fuck your tolerance
You just don't understand the joys of being inside a child's anus. Try it sometime, it'll change your mind.
>no matter what age
subtle push for pedophilia.
shut the fuck up carlos.
Kids don't know wtf they are, they learn from experience. There's nothing natural about faggots
So they can't experience liking kissing other boys? There's plenty natural about fags.
My dick isn't in-between them.
Can this 'love is love' meme stop already. Homosexuality is a mental illness. Stop trying to spread your degeneracy.
>What's wrong with this
It should read, "No matter WHICH age, no matter WHICH gender, love is love."
Someone hired fucking barbarians to write their propaganda copy. Disgraceful.
Homosexuality or anything else other than heterosexuality should NOT be encouraged. You can do whatever you want after you're an adult but it makes me angry as fuck to push this gay agenda onto fucking CHILDREN. When I was a kid I thought I was Link from TLoZ, like any kid I was stupid and shit like that should not be taken literally. Of course far left liberals have NO idea how to not take shit literally and if their son ever slightly hints that he thinks he is a girl, their parents will be THRILLED and probably buy shit-ton of girl clothes and toys since it will make them feel good about their delusional beliefs and will probably get them an article on some shitty cucked news website. "This Boy Identifies As A Girl And His Parents Totally Support It!"
Hell there's a video somewhere where it shows some whateverthefucktheyidentifywith "queer" couple and what appears to be the "mother" openly admits she wants his son to be "queer" like them. I used to consider myself a liberal until this shit along with the inminent normalization of pedophillia and probably zoophillia too is what made me become so right-leaning. It's disturbing that these people are even allowed to have children and raise them in a "totally normal family enviroment": The worst thing is that they argue that kids come out "okay" from that shit. Yeah, imagine that alien in pic related being your "mom" and tell me if that's acceptable for a child.
so many things, just a short step to pedophilia
Why can't kids do what they want? Why should heterosexuality be encouraged in this case, won't that make kids do the same thing, only with the opposite gender? Why care about either? The kids kissed without the propaganda, it was just added after the fact.
Kids are gonna experiment whether you like it or not, and there's nothing wrong with pedophilia if its a loving relationship.
Parenting nowadays is all about attention whoring, user.
Children are paying for
> The sins of the fathers
and this time it's not just theory
im pretty sure, when you are 8 it isnt love its playing doctor.
The fact that they are underage faggots kiddo
Both should be arrested for pedophilia.
> and there's nothing wrong with pedophilia if its a loving relationship.
Not sure if troll or stupid. I hope you're not calling 2 kids kissing as 'pedophilia', kek.
That appears to excuse pedophilia.
>Know this, however. Were I to meet you on the street and it was conclusive that you were a paedophile who had offended in some manner, shape or form, I would shoot you. I would shoot 50 of you. It's just a fact. I harbour no hatred toward you, just the knowledge that your demise would help create a safer society for our children to explore their innocence and sexuality among themselves.
Hats off to you australianbro
young kids don't have romantic feelings, either these kids are imitating something on tv or some sick adult told them to do it.
No, did I? I was responding to him saying pedophilia is bad.
It's gay.
but what if you're playing Dr.Love?
Heterosexuality should be encouraged because homos in no way, shape, or form benefits society. Hey you wanna tickle someone's pickle in the privacy of your home. Go ahead. Pedophilia creates predatory like behavior. You wanna watch grown ass adults just snatching up kids or watching random adults striking conversations with your children to 'get to know them better'. Or are you talking about guiding your child into a relationship with an adult. What would you get out of guiding your child into a relationship with an adult. Money? You're going to sell your child for money or to get your own jimmies off?
>Why can't kids do what they want?
because they're barely responsible enough to do their homework and eat their vegetables.
Pedophilia obviously is bad. And you can't be advocating in favor of
> letting kids do what they want
and at the same time support an adult imposing his sexual deviancy on them you shitposting lunatic.
I'm sorry but you're trying to have it all at once and you're contradicting yourself as a result.
