These people died without passing on their genes.
Can we all agree they were laughable losers, as they were genetic dead ends?
These people died without passing on their genes.
Can we all agree they were laughable losers, as they were genetic dead ends?
Maybe their children were their ideas, in that sense they might leave behind more than you will.
Schopenhauer actually did, but his daughter died in infancy.
>Maybe their children were their ideas, in that sense they might leave behind more than you will.
This is what memes actually meant/means...
genes / memes
Maybe, but at least they weren't Canadian.
Hitler had a son
Kids die, and could ultimately be of no importants, just continuing the bloodline.
But ideas are eternal. And these guys had ideas we're still talking about to this day
What a ridiculous thing to say. I feel embarrassed on your behalf.
namez pliss
1) hitler
2) ?
3) Tesla
Really nigga?
Isaac Newton
Plato (probably)
Leonardo Da Vinci
I feel embarassed for you too leaf. You wouldn't know genius if it pissed on trudeau.
of course it's a low IQ leaf spewing shit like that, kys
desu yes
TOPKEK bluepill as fuck
Life isn't just about passing on your genes, we can leave much more than just DNA.
That's Epicurus not Plato
Don't know a lot of western people, however enlightened, by face.
>Life isn't just about passing on your genes
It literally is, idiot. Do you know how evolution works? Go back to school before posting here again.
Play MGS2.
The goal of the genetic drive is to reproduce.
Not life. Life is an abstract concept created by man, the meaning defined by man.
Play my dick.
fuck yeah i dont know about it anymore
1. Hitler
2. Arthur Schopenhauer
3. Tesla
4. Newton
5. Epicurus
6. Leonardo da vinci
That's why I said probably.
Not even Da Vinci?
regression to the mean would probably mean that their children would be dumb as fuck compared to them, so i guess its for the best
The nice thing about ethnic nationalism is that your genes and ideals Persist in your people.
I don't mean to come off as a cunt I'm just saying that's Epicurus
each of these person is worth more to humanity than the entire continent of africa
their dicks aint
Very rarely the offspring of a genius ever accomplishes anything on the level of his progenitor, so it doesn't really matter.
Sorry, no.
Children can die.
Memes are eternal.
No worries.
Yes leaf. If calling these good guys names can help you deal with your shitty life and low IQ then call them all the names you want. Go suck trudeaus cock
muh iq