Why are Europeans so against gun rights?
Why are Europeans so against gun rights?
They are genetically bred to prefer monarchy. Europeans that like freedom left for America.
No pioneer culture.
Depends on the country, we got fuckloads of guns.
Because naturally Europe has always been full of people and cities like now?
By the time Europe was mostly settled the firearm still hadn't been invented. Whereas it was invented before America was settled.
We are not. Our governments are.
Deep inside a lot of Europeans are /k/-level gun nuts.
We got a pretty long history with firearms in Europe tho.
We still got a tradition of having knives around here, every conscript gets one.
So by your logic americans are too scared to get close and personal and instead spray and pray from afar.
It was a slow process of conditioning. It started with the sword bans, knights serving a lord were the only exceptions.
Why am I still alive?
We once had guns
people died
Because people around here are retarded.
Communism has left but they're still mentally commies, even "right wingers".
In western Europe they probably figured out that if people won't spend money on guns they will spend it to prep the bull so they'd rather ban guns.
Because Europeans have been brain washed to be subservient to the state. They believe that only the state should have the ability to defend itself and hence a monopoly on violence, because to European eyes the state is all powerful and good. Hence there are so many atheists there, people worship the state and not God.
Every tried to talk to a Brit about the NHS? Their beliefe in a government institution rivals religious belief.
they don't trust themselves to protect themselves. that would mean they have to be responsible.
Strict gun control in Britain was implemented to stop theoretical communist rebellion back in the 20's or 30's.
Every time some Labour supporting cuck starts yapping about guns or knives tell him this, just to watch his reaction.
I lost my guns after the Emu War, I know that feel bong
in eastern europe, after commie revoltions the rulling class somehow forgot about gun rights
Try not to cut yourself on that edge, Finn. Damn.
Sure, that's exactly what it means. Dipshit.
you cannot defend yourself against (refugee) rapists
you cannot defend you daughter from paki groomers
you cannot defend yourself from violent refugees
you cannot defend your property from the government
Still a completely valid point.
We conquered our continent with muscle and steel.
You lazy fucks had the luxury of firearms.
No way ;p
Its all good
i think that this is part of the reason. people in europe are also more prone to following and relying on the government. the culture in America, or the exceptional place of Switzerland, do not represent most europeans.
Better to just fight it out with hands, instead of killing.
Since the medieval times their masters have prevented them from owning weapons. Stockholm syndrom has convinced them they are virtuous for being human cattle. Islam will teach them the error of their ways.
Because the goverments are filled to the brim with weakness and SJW.
Seriously, I can get arrested for carrying a knuckle duster for defending myself.
I've already been beaten up and my phone/wallet stolen, no need to defending whats yours, right?
Women's suffrage. Women are faggots that don't like guns.
>tfw no gun
>tfw self defense is a naughty no-no here
>every conscript gets a knife
they dont even give you guns in the military? wtf is this?
Honest reason, a lot of it's to do with not wanting to becoma a second America. It seems like a ridiculously violent shithole compared to the UK (a quick google search agrees with this aswell)
Oh they definitely do.
Knives are just a nice traditional bonus.
Finngolian horde didn't need guns in the days of the Empire. Plus knife training is great introduction for lightsaber training, even though all jedi died during that Finno-Korean war and with them died the knowledge of lightsabers
That's because of niggers, not guns.
I had actually heard about that in the case for the bongs, but I had also heard it was much the case for the national governments on the continent as well.
It's because the Jews already took over Europe. They want to weaken "europeans" as fuck.
Do you have conscription in Poland?
We've had until recently.
Non-whites are exceptionally violent. You'll see in time.
Do you have plans to bring it back?
Probably not a terrible idea.
Which weapons did your conscript army use?
Only continentals.
In cities with gun control and full of minorities
We're not, it's the (((EU))) and part of Kalergi's plan to genocide us all.
Just look at the shit people like Frans Timmermans, Martin Schulz and those other EU kikes say.
Dear Sup Forums fascists,
This is ANTIFA.
Congratulations! You've got a reaction from us. That's what you wanted, right?
