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Glad I chose to go to CSU East Bay instead, nobody there is fucking chipped in the head hard enough to fuck up the stablishment they pay thousands of dollars to go to. The worst that's happened so far since I've been going here are the toilets in North Science Hall being dirty as hell. I just use the ones in Student Services from now one instead.
It was inevitable that he would go full on Nazi. I mean, I've listened to him for about a year now. Ever since the beginning of the campaign I have noticed him getting more and more ruthless. it's about goddamned time!
why decline?
i would call that harsh realization of dark world around us, the first time i started to look at facts my arguments were same as his. now i just want to kill all shitskins, violent purge, race war, ww3 all is good to me as long as i get to kill traitors and niggers at will
Why is he always so dramatic?
>"my cancer diagnosis was not a wholly negative experience."
next picture is him on chemo
because he is a pretentious shill
fake opposition
>some of his earlier videos were ok
>"The real reporting is happening on Sup Forums:
He needs a Hail Hydra image with him saying "no more arguments" or "arguments are over".
> shill
I hear that sometimes. Still haven't gotten a plausible explanation. Elaborate?
The final argument?
>His earlier work
He's just a narcissist that makes everything over dramatic.
How is that weird clip related to Molymeme?
Because his education is in theater and drama.
He used to speak a lot about that, before he started lying he is a philosopher.
Come to the dark side, Molyneux.
Anyone can be a philosopher even if they don't have the ''liberal arts'' degree or whatever they expect you to have.
>trip to 7-11
>why do all indians smell like shit
top fucking kek
Yes, but these philosophers will start their arguments with "I am not a philosopher/expert, but...".
Molly started his with "As a philosopher myself, who has studied and written many books on philosophy...",
he said he has a masters degree in history with a focus on philosophy
What cancer did he have?
Except I'm sure Stefan and all the others in that circle are getting confirmation of an actual leftist attack. They know.
It was not suddenly bred
It will not swiftly abate
Through the chilled years ahead
When time shall count from the date
When Steph began to hate
But he doesn't. He has a degree in, and worked in, theater and drama.
Then he became MGTOW before it was cool, started mining for gold in the wild. Then he started some computer support business in the 90s, broadcasting anarchist radio while driving to work. Then he sold his business to focus on his radio, started a forum and the Youtube channel, and wrote books on anarchism.
Guy went from antifa atheist lone wolf to catholic nationalist father.
He was supposed to educate his listeners on anarchy, instead they "educated" him on being a reactionary over time.
Something on his neck, you can see the scar where he had an operation to remove it.
>It was not suddenly bred
>It will not swiftly abate
>Through the chilled years ahead
>When time shall count from the date
>When Steph began to hate
It was not part of his blood,
It came to him very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When he, Stefan, began to hate.
he was a thespian. I remember in one of his earlier vids he talked about wanting to become an onstage actor and I can't remember if this is right but he might have possibly minored in theater arts.
not sure, too lazy to check
Dear Sup Forums fascists,
This is ANTIFA.
Congratulations! You've got a reaction from us. That's what you wanted, right?
Well, I've decided that I don't like people like you. You've messed with the wrong psychopath. Before you get excited, you haven't even made me angry. I am a hard person to make angry. However, I despise people like you.
Your pitiful right-wing conspiracy anti Semitic talks are hilarious. Yeah, keep Spewing your racism, transphobia, and other fucked up bigotry and putting up proxies are level 1. Can you hack into encrypted micro files? Can you tear through firewalls without leaving a digiprint? Can you launch malicious scipt attacks? Your silly little proxie won't protect you. I have hacked into many computers and spied on many users from here. I've hacked into games. I've been hacking since I've owned a computer. It's what I was raised to do.
You have no idea the extent of fear you should be feeling. All you are is a community filled with neo nazi lies and spewing your sexist and racist poison into the well of the people's right to diversity! Have you ever murdered anyone? I have no empathy for you lot and would enjoy peeling the skin off your white faces!!!.
You think I'm giving you all an empty threat? Believe that. I have contacts in dark places that you don't want to know about. If you live near me then fear for your life.
Track my ip if you want too but I am smart enough to use my tablet. Hack into my account if you want too, it'll just make it easier to find you.
With love,
an ANTIFA badass
P.S. I would fear for your racist lives if you still can. I will be waiting for you at Altschauerberg 8 in 91448 Emskirchen! I dare you!
