Will you annex or not white devils?
When Trump invade Mexico
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only after mass deportations of the natives.
Fuck no.
We don't want your boatload of social problems, massive gang violence and non functional infrastructure.
We want you to stop flooding over here illegally by the millions and fix your own fucked up shitty country.
We don't want your land, your people your drugs or your money. We want a secure border and we want you to acknowledge that we have every right to that secure border.
You dont have any right to secure your stupid border, its our border.
10 feet higher.
criminals first
then border jumpers
then visa abusers
then anchor babies
You don't seem to understand, you hold no cards, you don't get to make demands. If you get violent we will have every pretext to use force and if it comes to the use of force US national guard and border patrol or army versus your gangs, corrupt cops and shitty excuse for armed forces would be one of history most one sided conflicts.
If we were not the compassionate people that we are, if we were say china instead of US, we'd be rounding you up, putting you in camps and using your for forced labor until you died. Be careful you don't get in over your stubby little head.
I would "annex" her "Yucatan" if you know what I mean. Is that mamacita your sister?
We dont fear you white devil, we can call up China ,Russia, and Iran. Dare to invade us again.
Don't fall for it mongolbro, they hit 35 and turn into literal goblins.
We will annex northern Mexico and deport the natives to what's left of Mexico. Then we will build another wall. Guess who's also paying for that wall?
Annex? No.
Trump supports a style of warfare reminiscent of a mongol horde. He would just invade rape pillage and burn the country then leave while carting off anything of value back to America as loot.
You're not being invaded you fug.
I swear, everyone is such a huge fucking baby when they first see hard negotiation 101. No wonder Trump got fed up and ran for potus.
I've been in favor of annexation for a while as a means of eliminating the illegal immigration issue. Not by force. They can still be Mexico, they just would all become American taxpayers.
Iunno man. The elites dont care about US citizens or mexican citizens enough to do shit. We are all cattle to them.
that sucks man, I prefer evade taxes here.
They should've never given Mexico back in 1848 anyway.
those fuckers stole us california, the paradise.
No Navy.
No Navy.
No Navy.
There exist literally no nation on earth that can touch the western hemisphere without our permission. You're also delusional if you think any of those nations would pick a fight with us to protect you. We can really severely hurt all of them without firing a shot, they on the other hand have very little hold over us.
You are alone with Us and Canada, Canada is both our best friend and also completely unable to harm us, they will not do anything to help you that hurts us. You act tough because you're a spic and that's all you know how to do, but acting tough with nothing to back it up is a good way to get your ass beat. You are powerless, you have nothing and the only reasons your game has played as long as it has is that our leadership has been weak and complicit in your criminality, but that is over now. You will bend the knee or we will break your kneecaps.
Yeah and that's half the reason he lost and trump won. Same with Carson and his troll.
Americans don't respect men who marry ugly women. You're viewed as a weakling who settles for the short stick because you have nothing to offer and you know it. It's literally more respectable to be single lifelong than to marry a creature. If you're gonna bargain away a good deal of you liberty and value to a woman she better damned well be a good one.
I'll annex that mexipussy with BWC
Our PM will make bold proclamations of being the most diversest tolerant and wonderful country via Twitter and he will send you and your president dsciplinary tweets :3
Like I said, nothing that will actually hurt us.
We'll send him some of our biggest most muscular negroes for his harem as a way of apologizing for his damaged liberal sensibilities.
>Dare to invade us again
You say that as if we didn't literally get land bigger than European countries by doing that
when whites become the discriminated group in society as the minority in the USA, they will be poor more so than rich, and poor populations have far more kids than rich ones. We will rise again in due time. don't get too comfy at the top.
The white race will be extincted soon. We the white hispanics will rule the world.
tfw you're on better terms with Russia is than mexico, and mexico is a trash country that wouldn't be missed by anyone but Mexicans if it were to disappear from the face of the earth tomorrow.
Russia will fight Israel in the 3rd world war, keep dreaming.
didn't realize you were a prophet lol.
I will summon the spirit of James K Polk to rape your nation into servitude once more. hell, we wont even send the military, we'll just have you fight Texas. Can't wait for when you put up the white flag too.
refer back to
its in the bible anyways.
I find it quite ironic to hear a beaner call white people devils.
you are worse than us. I can prove it.