Well, I've decided that I don't like people like you. You've messed with the wrong psychopath. Before you get excited, you haven't even made me angry. I am a hard person to make angry. However, I despise people like you.
Your pitiful right-wing conspiracy anti Semitic talks are hilarious. Yeah, keep Spewing your racism, transphobia, and other fucked up bigotry and putting up proxies are level 1. Can you hack into encrypted micro files? Can you tear through firewalls without leaving a digiprint? Can you launch malicious scipt attacks? Your silly little proxie won't protect you. I have hacked into many computers and spied on many users from here. I've hacked into games. I've been hacking since I've owned a computer. It's what I was raised to do.
You have no idea the extent of fear you should be feeling. All you are is a community filled with neo nazi lies and spewing your sexist and racist poison into the well of the people's right to diversity! Have you ever murdered anyone? I have no empathy for you lot and would enjoy peeling the skin off your white faces!!!.
You think I'm giving you all an empty threat? Believe that. I have contacts in dark places that you don't want to know about. If you live near me then fear for your life.
Track my ip if you want too but I am smart enough to use my tablet. Hack into my account if you want too, it'll just make it easier to find you.
With love,
an ANTIFA badass
P.S. I would fear for your racist lives if you still can. I will be waiting for you at Altschauerberg 8 in 91448 Emskirchen! I dare you!
Europe isn't one entity. I don't care how other countries handle their gun rights.
I don't know why these faggots are against gun rights either.
Source me
That murder rates still twice as high as the UK m8.
>Suprised that a 60% white country is violent
What the leaf said is true. If it wasn't for minorities, America would be quite armed, and overall, fairly boringly safe.
So much so, we'd likely make every 2 or 3 gun fights that happen per decade we hear about, into 1000 varieties of wild western movies and such.
Put in other words, be where the white people are in America you're just as safe as you are... wherever you are currently. Provided you're surrounded by white Europeans.
Take out the factor of about a dozen counties in the whole nation where the US is the most culturally enriched, the remainder is the same as the rest of the western world.
It's absurd really. It's something the left never want to talk about. Instead we get shit like why cops are racist and how that's driving the numbers up. I live in Baltimore. It's not the police being racist. Liberals know this too, deep down. It's why they always avoid certain parts of town, avoid schools with bussing programs, and avoid neighborhoods near appartment complexes. Their actions speak louder than their words.
Because Europe has always been collection of corrupt authoritarian states fearing the wrath of a dissatisfied people. Every rifle that goes unchecked by the state is a rifle that can put an end to the life of a corrupt politician or an incompetent monarch. Every gun is a symbol of dissent and distrust of government in their eyes, and it cannot be allowed to exist.
Of course they try to propagate that guns are evil at every possible occasion. They fear an armed people, for that is the only thing that can truly change the way a country is run.
They make people fear the only instrument that can free them, and thus- they win.
Próbáltatok már fegyvertartásit szerezni?
Kibaszott nagy macera, gyerekek. Én már rég letettem róla.
Because I'm your system a murder only counts if there is a conviction, mate. Look it up, mate.
Effective propaganda and narratives. Basically, we're told guns are unsafe and cause crime and murders. America is propped up as proof of that thesis..
Meanwhile, nobody ever mentions that guns were regulated in the early 20th and late 19th century, mostly out of fear for revolutions. So to protect the state against the people.. Europeans like to say the second amendmend is stupid and wouldn't work to protect from tyranny, or that it's a bit over the top.. But they tend to not realise that the thing that the second amendmend tries to prevent in the US ALREADY HAPPENED here..
Fukken dying from laughter over here
>tfw I have one of these knives infront of me but with gold coloring etc
I'm not saying you should get rid of your guns m8, just that the murder rate does seem to be pretty ridiculous there e.g. see Still twice as high as the UK for no blacks
Most bongs (and europeans) don't think guns are worth worth it.
Regardless of your opinions, or mine (I think they should make non pistols easier to get) it's never gonna happen because of America.
Because we don't have gun violence like the US so we believe that 1.) it's because we don't have as many guns and introducing as many guns would increase gun violence and 2.) there's no self-defence culture because most violence happens between people who already know each other and mugging generally doesn't happen.