Yes I understand that a prime concept of philosophy is humility
> I know one thing that I know nothing
etc, and that opening a statement by identifying yourself as 'authority' does not magically give credibility and is a bit fallacious. I agree.
But still :DDDD in the world we live today, a world riddled with people full of greed, vanity, narcissism and what not you can't really expect someone to stand up as equal to the greats.
I want to consider Molymeme as someone who at least has a philosophical direction (a bit dramatic too, that's true)
Nice bait
too lazy to type just watch this
False humility is a thing. Humility isn't making yourself small, it's recognizing your limits/role. If a person who is a philosopher would demean themselves like that it would just be false humility to get sympathy, it's not prideful to admit who you are or what you do, it's humility.
What you describe is quite compatible with philosophy, though. We always explore to find ourselves and generally more stuff about the world around us, the truths, the works. If you want to be a friend of wisdom you need to wise up to many things :D
He had a philosophical direction -> anarchy, atheism, MGTOW. No states, no soldiers, no borders.
He just turned around, because he stared too long into the abyss and instead of becoming the ubermensch, the superman who will educate people of his ideas and become their and his own god, the abyss stared him down, and he adopted his listeners' right wing rhetoric over time.
Its funny that he set out to make everyday Joe into an anarchist, and instead Joe made him into a quasi fascist.
>brag about how he has the biggest philosophy show on earth as if that validates everything he says as factual, true, and correct
>complain about how hollywood has too many eyes on it and that it is brainwashing the population
I scrolled over it a bit, didn't hear anything related to Stefan. I guess I have to watch it fully later.
> bad ratings tho
The logical end of political thought is genocidal fascism.
But he is not there yet, though almost.
Maybe in his unconscious, but until he embrace Reality for what she is, without lying to others and himself, he will be stuck at civic nationalism.
Death to all who are in the way of Humanity's cosmic Destiny, death to all subhumans and traitors.
For (you).
Name a better philosopher.
I find it odd that a hobo, leeching neetbux and at the same time advocates for a complete dismantlement of civilization would even bother discussing economy.
Secondly I appreciate Molymeme's latest videos because they handle the essence of human nature rather than redundant economic power struggles.
> If you stare long into the abyss
Also funny, I was thinking to write that before :DDDD. True, it happens often.
Isn't being able to change your mind a mark of philosophy also? If anything he's proving his position true, that, with arguments and facts you should be able to change minds.
Philosophy is not about barbaric bone breaking the enemy into submission.
the face of a man losing Hope
4th pic looks like his liver failed. Was that during the cancer treatment?
> to get sympathy
You're thinking with modern standards, we're riddled and bombarded with examples of attention whoring on a daily basis so we're conditioned to consider the possibility even humility might be one of them.
Also keep in mind that in a world full of overblown egos and narcs, humility does not get much sympathy, it gets pity
> Haha this noob knows nothing, I know everything!
This comment sums up molenuex youtube carrier pretty well. He is riding this Trump alt right bandwagon to get views, which I can understand, but he never addresses the real problems about the whole immigration system that is so corrupted.
>The storm is broken
He's starting a Nazi Death Cult by the sounds of it
Wouldn't he be getting more views if he jumped on the ''opposite'' train? Looks like they have just as many viewers, if not more. I mean, if VIEWS were the only thing he cared about (I know he cares about them, but eh)
> but he never addresses the real problems about the whole immigration system that is so corrupted.
maybe he's still conflicted and/or not very eager to speak about that? I mean, being a shill would imply he's posing as Trumper to change our views towards the left... But he's not trying to do that, at least not in my eyes hmm
Changing your mind because you were proven wrong is one thing, changing your mind due to peer pressure is another.
He is still holding on to his core beliefs of non aggression, anti state, secular and largely atheist, dislike for women, and so on. Yet he speaks conflicting rhetoric.
One of the following must be true to explain this:
>he is stupid, and doesn't realize it
I don't think thats it. He used to make intelligent conclusions in the past.
>he is playing a role for the crowd to get youtube money and sell books, but doesn't believe it
Possible, though I don't think so.
>he is being broken by pressure, not by arguments, into changing his views
This is where I think the issue lies. He is no Socrates, who died before acting against his principles. It is very hard to be atheist and secular when a religions war is apparently going on. It is very hard to be anti-state when we need state enforced borders desperately. It is very hard to preach individual freedom of men against traditional gender roles, when this would ally you with complete imbeciles in the SJW camp.
So instead of stepping up to the challenge, he keeps his core beliefs, but when speaking "in public" so to speak, he makes conflicting remarks.