>Why can't kids do what they want?
>Heterosexuality should be encouraged because homos in no way, shape, or form benefits society.
So Plato, Socrates, Hadrian, Alexander the Great, Turing, etc didn't benefit society?
>Hey you wanna tickle someone's pickle in the privacy of your home.
You should let kids do what they want in the privacy of their homes too.
>Pedophilia creates predatory like behavior.
Silly assumption.
They have sex whether you like it or not, the best thing would be to teach them the safe way and what consent is.
Make an argument nerd.
This. I hope they get raped in prison.
Well aimed violence is very good at cutting down on it.
>Pedophilia creates predatory like behavior.
>Silly assumption.
Do non-pedophiles regularly sexually assault kids? Or would you say pedos are more likely to than non-pedos?
Haha your examples are horrible. Myths and fake news at best nurtured by hollywood and I know Greek and ancient Greek
read this, if you can
As for pedophilia, it's the DEFINITION of predatory behavior yet you think it's an assumption that it creates it? Kek, clueless shitposter confirmed.
Ok, here's an argument.
Kids don't even know how to wipe their own assholes alone and you want to teach them about "you can tickle your friend pickle if you want user"?, I think we should encourage heterosexuality
Accepting it makes it happen more you dumb fuck.
>no matter what age
The problem is that the clamps aren't attached.
>So Plato, Socrates, Hadrian, Alexander the Great, Turing, etc didn't benefit society?
So they benefit their society because they were faggs cuck?
faggots faggots faggots nothing but
god damn faggots. the same shit like these FUCKH8 beaner shotas. where the FUCK is the loli version?!
I think I have read this before. Still a great message. Godspeed strayanon.
>children to explore their innocence and sexuality among themselves
Thank you for being the only person I've ever heard raise this point.
How the fuck does pedophilia even work? Do 11 year old boys compete with 35 year old men for 11 year old girlfriends? We live in a nightmare society where the vic-perp-vic-perp cycle becomes the standardized way of exploring sexuality?
How does a pedo-positive parent screen their child's sexual partners?
The premise of child fucking is fundamentally broken.
>and at the same time support an adult imposing his sexual deviancy on them you shitposting lunatic.
And where did I say that? If they want to have sex with an adult its their decision, and should be theirs only. Where did I contradict myself?
Are you triggered?
>Do non-pedophiles regularly sexually assault kids?
Yes, sadists and people obsessed with power molest kids.
>Or would you say pedos are more likely to than non-pedos?
Pedos are more likely to have sex with kids. Can you explain why its predatory? Are adults going to bars to pick up people and lying about their lives to fuck women and then putting it down as another notch not predatory? If anything, pedophiles are more likely to be careful, considering all the possible negatives.
How is it the definition of predatory behavior? Those examples are all nominal.
I like this, good job aussie.
How did them being homosexuals benefit society? They couldn't reproduce to pass on their brains.
>le ancient people were fags
love this meme
I remember thinking the slippery slope argument was silly as a young man. Old man Stewart had filled my head with wicked tales!
looks like we found another "participant" to become apart of our happy funtime federal goodboy points list. I would say there is an 80% chance you are just a pathetic troll but we can't risk it with this kind behavior.
Stop being a moron.
They're going to "tickle their friends pickle" if they want to regardless of your morality. This is a very common thing.
Its based on the preponderance of historical evidence, is everything you disagree with a meme because you dislike it?
Yes. If you teach children to tickle each others pickles, they're become pros by the time they're an adult. What's wrong with that?
> If they want to have sex with an adult its their decision, and should be theirs only.
> Those examples are all nominal.
Way too much baiting. On to the next bread for me.
It's clearly forced by politically driven parents, fulfilling the left's criteria for rape. But like everythingbwith the left, hypocrisy can be superceded by ideology and political expediency.
Try making an actual reasonable argument.
You can go back to r-eddit at any point pal.