You tell me you live in Europe
What do you mean? It's obviously only going to count as a conviction in both countries.
Cmon Madziar we are little Texas here, but our jew/commie overlords are scared to death about idea of arming Poles. Imagine some retarded gov worker dont give you permit or hold some papers for too long so its no longer legal, you pop motherfucker in head, rest of them think being polite and doing their job is not so bad idea.
Or in my case we have some stupid ass case of seting some property rights straight, its been 8 years for something I could do in half year, and that stupid bitch that is our jurry lost most files somehow so now I HAVE to provide court with documents. I would shoot that bitch. Next one would to her job better.
>Do you have plans to bring it back?
We've had but our government went with the idea that reminds a little bit of various territorial militias. Basically some few hundreds of thousands civvies come every few months for some training. To be honest I think that every adult man without some disabilities should go through basic training, 6 moths or so, move those fat cunts around a little.
Our conscripts used the same things the army is using now, post-cold-war era equipment modified to fit to NATO standards. In the last few years we've had some development but outside of artillery FCS which are easily world-class we don't have anything interesting to show. Oh an AK in 5,56. Oh, a T-72 with upgraded armour and electronics. And so on.
We didn't have niggers. Give it time.
I cannot emphasise enough how badly the US and its hideously violent culture and insane murder rate has ruined the image of firearms in this country. People think that's why they're banned, basically..Even though that's got fuck all to do with it as I already said above.
Just bought my first pistol. Feels good man.
Im going for a shotgun and perhaps a semi-auto rifle next.
Sucks to have no military tradition other than right wing death squads shooting up druggies in your third world shithole.
Good choice swedebruh, lets carve up some kebab in the future.
I've seen some news about your militias, pretty cool stuff but probably not as coordinated as proper military formations.
Still better than nothing!
AK with 5,56 sounds a bit perverted, having the delicious punching power of 7,62 and shooting through a brick wall is bootiful.
>people in europe are also more prone to following and relying on the government
You mean those beaten by comunism.
Our whole history up to 1939 was about being strong and independent, than comies fucked up and forced up socialism of all sorts on us.
We dont need 500+, we need lower VAT and fuckin ZUS. Normal/minimal law would helped too. Cuz right now you gota fight your own gov to start a biznes here.
> Unfortunately, trying to compare the United States and England’s homicide rates is much like trying to compare a country that counts all fatal automobile accidents to one that only counts fatalities caused by wrong way drivers on divided highways.
> The United States’ Federal Bureau of Investigation adds up all the dead bodies that are reported to it and says that – for 2011 – there were 14,412 homicides of which 12,664 were murders among 311,591,917 Americans for a murder rate of 4.06 per 100,000.
> The Home office totals up the victims of murderers who have either died or suicided before trial or have been tried, convicted, and who have exhausted their appeals and solemnly announces there were – well click on the link (PDF) and scroll to page 57; or click on this image for a clearer view and read it yourself –
> If the media reports of a total of 4,760 “violent fatalities of interest to the police” from 1 January 2011 to 30 November 2012 are correct, the murder rate is 4.7 per 100,000 population, the same as our much more inclusive homicide rate, and substantially higher than the United States murder rate.
Basically in the US if there's a body, and it's not one from natural causes or an obvious accident we throw it into the murder rate. You do not. You wait for a conviction.
I could fly to england and kill you and if they never determined it was me or convicted me it wouldn't count. Ots pure nonsense.
You are bragging about literal propaganda designed to make you feel safer.
>Implying gun warfare is more kind than medieval combat
Would you rather charge at a guy with a bow or walk into a forest and have your whole company get wiped out by artillery four miles away
This & this, magyarbros are right
Still, with time and paperwork, I can own any gun except full autos here in Belgium
You defeated the wrong enemy, America.
>AK with 5,56 sounds a bit perverted
We were already re-equipping the army for 5,45 since the early 80's anyway so it didn't really matter.
>give eastern europeans guns
>everyone shoots himself
a gun is an inanimate object. Giving it rights would be kind of stupid. First woman than gays, now guns where will this maddening call for rights stop.
