The past few days, Sup Forums was literally flooded with Shills. I just wated to give a quick RUNDOWN (No bogdanoff pics at this point please, we need the space for Screencaps) on this topic. Its gonna be a multiple part post.
.)Q:Who are shills? A: People who are paid to influence opinions or collect information on the Internet. They are active in literally all parts of the Internet, from Fakebook to 4chins.
.)Q:What information do they collect? A:The information collected, depends of course on the Company or Organization who pays them. It can range from how people react to a product,brand or an political situation.
.)Q:What opinions are they trying to influence? A:In case of boards like 4chinz, its mostly political: Liberal-left-"progressive". They try to push the PC-Narrative. NOTE: not everyone who isnt based or doesnt share your opinion, is automatically a shill. This is a politics board, opinions may (WILL)differ, and NOT EVERYONE WHO DISAGREES WITH YOU IS A SHILL.
.)Q:How do they collect Information? A:At first, they lurk. Then they lurk moar, and study the terms and pics used and of course which political opinions are prevelant. After that, they start to ask Questions.
.)Q:How do they ask questions? A:Thats the fun part right here. Many of you, may have come across "odd" anons, who ask stupid or seemingly obvious questions. The first thought is usaully "Nufag, Redditor,etc.". But its not always like this. To adopt and understand the board culture, you have to ask questions. Examples: "what do you think about XY?" - "just wondering if could answer me one question...." NOTE: The style in which the questions are asked can range from an usual to an completly odd. There is no reliable way to tell if the Person asking the question is indeed a shill or just nufag.
.)Q:How do they try to influence opinion? A:Most of the time, they literally flood places like Sup Forums with an incredible amount of fake threads.In conversations, they try to appeal to emotions rahther than to reason and logic, working in some sort of very obvious manner. Insults and pseudo psychology are mainly used, since they have only a broad but not deep understanding on most of the topics. NOTE: Their main goal is to push a narrative, they will lie, insult people and ignore every argument you give them. Their goal is not to have a discussion or prove their point, they just flood the place. AGAIN THEY ARE NOT INTERESTED IN A CONSTRUCTIVE DISCUSSION
.)Q:How to spot a shill? A:Odd behavior. Like checking gets, which arent any. Or the use of words who arent really usual for Sup Forums. I wont post a list of words, since shills are also reading this. If your are new, just lurk and talk, youll figure it out. If you call a shill a shill, they may react different. In most cases they react with a pseudo-argument or insult, or just by ignoring you. NOTE: posting exactly the same sentence, in multiple thread is also a good exaple: "not gonna lie, former..."
.)Q:How to react to shills? A:Not at all. They want your attention, dont give em any. They are not worth your time. You can report them to the mods if you want, since they violate the rules.
.)Q:How do shills argue? A: If they do, which most of the time they dont, their arguments are "backed" by leftist rederick and assuptions which are typical for the left. Which means, they are rarly any arguments. They will try to appeal to your emotions. Example:"If you are against refugees, you wouldnt help a drwoning child". The underlying assumption in that case would be, that people who dont want to let refugees into their country, have to be inhumane. Again, dont let yourself be fooled, they make this sort of statements to trigger an emotional response. So dont waste your time on them. That goes for threads aswell as discussions. The best way to piss them of, is to ignore them.
I also want you to contribute to this thread. Shills are starting to learn, and use different tactics. So if you have new examples, POST THEM HERE. I will get deeper into that topic later. Remember to response to this thread with quality content, or... (you know the drill) :--DDDDD
Shills eternally BTFO and will never recover. Shadilay
Note: differnt IP because of internet disconnect
They're shit out of luck. I've been lurking Sup Forums for 10 years and I still don't know shit about it.
what shills?
lurk moar then.
>you are leaving a didgital footprint
one of my favourites, probably for upsetting people with paranoia
Amazon is marked up anyway because normies don't know how to google for better prices
isnt it. but its more about the post itself than amazon ;)
Checked and kekked
checked what?
No but seriously that's funny imagining a shill replying checked to singles.
We don't use smiley faces around here bucko r u trying to shill me?
>No but seriously that's funny imagining a shill replying checked to singles.