Mandatory NZG Docos
>Somebody elses Country
>The Hollowmen
>In a Land of Plenty
>NZ Wars Part 1
Mandatory NZG Docos
>Somebody elses Country
>The Hollowmen
>In a Land of Plenty
>NZ Wars Part 1
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Just a bunch of cumswirling methaddicts in here.
A fucking tsunami is going to end your Island. And I will laugh
Keel. Nzgeneral time. I always browse but never contribute. Just coz of my political leanings. Don't wanna get bullied.
Is Sonny Bill Williams an isis supporter?
laughing is forbidden under sharia law, and long before a tsunami knocks new zealand, you will be a muslim country, leaf
Why are IDs even back?
Who should I vote for in the byelection lads? (Mount Albert)
are any of the independents right wing
how's it feel to be the pathetic cucked joke of the anglosphere, leaf?
No idea. The ones I'm aware of are Labour, Greens, Socialists, Gareth Morgan.
Dunno if I can be bothered to vote desu.
Just looked up the candidates and found this monstrosity:
>Founded by Vic students
I was in Whangerei yesterday and some cunt's egged Winnie's office.
I did the same.
There is a party called NAP.
Fittingly it appears to be an anarchist party.
How do we meme up support from Theil to start a non shit libertarian party?
fucking yank imports need to bugger off
Dont bugger too much annon.
Anyone else here living the wooly dream?
>being socially liberal
Perhaps you'd be more comfortable somewhere else, reddit perhaps?
Vote for Gareth Morgan. Give Labour and the Greens a big scare.
Great idea. Thiel is welcome IMO.
>Thiel is welcome IMO.
all these fucking yanks buying citizenship need to fuck off
>Thinking libertarianism has no place on Sup Forums
Id like nu-Sup Forums to leave.
I would like neo liberals like you to leave New Zealand
Based Aussies
>Gareth Morgan
Why? The most of know of his party is it has that fucking red peak flag as a logo which is enough for me to not vote for them
A tax on home ownership.
It has a place on Sup Forums, but no place in New Zealand, even though I do agree with them on governments intefering in the market and a couple of social issues
Oh mate he's a fucking idiot I agree. But if he gets a decent showing in the by election, then the reds and greens will freak out and think they are too centrist and have to go even further left.
> labour and green coalition going even more left than they really are
> kiwis look at them and go- fuck that shit
The right wins!
Nope but want to. How do I find a sweet wooly ass GF?
Auckland uni's got plenty of Indian girls
I'd rather have a fucking lamb for hygiene concerns
Mate, just raid the other tribes farm, I take the lads from Paraparaumu and raid bloody Otaki. Take the lambs since they are usually virgins.
Some places put up a lot of fight like Bulls and Lower Hutt but you get quality lamb there.
Dont settle for cows mate, that route leads straight to hell.
Why is the left moaning about Peter Thiel when they're fine with giving citizenship for free to shitskins who contribute nothing?
Also who here is voting NZ First
Cheers mate, I'll see what I can do around Palmerstone North
Muldoon come back pls
Good luck mate
Ta op. Nzs full fuck off.
>Nzs full fuck off.
Glad you agree. Any ideas on how to make nz great again?
Electing Winnie would be a good start, at the moment the best we can probably do is get him into coalition with National. Any ideas yourself?
socialists just for the lulz, they hate labour and greens for not being left win enough bc SA are literal commies.
Is there even any point voting in the Mt Albert by election
I'm considering it.
Ron Mark is a good dude too (he used to be my next door neighbour).
I'm never National and have voted greens and labour in the past but they are off the deep end ideologically atm so NZF are looking attractive. Gareth Morgan is a fucking joke.
probably not. wait till the actual election and you could party vote NZ First
Allow every god damn piece of shit from Syria, Samoa and Afghanistan in. Left says everyone should come in, no such thing as borders.
Right wing billionaire wants in and the left goes all out hating. He's terrible, he's too rich, how dare he come here.
I've met Clayton Mitchell and Fletcher Tabuteau, they seem like good people so I'll definitely be party voting NZF but there isn't one of their candidates running in my electorate so I'm going to have to vote National, I thought about Labour but the greens are dangerous. Plus Bill English isn't a kike like Key was. Is there an NZF candidate in your electorate?
>Gareth Morgan is a fucking joke
Literally this. I can't stand him, he's trying to trade off of the anti establishment name while having lefty establishment politics. He's a cuck, might get a few votes from bernie greens.
On a side note,
I'm going to, and I've got no choice but to electorate vote National
The left has a severe case of tall poppy syndrome. They hate anyone who is successful, they only want shitskins who won't do shit for the country so they can get a self righteous glow without having to live with them. "He's too successful, he's too intelligent" is like what they're saying. Also, they could have given that land to mudskins so they're pissed off someone successful has wanted to make this place their home
Beyond what you suggested not really. Have thought about volunteering for nz first in some capacity.
We need to start a meme campaign to end the Greens and Labour.