Listen up faggot
I want a Sako Rk 62 you lucky fuck. Can you get those over there as a citizen?
hungarain gun laws are among the shittiest in europe.
In fact, the more corrupt/non-transparent a country's political leadership is, the harder it is to get a gun.
Really makes you think, doesn't it?
So yeah belgiumbro, get a semi auto, and lots of ammo while you still can.
But not all corpses were murdered and not even all homicides are murders. British way is objectively better and more precise. Also..
>Trying to even argue the UK murder rate might exceed the US one
Yah nah..>Still, with time and paperwork, I can own any gun except full autos here in Belgium
It's like that in most of Europe, UK being the noteable exeption, but it's hardly the same as US tier freedums.
when I can marry my gun
> Why? It is a matter of policy. As Chief Inspector Colin Greenwood points out here, the Home Office believes it unfair to brand a man a murderer until he has been tried, convicted, and exhausted his appeals.
> As a result, murders that have not been solved are not included. If indications in the Telegraph are correct, that would substantially reduce the homicide rate in itself. Murders that have resulted in an arrest but no conviction are not counted. Convictions that have not been appealed are apparently not counted. And the number of minorities reported as murder victims is far below either the demographics or of reason.
It's literal bullshit. You can't even compare the numbers because one takes all dead bodies that appear to be murders and counts them and the other maybe might count them as long as feelings aren't hurt and 12 other hurdles are cleared.
Switzerland and the Czech Republic have some of the laxest gun laws in the world. Better than some US states.
In fact both of these countries have much lower homicide rates than the UK.
Reminder that the Rotterham case added 0 to the rape stats of Britain
I honestly want to own something other than a shotgun but that requires active military service or be in the reserve. Sad that I can't even own a mosin
You can't compare the systems. I'm not arguing anything being higher or lower. Just quoting an article. What I am saying is that any comparison is outright invalid. It's a complete non-starter when the metrics on one side catch everything and on the other side downplay the values because of "reasons".
How easy is it to get a shotty in Cyprus?
I'd rather get blown to bits and feel nothing rather than get sliced or smashed up and still live through it.
Well, as long as it does the job its fine.
Whats the default LMG for the poles? We use PKM and our own clunky piece of shit.
Very hard to find them since they are pretty easily customized from semi to full auto (then again a good gunsmith can do it for any gun), I have seen semis for deer hunting though.
The people aren't. The governments and the EU are.
Why should guns have rights? Hah next thing youre going to say is that muslims need rights.
Truly a bizarro world
You have to be 18, clean criminal record, clean mental health record, have Cyprus citizenship and do some tests. Nothing hard
>next thing youre going to say is that muslims need rights.
Made me giggle.
Too bad. They're one of the few rifles that run in -60F temps without stoppages. That's handy for Alaska.
Is this true? For similar reasons I guess?
I have heard some of them got exported to the US, so its not impossible. Just not very cheap.
Regulard AK or Galil could survive too, no?
Galil is basically a grandchild of our RK.
Galil yes, they cost $4000 for not fuckass Century Arms fall apart in your hands quality.
Don't remind us kek.
Never handled one myself, but its the closest to an RK.
Would be nice to know what we are going to upgrade our RKs into, that would mean that we could potentially ship out about 500 000 high quality rifles.
The swedish variants of the HK G3 and FN FNC should do the trick.
I presume a huge bunch of G3s were handed off to Estonia as we were switching to FNCs for most troops. Except the royal palace guards who have G3s because they make more noise during parades and showoffs.
Long decades of propaganda to engrave that defending yourself is racist.
They don't, at least not well enough over a basic bitch winterized AR to justify the enormous cost.
There was just something magical about Rk and Galil, even over AK that just lets them go non-stop no matter how cold it gets
Similar reason to why the west thinks eating dogs is wrong but Chinks do it all the time.
That is just how our history and culture have shaped us.
I've seen armed police once where I live, and people had so little exposure to real guns that pretty much no one would go within 50ft of the police with many standing even further back than that. That is just how people in this country have been raised.