>one of the smartest and best video game players of all time is a black man
How does this make Sup Forums feel?
One of the smartest and best video game players of all time is a black man
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>no citation
who the fuck is this nignog
Low Tier Fraud is a fucking retard. Go back to r/Kappa.
Playing video games doesn't take any special skill or knowledge so that's not surprising.
stfu Canada. You're a fucking loser, get outta here. GO'ON!!! GIT OUT!! SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
Fuck Orf.
>he plays video games
What a fucking faggot.
who is that nigger, real god in pic
Depends on the game
>MOBA shit
Gayest genre.
your nigger education is showing
starcraft isn't a moba
Professional gamers have the fastest reactions on the planet, fighter pilots are 2nd
>oh look at him he plays video games
>what a loser
>j-just b-because I haven't had any fun since 2005 doesn't mean anything
They can afford games outside of CS:GO
I love /r/kappa
who gives a shit?
why do you think anyone would give a shit?
how small is your world when somehow you think this matters? lol
>video game champion
Really makes my noggin nogulate
too bad he still has the taste of viscant dick on his big ol nigger lips
pick one
>one of the
you will never get quads
don't talk shit about sc you pos you're lucky it's not brood war you sloppy ho
not as fast as...THIS!
*charges at u with katana*
*slices u in half with a single stroke*
Nothing personnel kid
black dsp?
I can honestly say without a hint of a lie that it perturbs me in no way at all
Forced meme from Sup Forums
Oh my bad for not knowing which shitty game the fucking gook plays.
Let me revise: Fuck SC2, Blizzard is gay as shit and so are you for caring about Korean e-sport teams.
Only thing hes noteworthy for. other than that hes a dumb nigger
>best video game players of all time
>BTFO by fucking Viscant
>Played Rose and calls a Blanka lame
Come on now
>one of the smartest and best video game players of all time
If this is considered an accomplishment, fuck the current year.
Also, he looks kinda rapey.
Never understand why people that are uninformed still think its a good idea of presenting their unfounded opinion as a matter of "fact".
Kinda stupid.
hes pretty based 2bh
Best of all time?
Some of my favorite vids to watch on Youtube are clips of him gettings BTFO by nameless randos online.
>video games
american education everybody
fuck off nigger from Sup Forums
this nigger got fucked up many times
LTG is based as fuck though
xian pls go
Dissapointed that nigger was to stupid to learn. A trade
LTG is the most entertaining thing to come out of SF
hes whiny and a joke in the fighting game community
only good thing hes done was roasting boogie
A nigger being good at doing dumb and useless shit? Colour me surprised
Good Afternoon, Xian
Niggers have better reflexes, bot are they smarter? Absolutely not.
He's fast...
bait aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand sage
Do not reply to bait threads.
[Blinks intensively]
Smartest video game players are all from asia and europe.
League of Legends: Faker (Korean), Deft (Korean), Bjergsen (Danish)
Starcraft (probably hardest game to play): Flash (Korean)
CS:GO: Olofmeister (Swedish), KennyS (French), Guardian (Ukrainian)
Heartstone: No idea about player names, but all are either asian or caucasian
Overwatch: Gamsu (Korean)
Video games require ur brain to work really well, if game becomes popular with people from korea/europe those people will dominate those games, almost no black people in any of the scenes.
Videogames are a form of entertainment.
Blacks are traditionally good at certain forms of entertainment such as music and show-making (Disco dance, jazz, blues, r'n'b, hip-hop, etc.)
What's wrong with that? It's like bein envous of the Italians, because they make the best Pizza/Pasta.
>Not MC
>plays video games
Pick one
I never played Starcraft, so I don't really know players, only one I've heard of is Flash since he is considered "legend" of the game
> Heartstone
Surprisingly, Slavs are pretty good at it.
Russians/Ukranians/Polacks are topping the ladder board.
Same thing that happened in WC3, really. Northerners+Slavs stomping everyone else, except for Chinese (for cultural and practical reasons, we can't spend 10 years of our lives playing the same game 18 hours per day).
And even with China teams it's almost always a victory or a tie.
nice quints
>Go Pro
>Play for 5-10 years
>Retire with plenty of cash and youthful days ahead
Get that ass banned drone
Well everyone is Korean in Starcraft anyway. We regularly have some Foreigners that pierce in International and Korean tournaments but they're pretty rare.
But frankly I'd have to say it really depends on who plays the game. Starcraft is just so immensly popular in Korea. But by comparisons blacks and latinos do extremely well in fighting games because it's hugely popular with them. They're regularly on par with azn cyborgs. Same reasons why Slavs do well in MOBAs as well.
He looks like he's on the verge of chimping out.
>6.5/10 wife
She's a fucking whale too
I don't know if you ever were into a sport but usually people care about the best.
Not much.
Negroids are, in general, worse at abstract thinking. Don't need that for gaming, do need that to not be a chimp.
fucking SFV was such a disappointment. at least i got into guilty gear and tekken because of it.
also fuck LTG and fuck niggers
MC wasn't really that relevant in the top scene in HotS and LotV. You would have to talk about people like Life,Maru,$o$,Innovation etc etc if you really want to talk about smart players.
Sadly Life matchfixed and Korean Starcraft is dying.
>tfw you will never see a new prolueage game
>tfw you never make yourself a new fantasy proleague team
>tfw you will never shitpost in chat while watching Korean chicken ads during the break.
2016 was a good year in teams of politics but it really sucked for Starcraft.....
And you have won how many gaming tournaments effortlessly to prove your point?
Someone has never gotten good at a fighting game and can't handle the underlying complexities.
>afford games
lmao retard
Too bad you are neither, dumb nerd
literally tibia for current year 12 year olds
kys nigger
>tfw black
>love SC2
Who the fuck said you need to be smart for starcraft?
>fuck niggers
Bitch you want to go? You know blacks love fighting game, don't make me get out MAHVEL.
I just looked up this guy. Christ.
>a professional video game player
>fucking jacked
>9/10 wife
>winning hundreds and thousands of dollars
>loved by many
>from playing vidya