Children don't have sex, they aren't supposed to have sex, if you are letting children have sex you are a bad parent.
Why don't you take a seat over there, anons...
Children have sex all the time. Try researching basic childhood sexuality. Even toddlers attempt penetration. It doesn't matter if you think they aren't supposed to, the world isn't your Disneyland version of reality, don't be a silly SJW.
has to be a shop. I imagine that Lmaosexual doesn't really get out of the house much.
Thats fine love is love but law is law. And soon law will be cutting out public shows of degeneracy to keep society in tact.
Homosexuality for example is a brain defect that stems from sexual perversion. So passing this defect on to other people will soon be a crime mark my words. Its a crime against nature and a crime against western society.
Not saying being homosexual would be illegal not at all. But expressing it will be.
Ok how would this world of pedophilia work? Does the adult approach the child or the child approach the adult. If the adult approaches the child you wouldn't be scared that some random stranger who's attracted to children approached your child. If he asks the kid for sex and the kid says no what's stopping him from grabbing the child. Option 2. How often does the child approach the adult for sex. I don't even know what planet you're living on.
How do you explain some of the founders of Western Civilization, such as Plato, Socrates, and Alexander for example, were fags or bisexual? Also, do you have a single shred of evidence that homosexuality is a "brain defect"? There are studies showing homosexuality is related to higher intelligence, so if we take that evidence into account, according to you reasoning, creativity and intelligence are brain defects. Maybe you should attempt to base your positions on reason and evidence instead of your own emotional politics.
you probably shouldn't be trying to sell the benefits of being a chester child molester while posting the President of the United States' underage son alongside it. just sayin'
translation: I didn't get laid in middle school and neither should you
Did you just assume their gender and nationality?
Pedophilia is a psychiatric disorder linked with lower iqs defend that.
>Yes, sadists and people obsessed with power molest kids.
Not unless they're pedophiles. Most sadists rape and torture other adults. Ones that go after kids, 99.9% of the time, have child porn stashed somewhere that investigators find.
>Pedos are more likely to have sex with kids. Can you explain why its predatory? Are adults going to bars to pick up people and lying about their lives to fuck women and then putting it down as another notch not predatory? If anything, pedophiles are more likely to be careful, considering all the possible negatives.
It's predatory because kids can't make rational decisions.
>"I wanna be a power ranger when I grow up and ride dinosaurs!"
That's great Jimmy, why don't I put it in your pooper?
In the same way that you mention "people obssessed with power" molest kids, it's the same way here; inherent power that most adults have over kids to sway them into doing something they normally would not with their peers. If Billy down the street asks JImmy to whip his pecker out, Jimmy is probably going to call him a faggot and never hang out with him again (unless Jimmy is also a faggot.)
If Jimmy has been groomed by an adult pedophile over a period of time, he's more likely to go along with the pedophiles request to show his pecker when asked.
>If anything, pedophiles are more likely to be careful, considering all the possible negatives.
Not withstanding laws, of course, it's no wonder pedos work usually in secrecy. Do you think most parents would be okay with random dudes propositioning their children, whilst in the parent's presence, even if it WERE legal?
>But childrenz should decide :^)
"Dad I want to light the dog on fire because it sounds cool lol"
"Well, you just go ahead and do what you want, Jimmy, kids should dictate what they do. Someone on the internet told me so."
Translation: I promote degeneracy everywhere I go, destroying any values that represent common decency.
Oh course that should be obvious, coming from a jew.
Why does it matter who approaches who? As long as the child has the say if it happens or not, that seems irrelevant. I need to clarify here and say I don't advocate this, or for anyone to do it, I'm more asking why its bad, meaning we should change the laws, not that they should be broken.
> the kid says no what's stopping him from grabbing the child.
That's called rape and is punishable in adult relationshops as well. Do you think current laws allow a differentiation between rape and consent for sex between generations? Don't the current laws and taboos make it easier for people to get away with raping kids and forcing them not to tell anyone?
>How often does the child approach the adult for sex.
