Why are Koreans so obsessed with plastic surgery? Is it because their genetics are about as fucked up as their diet of dogs?
Why are Koreans so obsessed with plastic surgery...
They are jews. No being facetious.
Because they are the chinkiest looking East Asians of them all. Japanese and Chinese have less chinky looking phenotypes.
They aren't even the same woman. I love the real before and after ones though. Honestly, some of the fake ones are good IF they are funny.
Koreans have a huge inferiority complex from thousands of years of invasions from overwhelming outside forces.
This thread has nothing to do with politics.
Magalian supremacy.
Why haven't they been cleansed yet?
They just accept the fact that being beautiful is one of the most important things to society.
Cultural Indocrination to be superior against their counterpart: chinese.and north koreans.
This right here, it's all about being really ridiculously good looking.
Asians leading the way as always while Americans and the UK get fatter by the day
Bullshit. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. They are just trying to mimic white bone structure.
Not "Korean"
You're talking about "only few of Korean women"(definitely below average)
And we fucking hate it too.
Really need to ban excessive cosmetic surgery advertisement by plastic surgeons crazy about money.
>implying there are not objective mathematical markers for facial beauty.
Humans are attracted to certain facial proportions, because they're directly related to health. Hairstyle, eye color etc are subjective preferences though.
They wish they were white like everyone else
Jealousy turns to envy turns to malice
desu if youre considering plastic surgery, just kys
Considering that every major city in south korea has a street dedicated to plastic surgery lmfao
Even then the most common type of surgery is double eye lid.
Korean culture is centered around beauty. They literally give their 100 day old children perfect expensive fruit because if they give them ugly fruit they will grow up ugly.
That's a jaw to die for.
well the first is fucked up but the second was all right from the start
god they're like fucking aliens
it's a continuation, they're the same woman
The ridiculous thing in all this is that every Korean wants the same look. Every celebrity looks the same, they're becoming almost identical to each other
>marry one of these
>fucking mutant comes out of her womb 9 months later
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ive realized that right know. Anyway i hold my opinion that she should have stopped at the end of first row.
Plastic surgery is cheating. You look for a beautiful woman becouse you want your kids to be like that. Plastic surgery should be illegal.
there's uggos in every civilization
koreans just tend to have enough money to do something about it.
Its funny koreans are infamous for this shit but ive never met one outside korea that admitted they got surgery done
>That's a jaw to die for.
That's a jaw to die form
worst korea
I just got back from South Korea
They don't eat dogs you fucking moron
That being said, it's bevause asians prefer the white european look and idolize it. They don't like their wife noses or sant eyes or round chins. Makeup and style there is fucking crazy. Everyone is caked with white makeup and everyone wears brand style clothing or anything with huge English letters on it tbag doesn't make sense
Korea doesn't have much else other than food, kpop and fashion. Also, kpop has a LOT to do with it. It's just the younger generation; the older ones are kind of like our grandparents, except disgusting. They spit everywhere. It's gross
>the white envy = plastic surgery meme
Asian girls do envy white girls but they dont surgery themselves white
Wrong. Just got back from seoul and shit tons of people had obvious plactic surgery. Lots of eye and nose surgery. It's pretty common to get plastic sfutrgery there on your 16th birthday
Also, you're not Kocean. You're an american soldier
Wide noses* slant eyes**
Which areas did you visit in Seoul?
Still plenty of natural hotties desu.
Sometimes you can tell that a lot of girls went to the same surgeon (Gangnam), and other times you can't tell at all.
The girls still take care of their bodies and have skin like milk, so being a degenerate here is pretty swell.
Don't drink too much of that everyone is (((beautiful))) koolade.
asians either worship whites or act like nigs
Oh, and the girls might have their own superficial/shy quirks, but they still act like WOMEN.
Unlike the West these days,,,
koreans really do have masculine genetics
God, I would murder the bitch.
>take care of their bodies
Well if you count using overpriced beauty products as "taking care"
They dont get overweightbut they dont work out and are just skinnyfat.
Fair play. Still not bad though.
Because they are asians and they have a kimchi based diet
Kimchi cures cancer, ya know...
If plastic surgery is the only negative thing there is nothing to worry about
There's no taboo and it's become normalized. Just like homosexuals and soon trannies and pedophilia
Not to mention korean girls are totally insane. There used to be a pretty hot korean girl where i work, definitely 8/10 bod, ideal hip/waist, about 5'6" good face, but she was dumb as bricks.
Pinays and koreans are the craziest asian women of all but they seem to be everywhere is singapore
This is why I trust Koreans only as far as I can throw them.
>That being said, it's bevause asians prefer the white european look and idolize it
Many cultures have preferred whiter skin since before meeting Europeans.
yeah, flips are pretty gross
Japan > Korea
I have an EX Korean fiancee'.... I know all too well, my friend.