Easiest way to get Labour done is, in response to the clamour of their 'Muslim Ban' reaction, respond with the 'Maori Ban' claiming that Labour clearly has a ban on Maori leaders.
>They've tried how many leaders since Clark and all have been white men
Get them to fight amongst themselves.
For the Greens, whom have a male and female leader, start a campaign of "Why have they not got an intersex leader" "Why are they dividing based on gender when it doesn't exist" etc
I'd rather have greens and labour than another 3 years of National.
Nats have done nothing in the last 9 years of note all the while keeping the immigration tap on full bore FUCK THAT SHIT.
I like this but havent the skills to be much help
Not really worth it. Labour/Greens needs combined 35% in order for Winston to leverage his 15-20% with National. Instead of doing campaigns against opponents we should just focus on promoting Winston as the best option in a positive pro-NZ way. The more NZ First votes the better.
I thought about it too, if I have time around then I'll be there, also try redpilling people you know
>They've tried how many leaders since Clark and all have been white men
This is an amazing idea, took a snip of this reply. We can cause them to collapse from the inside and the leftists will destroy each other, and the remaining sensible labour voters will come to NZ First, this is a damn good idea. Well done user.
>For the Greens, whom have a male and female leader, start a campaign of "Why have they not got an intersex leader" "Why are they dividing based on gender when it doesn't exist" etc
Let's fire up the meme forge. We've got a job to do.
Labour and the Greens will let in countless numbers of coconuts and arab mudskins, we can't afford that. I agree that the Nats have done fuck all, hence I'm voting NZF
I cant help myself these days every interaction i have with people im trying to find ways to bring conversations round to talking about things that matter.
Absolutely correct. We really need to subvert NZFirst and influence them. There is the Young NZFirst facebook, that'd be a good place to start. I'm going to join the party this year as a paid up member and actually go to meetings and stuff.
>I'm going to work my way in
Create a fake facebook and just post stuff that pits them against one and other. If people are keen I might put my trip on (I was asked to trip in the old British Federation threads from a few years ago) and give points how to do it.
>The more NZ First votes the better.
Right but we need to break the Greens and Labour totally in the eyes of the centrist/sane elements of society.
I've also thought of a few memes about Little.
Little by name
Little by nature
Little on ideas
Big on doing nothing
That sorta thing. Put him on the defensive and see how he reacts.
You've got some explaining to do, New Zealand.
Fuck Labour and their Muslim refugees
Fuck National and their Chink millionaires
When will New Zealand become a state of Australia already?
I once spoke to an Auckland earthsci student on here a while ago that was studying dendrochronology for their masters, you here mate?
Read Fata Morgana DJ
I could go for some male syrup right about now.
I think he got deported today, read about it in the news.
Fuck off mate. You guys are an economic and political basket case. You're full of muzzies who are always trying to enrich you and your cbds are sjw hellholes. We don't want any part of your bullshit.
Its not 1993 anymore.
For sure, I'm trying to redpill tons of people, saying that it's time to put NZ First and stop gook land sales plus the cancer that is liberalism. As long as we bring up these issues we can go places
>Little by name
>Little by nature
>Little on ideas
>Big on doing nothing
Mate, you're on fire. I've got one
Big on promises
Little on sense
Lame I know, just gotta activate that part of my brain. With a combination of all these the Labour Greens will collapse like a house of cards.
This. Vote NZ First, fellow Kiwibro.
When Pauline Hanson becomes Prime Minister
Would be helpfull if you did. So do you mean just starting a page as a group and getting people to join? Im not hugely up with fb sorry.
leave me alone weeb
I see a lot of people here supporting NZF but hardly anyone talking about ACT. Explain.
Need I explain?
I wonder
>unaware that NZ is more diverse then Australia
>unaware NZ is next to Sweden is progressiveness
>NZ has a tiny economy
ACT has to be the biggest meme out there. Have to be practical and if nothing else Winnie has a base to build from and broader appeal than ACT who people see as the Nats bitch boys anyway.
If there's ever a time to do it it's now. We cant fuck this up.
I told you, elect Pauline Hanson and then we'll talk
>This. Vote NZ First, fellow Kiwibro.
I have been in every election. Fucking sucks how they're the single voice of fucking stop with the immigration.
Seriously how is letting a bunch of refugees in going to help the Auckland housing market (obviously they'll move there because here is the only real place with any Muslim community)? Labour/Greens love to criticise that disaster lately but they sure as shit wont help.
Don't really need to even discuss National/ACT
loving your OC, im stealing them for use on my twitter.
i've been dropping redpills everywhere for months and now that nz election is on i'm already in overdrive. twitter is proving very effective. i've also been discussing politics with coworkers (all National voters) and softened their views on Winston. i think i've even convinced a chick i work with to vote NZ First. Nobody believed me that Brexit would succeed and that Trump would be elected President but now its happened and going great its lent me credibility. I'm with NZ First all the way. my bro and old man are definitely both voting them too. not having much luck with m8s because most dont give a fuck about politics and i dont want to force it.