Its different for everyone, but parameters for consent should be reached.
>I don't even know what planet you're living on.
It's called basing positions on reason.
Why not? I have first amendment rights, don't be a faggot.
nobody should be getting laid in middle school.
If you can't take on the responsibilities of being a mother/father, you shouldn't be having sex. You really think a 12yr old girl won't come away from having an abortion w/o being fucked up by it?
ugh, but this has to be b8. so, 5/8 I guess.
now don't get all mad, not everyone can get laid. some people have to fill the role of autist virgins for other people to appear more desirable.
>Stop being a moron.
Answer me faggot
>This is a very common thing.
But, is it right?,no
t. ethiopian jew nigger
Newfag, we quote posts we reply to here for convenience.
>Not unless they're pedophiles. Most sadists rape and torture other adults.
Who do you think its easier to rape and torture, adults or kids?
>It's predatory because kids can't make rational decisions.
So parenthood is predatory? You have to explain to me why sex is alone bad.
>have over kids to sway them into doing something they normally would not with their peers.
Kids regularly have sexual interaction.
>If Jimmy has been groomed by an adult pedophile over a period of time, he's more likely to go along with the pedophiles request to show his pecker when asked.
So if he likes it, its automatically bad? Being a sexual person and liking sex is immoral?
>Do you think most parents would be okay with random dudes propositioning their children, whilst in the parent's presence, even if it WERE legal?
Most sexual interaction between kids and adults is done within families.
Children don't have natural sexual thought, the only sexual thoughts they have are brought on from sexually developed people. Stop trying to force your fucked up ideologies onto kids that just want to enjoy life outside of the fucked up box you are trying to put them in.
Dear Sup Forums fascists,
This is ANTIFA.
Congratulations! You've got a reaction from us. That's what you wanted, right?
Well, I've decided that I don't like people like you. You've messed with the wrong psychopath. Before you get excited, you haven't even made me angry. I am a hard person to make angry. However, I despise people like you.
Your pitiful right-wing conspiracy anti Semitic talks are hilarious. Yeah, keep Spewing your racism, transphobia, and other fucked up bigotry and putting up proxies are level 1. Can you hack into encrypted micro files? Can you tear through firewalls without leaving a digiprint? Can you launch malicious scipt attacks? Your silly little proxie won't protect you. I have hacked into many computers and spied on many users from here. I've hacked into games. I've been hacking since I've owned a computer. It's what I was raised to do.
You have no idea the extent of fear you should be feeling. All you are is a community filled with neo nazi lies and spewing your sexist and racist poison into the well of the people's right to diversity! Have you ever murdered anyone? I have no empathy for you lot and would enjoy peeling the skin off your white faces!!!.
You think I'm giving you all an empty threat? Believe that. I have contacts in dark places that you don't want to know about. If you live near me then fear for your life.
Track my ip if you want too but I am smart enough to use my tablet. Hack into my account if you want too, it'll just make it easier to find you.
With love,
an ANTIFA badass
P.S. I would fear for your racist lives if you still can
But seriously, are you a reddit fagg or a tumblr non-binary transape who comes here to teach us that "faggs kids" are ok and pedophilia?
What basis do you say its not right?
>Children don't have natural sexual thought
Biologically illiterate nonsense. Not only do children have sexual thoughts, they are capable of being sexually aroused since early infancy. At least to the very basic research before attempting to make an argument.
>Stop trying to force your fucked up ideologies onto kids that just want to enjoy life outside of the fucked up box you are trying to put them in.
Where am I arguing for forcing anyone to do anything? I'm saying its fine for kids to love each other or anyone else and express it how they choose.