But user you have to bring out the next Genestealer hybrid generation to rise the cult
Which is why we should start drowning the faggots again.
Remind me to never fuck a Korean
They want to look like thier Japanese masters
Moon runes sure are different from how I remembered them!
No they don't.
Humans also evolved a brain to be able to look beyond that. All you are doing is tricking the primal into seeing what it wants to see.
No change there then.
>they're becoming almost identical to each other.
Careful, Mika.
Well that's unexpected
Plastic Surgery Koreans are the true Aryans.
>The ridiculous thing in all this is that every ASIAN looks the same
In Korea it is common for parents to give a plastic surgery as a 16th birthday present.
>put two ENTIRELY DIFFERENT girls next to each other
>one ugly,one beautiful
>claim that she had surgery
>nobody notices because all asians look the same
I read Korean education is more brutal than Japans
> Korean women:
Use every trick in the book, from expensive cosmetics to sawing off half of their own jaw, in order to make themselves pleasing to their future husband's eyes / penis
> Other women:
"Lol whatever, I'm sure a man will marry me for my personality :^)
Korean women are too good for this gay earth
How do they shave their jawline? That sounds horrific.
Use everything to your advantage.
>before meeting Europeans
But not before meeting the Angels that resemble Europeans.
There are plenty of korean women who say the latter
Korea is a great country where everyone can be a qtie.
All over
Sinchin, angook, some other places I can't even remember. I also went to the cities of Busan, jeonju, dmz and something else I don't remember. South Korea kind of feels empty to me, in a weird way. Seoul was the only lively feeling place but even then, nor all the time. It's just bevause of the Asian culture of being quiet and keeping to yourself
Yeah but these guys take it to the extreme
Alrighty then
Koreans have the highest IQ (in the newest survey) in the entire world. Koreans have become the 12th largest economy in the world in just 60 years after complete devastation from war. Devastation that surpasses any bombing Europe faced during the world wars.
Koreans have always wanted to be left alone, they never invaded another country in their whole history which spans thousands of years. Yet, they were never left alone. They were constantly invaded by war loving China and Japan. They were successful for the most part, from being taken over by another country. They fought with what little resource they had, but their territory dwindled through out the ages and ended up as a peninsula.
But the modern Korea is nothing more than pawns in the never-ending feud between communism and capitalism. Between the U.S. and Russia. Korea was split in to two countries because of Stalin, who in my opinion, was the true monster, but who is always overshadowed by Hitler. North Korea (through China) was molded by Stalin, while the South was heavily manipulated by the U.S. to combat Communism. (Hence the Christianity population and circumcision, which is ridiculously out of place in the geographical region)
Who are you to judge Koreans? The only guilt of the Koreans was that their ambition never included imperialism. Do they use surgery to improve their appearance? Yes. Is that better than not giving a fuck about how you look, as a lot of white women and almost all black women do? Absolutely.
When the vast majority of black women are insanely obese and a whole lot of white women are downright ugly, it's obscene for Sup Forums to be making fun of Korean women for wanting to look more attractive. Just like the Democrats, Sup Forums is full of hypocrites.
>tfw spics are technically happas
Not just Korea but the entire East Asia is, Korea is just the fashion capital.
99% of East Asian females look like gremlins, but they can essentially become a 9/10 10/10 with proper makeup or cosmetic surgery. Makeup is more practiced in Japan while plastic surgery is more practiced in Korea. Chinese speaking places are a mix of both.
Because girls don't want to be ugly.
Why did joseon gooks act like such savages in Vietnam anyways? Was it some anti-commie thing?
Asian's obsession with cosmetics goes thousands of years back into their culture
remember they used bird shit as makeup before
it can be guaranteed most attractive Asians are wearing lots of makeup
They want to be as good looking at the Japanese. I'm not surprised if most of them think they are actually the same ethnicity as Japanese.
they want to pass as Japanese
Don't mix with asians.
Or your baby will look like pic related.
> Was it some anti-commie thing?
Nope, there were no specific reasons for what they did in Vietnam. They have always acted like savages. Read about how they treated their compatriots. An example:
You can easily find many other examples.
Don't mix races or your child will look gorgeous.
P.S. The rapping one is the happa.
The most disturbing thing about their obsession with plastic surgery is the removal of any natural selection. Now, mongrels are allowed to procreate and so their entire race will end up looking like a bunch of suprachromosomal retards. Plastic surgery is literally the jew of Korea. At least Best Korea does not have this issue.
have you seen before? I would be obsessed too if I was part of such an ugly race.
So Korea is kind of like Poland, only more successful
as if lack of plastic surgery has helped
simple geometry.