>Right but we need to break the Greens and Labour totally in the eyes of the centrist/sane elements of society.
that is already the case.
I repeat. Its not 1993 anymore.
How many PMs have you had in the last ten years? You are literally Italy tier.
Despite having only one industry, resources that made you cuntloads of money last decade, you have a debt of $164billion.
You're dollar is on par with ours
Kiwis are fleeing you in droves.
You guys are a joke nation.
Fuck off cunt or I'm gonna get into one of your shitty threads.
Delete this please. I know it's from Auckland and it's bad enough driving down Dominion Rd
>one shop with any English characters at all per block
>it's always just "Happy Sun Chinese Takeaway store no. 500" anyway with English just so drunk people will go in
>oo nu mi faggi feauthars air rissiled
I don't think there's ever been a more ripe opportunity to destroy the left, ever. We cannot pass this one up. The Labour Greens are scum and we have to make them cave in and destroy themselves, I really wanna start this but I don't know how
>I have been in every election. Fucking sucks how they're the single voice of fucking stop with the immigration.
This. National says it from time to time but only to get votes, they talk tough about shit that they never implement, same goes for Labour and their crusade against Chinese names, anyone who thinks they'll do anything is deluded, they won't do shit, and even if they do, they'll let in more shitskins and coconuts to make up for it.
>Seriously how is letting a bunch of refugees in going to help the Auckland housing market
Did they actually fucking say that? What a bunch of colossal dumbasses. They talk about how bad it is, but they don't have real solutions.
Alliance of Chinks and something beginning with T
Hell, have another one. Glad to help. I would ask for your twitter but it's kinda creepy so I won't, enjoy them. I'm doing all I can to help.
I saw that exact one in near Dominion road (what a fucking surprise!) and even sucking gook cock didn't help the now irrelevant ACT party, or National Lapdogs as is more accurate.
>dominion road
>doesn't feel like the dominion of New Zealand
feels bad man
>Despite having only one industry, resources that made you cuntloads of money last decade, you have a debt of $164billion.
This reminds me of those fucking idiots who went over for the mining, got big money and blew it all on meth, booze and new cars. Everybody knows at least one of them.
Glad to see the Australian government took the same route
Starting a fake profile to make yourself seem like a real person.
Another thing for anons interested in this is to read Propaganda by Edward L. Bernays. Good, and easy, starting point to understanding what good propaganda actually is.
have you guys seen this? its that fucking Curwen Rolinson faggot
The NAP is only validated by a reasonable expectation of reciprocity.
I saw his facebook page, he looks like a full retard tier autist. Am I the only one? I'm almost going to back Shane Jones because Rolinson doesn't want him, oh yeah I forgot he also got in trouble for weed a while back, he's an embarrassment to the party
Oh yes he also wants NZ First to go into coalition with the greens apparently
I had an altercation with him a few years ago.
I'm a pretty calm person. He's honestly one of the most disgusting and aggravating people I've ever met.
Curwen got mad now that former conservative members joined the party and at a meeting called him a communist
He looks like an autist, never met him myself but I'm in no hurry to. What did he do? I'll probably run into him sooner or later considering I'm a member of NZF
Kek. He deserved that one.
>its that fucking Curwen Rolinson faggot
This guy is dangerous and we need to start a campaign against him. I'm am actually quite sure that he's a plant.
He whinges about anyone talking about neo-Liberalism, saying it doesn't exist.
Was this guy controlled opposition to soil the "Conservative" name?
>Little by name
>Little by nature
>Little on ideas
>Big on doing nothing
Ace in the hole
he's a fucking hindu cuck now
tfw no direction
he also went around saying he stood up to skinheads who were trying to join the party and claims to be a fan of muldoon while is pro immigration and a social liberal
Good on ya. Ive always thought kiwis can be talked round to things as long as youre not too agressive. Sounds like youre doing it the right way.
Fantastic but swap ANDREW LITTLE around to LITTLE ANDREW.
That's how he needs to be addessed ala 'Crooked Hilary'.
Angry Andy has always worked well.
He runs Monolithic Muldoon memes I think and I gotta admit the memes on there are fucking gold, but I can't stand the guy. Looks like a green tier communist, I'll steer well clear of him should I see him at any NZF events, he's distinctive enough
Someone needs to spread this far and wide. Good on ya, you've done us all a great service
What's he even doing in NZF
Where did you find this out?
Judith Collins calls him Andy Pandy but I prefer Angry Andy
>Where did you find this out?
I read all the left wing blogs like the daily blog and the standard to get more info
Could have sworn this guy was the leader of Labour last election. They all have that same look.
Same. Im angry but my ideas arent that flash. I can speak well but im not charismatic/ focused enough to get much done. If not for winnies ideas/ existing base i dont see any other way to persuade people.
That's another good one but Little Andrew ties in with the 'Little by name, Little by nature' aspect.
Also need a different picture as the 'Back the Kiwi Dream' slogan is visible and will produce some cognitive dissonance.