>Children have sex all the time
Nigga you just went full retard
Most children are fucking disgusted by the thought of kissing, let alone sex. If you expect anyone to believe that children "have sex all the time" then you are going to provide substantial evidence to back up your claims. Liberal opinion-pieces disguised as articles don't count, though
No newfag. Sup Forums has been full of people like me since the founding. You have to go back.
bait or not, I'm not surprised to see I was right.
the following statements are 100% serious: why should the opinion of someone who doesn't get laid much matter, when discussing when other (more attractive) people should have sex? it doesn't. their opinion is skewed by severe lack of life experience and even bitterness.
it's like those politicians in the EU parliament, or rich liberal college kids, who haven't worked a serious job in their life, pretending they speak for the "common men".
>How do you explain some of the founders of Western Civilization, such as Plato, Socrates, and Alexander for example, were fags or bisexual?
So tickling my friend pickle is going to make me smarter than Socrates?
It matters who approaches who because even if pedophilia were legal how would a parent feel if Billy just walked up to their daughter commenting on her cute skirt. Or are you saying fk the parents feelings. A child with an underdeveloped understanding of the world who doesn't even fully understands the world let alone sex, should have the right to consent. Children are wise enough to make decisions for themselves when they can barely tell left from right? Also you think its easier to pick up a little child and run and rape them or pick up a grown ass adult and rape them. Now after the rape why would you let the kid live so they can call the police. So now you have a rape and a murder and no one knows what the hell happened to their little children. Predatory behavior will increase and most people don't want the slightest chance of their children being grabbed up.
>Also, do you have a single shred of evidence that homosexuality is a "brain defect"?
Did you know that faggs have a 75% of having schizophrenia?
>Who do you think its easier to rape and torture, adults or kids
More adults are raped and tortured than kids, any non-retarded person knows that, so you should have the answer to your own question.
>It's predatory because kids can't make rational decisions.
"Going to fuck this 5 year old. And it's not my fault if their parents didn't teach them about safe sex, STDs, AIDS, etc, when it's okay to say no to someone, and so on." Idiotic reply.
>Kids regularly have sexual interaction.
You missed the clarification of "with other kids" or "with other adults", not sure if on purpose or not.
>So if he likes it, its automatically bad? Being a sexual person and liking sex is immoral?
"If" being a pretty hefty qualifier. While kids may be sexually exploring with other kids, in very minor ways such as "that's interesting, I have a thingy and I'm a boy, girls have something way different", and this is natural, that in no way conveys that they're down to fuck. They have no conception what it even does. Are you postulating that you, a pedo stranger, should be the one to teach them about it via anal intercourse? We're literally talking about ages that have not even gone through rudimentary Sex Ed classes and you're fine, in your world, with strangers just lulling kids into fucking before they have any idea what it even is.
>Most sexual interaction between kids and adults is done within families.
Deflection; you didn't answer the question. So I'll reword it FOR you.
>Do you think most parents would be okay with Uncle Larry propositioning their children, whilst in the parent's presence, even if it WERE legal?
"Hey there Lucy! Getting big, wow! Maybe it'd be fun if Mom would let me finger you, huh?"
>Child obviously has no fucking clue what Uncle Larry is talking about, but I suppose it should be fine for Larry to go on to explain what fingerfucking is to an 8 year old because Mom would be totally fine with that behavior.
Go search for it. The very basic education on this isn't hard to find. Children experiment with sexuality since infancy. Am I expected to provide you basic college-level biological education?
>A child with an underdeveloped understanding of the world who doesn't even fully understands the world let alone sex, should have the right to consent
Do you think sex alone is super complicated? It isn't. Read the Trauma Myth for example. Even yelling at your kid causes more complex problems than consensual sex.
>Children are wise enough to make decisions for themselves when they can barely tell left from right?
You're making huge assumptions on the intelligence of children based on your own prejudices. Some children can drive machinery, hunt, participate in sports, yet sex is somehow bad?
>Also you think its easier to pick up a little child and run and rape them or pick up a grown ass adult and rape them.
Its easier to rape a kid. This is basic common sense.
I don't know what you're talking about with the rest of your post, you'll have to explain further.
>What basis do you say its not right?
Science and moral values.
Fact: the anus is not made to be penetrated
>being a kid
>being in love
Choose one