Note that he will sill insist in secular reason, he will still insist that women and gender roles are a crime against individual freedom, he will still insist that the state and state control are bad. Yet he will then talk about how we NEED the state to do this or that, and how we NEED traditional and religions gender roles to grow as a population and civilization, and so on.
The hard times are breaking him, instead of building him up. He is Nietzsche's untermensch. Stared into the abyss and went blind, instead of defeating it.
If you talk dangerous enough, people will forget you don't even have combat experience against flies.
Whats BAP philosophy?
> He is no Socrates, who died before acting against his principles.
Yep, that is true. Ok thanks for your input and I will consider it since my view on him wasn't educated.
Like BRAP philosophy, but wetter.
My view on Molymeme, that is.
I don't know why Sup Forums makes fun of him. This guy has a literal cult, if he switches to FULL/pol/ so does all of his cult too.
we're gonna start getting molyterrorist attacks soon
the narcissism in the last picture is concerning
Not an argument.
>king of carrot flowers (cover)
I had my anarchistic period when he was just starting out his Youtube presence, so I know him from way back.
If you only "discovered" him when he was already a conflicted mind, you may not have noticed how he fell, constantly compromising, constantly trying to juggle being an atheist anarchist with the current problems in the west.
His old "cult" slowly abandoned him, and his new cult is ahead of him already. They are the influence thats driving him, not the other way around.
in a post-argument world, everything tilts toward Sup Forums
From memes to reality. We joos now.
>been making "final argument" memes for months
>literally memed into reality straight from Moly's own mouth
we're the light at the end of a tunnel
Moonman should induct him into the Triple K mafia.
I guess Molyneux reminds me of my dad a bit, at his 50s, going through late ''discover the universe'' phases that he didn't do when he should have done at his 20s and kinda struggling sometimes to stay on one course :DDDD. Oh well!
all i can tell you that mexican mafia has bribed border patrol to get the people and drugs into usa on many occasions also cartels have some influence over some american officials, especially those who live close to the border with their families.
about the views is simple, Trump is trending and it's popular to talk about muh white genocide.
> also cartels have some influence over some american officials
not easy to uproot a tree that's been there forever
> Trump is trending and it's popular to talk about muh white genocide.
I was under the impression Trump is the opposite of trending or that he is trending in a bad way and it's harmful for anyone who supports him. Has that been media propaganda also?
It does look like the time for arguments has passed.
I thought this pasta would catch on more.
I don't see how this is inconsistent for him
How do you argue with someone that the state should be dismantled when they're beating you over the with an antifa flag?
never go full fash
Remember cuckservatives, talk shit get hit.
We're coming for you niggas.
>There are no more arguments
Why does this make me smile?
What are you? A French man who shat on his flag in terror?
yeah he was on chemo and looked sick as fuck during that period
the rise of molynazi
"Mass murder of communists is self defense and morally justified" - Stefan "The Final Argument" Molymeme
Dear Sup Forums fascists,
This is ANTIFA.
Congratulations! You've got a reaction from us. That's what you wanted, right?
Well, I've decided that I don't like people like you. You've messed with the wrong psychopath. Before you get excited, you haven't even made me angry. I am a hard person to make angry. However, I despise people like you.
Your pitiful right-wing conspiracy anti Semitic talks are hilarious. Yeah, keep Spewing your racism, transphobia, and other fucked up bigotry and putting up proxies are level 1. Can you hack into encrypted micro files? Can you tear through firewalls without leaving a digiprint? Can you launch malicious scipt attacks? Your silly little proxie won't protect you. I have hacked into many computers and spied on many users from here. I've hacked into games. I've been hacking since I've owned a computer. It's what I was raised to do.
You have no idea the extent of fear you should be feeling. All you are is a community filled with neo nazi lies and spewing your sexist and racist poison into the well of the people's right to diversity! Have you ever murdered anyone? I have no empathy for you lot and would enjoy peeling the skin off your white faces!!!.
You think I'm giving you all an empty threat? Believe that. I have contacts in dark places that you don't want to know about. If you live near me then fear for your life.
Track my ip if you want too but I am smart enough to use my tablet. Hack into my account if you want too, it'll just make it easier to find you.
With love,
an ANTIFA badass
P.S. I would fear for your racist lives if you still can
It fills me with incredible joy that this meme is no longer satire
here you go friend.
also check out
Does Milo actually have the AIDS?