Antifa got hacked
This is on their page now
Antifa got hacked
This is on their page now
Other urls found in this thread:
No they didn't
Post link on reddit/tumblr/twitter and say it's a video of a that Richard Spencer faggot getting punched a 3rd time.
heh faggot fascists have to come up with something to boost about after getting their shit knocked out in the streets.
i can tell you are tolerant by your hate speech
such tolerance. locke, a fucking founder of liberalism and indeed the usa, would be so proud.
Sup Forums some of you are really fucking technologically illiterate. Don't be surprised when crazy antifa fucks show up at your door. That's probably what they're using this for, gather IPs, dox, attack. This is the exact kind of shit the left does.
I'm a Puerto Rican what are they going to do call me priveledged?
Would someone really do that?
Just go on the internet and tell lies?
Tell your mom to drive you here cunt
>coming to your house for clicking a website link
Even antifashits arent this deranged. Not yet at least.
I am a superior MED are they gonna bow down to me?
What is the CTR equivalent for antifa?
this brought them out of hiding
only difference is we do it free
>implying I am not already prepared for an incursion within my own home
I genuinely feel extremely sorry (no I don't) for any shitbag who walks into my house with malice like intentions. I can't wait to hear what the news will say when I light that motherfucker up and turn him into swiss cheese.
Castle Law doctrine is on my wall for a reason.
hahahaha antifa self-BTFO
A bit paranoid aren't we?
So is like Alex Jones just a misunderstood man who is passionate about telling the truth?
This is a honeypot, not the real antifa website. Don't believe me? Google "antifa" and you won't see this web address anywhere in the results
Do not go to this link unless you want your IP logged. For all you know they might have people working at Comcast giving out your info
Dear Sup Forums fascists,
This is ANTIFA.
Congratulations! You've got a reaction from us. That's what you wanted, right?
Well, I've decided that I don't like people like you. You've messed with the wrong psychopath. Before you get excited, you haven't even made me angry. I am a hard person to make angry. However, I despise people like you.
Your pitiful right-wing conspiracy anti Semitic talks are hilarious. Yeah, keep Spewing your racism, transphobia, and other fucked up bigotry and putting up proxies are level 1. Can you hack into encrypted micro files? Can you tear through firewalls without leaving a digiprint? Can you launch malicious scipt attacks? Your silly little proxie won't protect you. I have hacked into many computers and spied on many users from here. I've hacked into games. I've been hacking since I've owned a computer. It's what I was raised to do.
You have no idea the extent of fear you should be feeling. All you are is a community filled with neo nazi lies and spewing your sexist and racist poison into the well of the people's right to diversity! Have you ever murdered anyone? I have no empathy for you lot and would enjoy peeling the skin off your white faces!!!.
You think I'm giving you all an empty threat? Believe that. I have contacts in dark places that you don't want to know about. If you live near me then fear for your life.
Track my ip if you want too but I am smart enough to use my tablet. Hack into my account if you want too, it'll just make it easier to find you.
With love,
an ANTIFA badass
P.S. I would fear for your racist lives if you still can. I will be waiting for you at Altschauerberg 8 in 91448 Emskirchen! I dare you!
Even if they did, I'm not really scared. I might have an oversized ego, I'm not even armed, but I reckon I could take 3-4 of these cucks.
>Domain ID: D402200000001464118-LROR
>WHOIS Server:
>Referral URL:
>Updated Date: 2017-02-03T01:58:59Z
>Creation Date: 2017-02-03T01:41:33Z
OMG love this soooooooooo much!
#ThischangesEverything #WegotThis #TalkinboutmyGeneration #soblessed
Confirmed honeypot:
>Domain ID: D402200000001464118-LROR
>WHOIS Server:
>Referral URL:
>Updated Date: 2017-02-03T01:58:59Z
>Creation Date: 2017-02-03T01:41:33Z
>a chance to try out my new mossberg
I'll put the porch light on for them
You are fucking retarded.
>muh ip
You do know I browse Darknet with a Chrome?
>Dear Sup Forums fascists,
>This is ANTIFA.
>Congratulations! You've got a reaction from us. That's what you wanted, right?
>Well, I've decided that I don't like people like you. You've messed with the wrong psychopath. Before you get excited, you haven't even made me angry. I am a hard person to make angry. However, I despise people like you.
>Your pitiful right-wing conspiracy anti Semitic talks are hilarious. Yeah, keep Spewing your racism, transphobia, and other fucked up bigotry and putting up proxies are level 1. Can you hack into encrypted micro files? Can you tear through firewalls without leaving a digiprint? Can you launch malicious scipt attacks? Your silly little proxie won't protect you. I have hacked into many computers and spied on many users from here. I've hacked into games. I've been hacking since I've owned a computer. It's what I was raised to do.
>You have no idea the extent of fear you should be feeling. All you are is a community filled with neo nazi lies and spewing your sexist and racist poison into the well of the people's right to diversity! Have you ever murdered anyone? I have no empathy for you lot and would enjoy peeling the skin off your white faces!!!.
>You think I'm giving you all an empty threat? Believe that. I have contacts in dark places that you don't want to know about. If you live near me then fear for your life.
>Track my ip if you want too but I am smart enough to use my tablet. Hack into my account if you want too, it'll just make it easier to find you.
>With love,
>an ANTIFA badass
>P.S. I would fear for your racist lives if you still can. I will be waiting for you at Altschauerberg 8 in 91448 Emskirchen! I dare you!
I really, really want them to show up at my doorstep
Free meat for the dogs! great!
Me and the loaded AR next to my bed with 20 loaded mags on the floor are literally shaking right now.
Step up, burgers. Our antifa have been hacked for years now