Hiya Sup Forums

Hiya Sup Forums

I'm a cartoonist and aspiring animator. I've noticed that a lot of cartoon and comic media is leftist, and I've been entertaining the idea of doing a conservative/right wing animation series. Thing is, I'm not super good at writing. Anyone interested in helping me write far/alt right cartoons?

Contact me
[email protected]
Skype: Kevin (((Goldberg))), [email protected]

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bump for Garrison 2.0

OP bumping Even if you don't have any helpful ideas, feel free to add me on skype/twitter.

Skype: [email protected]

I don't think you can draw a cartoon on your own, unless you use some trick like south park, but the quality degrades severely in that instance. It'd take months to do a single episode and you need good voices.

I have professional equipment. I have a Wacom Cintiq 22. I'm not looking to do full 22 minute episodes. Just like 1 - 2 minute cartoons.

Anyone interested? I'm looking for both writers and voice actors. I'd love to have some Sup Forums users do voices if possible.

I just can't think of an idea that would fit in a such a span right now. Most political cartoons get their point across in one panel. So I dunno

Still there user? I'm a game dev and we could make sum sickkk alt-right meme games and make actual money for doing so too.

Yeah sure. I'm a professional graphic designer. I'd make assets for you if you're interested. My contact info is all in this thread.

Well shit alright I'll throw you an email then.

Man, OP sure left me with a riddle that's going to bother me and I'm all tired so it's hard to think. How could you even make fun of a liberal today? They already satirize themselves day in and out better than I ever could. Like, calling the police over chalk drawings. That's satire already, except it's real life now.

Some Sup Forums copypastas might suffice though. Like the one about the school shooter who enters a gun free zone and his gun melts cause he passed the threshold.

Pretty cool OP, good luck

Please do

I get that. And I accept it. Even though I'm not super talented, I'd like to form a community of right-wing content creators that don't have to worry about being ousted by lefties who hate people that don't agree with them.

well show us some of your work, faggot!

I sent you the email. I'm using Yandex for now so gmail might list as a fake email or something, be sure to check your spam folder.

I can only tell you what not to have. Don't LGBQTLMNOP characters. Don't have feminist characters

I can't make any promises.

Here's a comic

I'd have you on my site potentially with weekly political or other occurances.
Can offer ideas at times but site is small, too small for revenue etc.

Have you ever thought about animating a story about knights fighting over the affections of a daughter of a king.

I'd be happy to do free content for you if you have a platform for it. I can't promise daily content, but perhaps once or twice a week. Do you have a website already? Please contact me if you do, [email protected]

Once a week would be more than enough. At the moment that's all I can update it anyways by and large. Welcome more contribution but some of the stuff I've been sent on that offer is speculation without sources etc.

Great idea. If we are to take the country back from the communist left, we have to also do it through culture and entertainment.

This idea was largely inspired by that leftist meme movement that's been going on here. I like the idea but I'd like even more spawn original content that doesn't rely on bringing other people down

Politically-oriented entertainement is cancer, no matter what side you stand on.

All media will have political orientation user. As long as it's not forced and out of theme it's fine.

> I've noticed that a lot of cartoon and comic media is leftist,
you didn't look hard enough. Pic related was made in 2015 and still ongoing

I'm a professional gardener and I could make some sick alt-right garden decoration if you want to

You're cute, toothpaste

Is it still boring with writing that makes it virtually indistinguishable from a meth'd up chimp with autism and the IQ of a nigger furiously masturbating over a keyboard?

The artist literally didn't gave 2 fucks despite the series was made during the Obama admin. Every single cover has a swastika and gave roof good boi points like nobody's business.

>the artist

The artist is you, why do you constantly act like we can't see your fucking flag? Why don't you ever use a proxy? Is this all an elaborate ruse?

You can't really go nowhere if you keep dividing Sup Forums's talent you nigger loving fuck.
He made pic related and your dumbfuck ass bitches about him everytime you see my flag.

What's wrong, you hate his OC or something?
He's one of the earliest Sup Forums talents here. Learn to respect your elders, newfag

Maybe you could work with @MurdochAnimates? Or adapt Iron Pill into a series.

Wow he made shitty edits? What a talent! Same one I had back in 2005.

>early Sup Forums talents

That's a laugh. Seriously though, his drawings aren't bad. But he shilled that shit too hard, it's like forcing a meme. If it was good enough it would have caught on. The writing was shit which is exactly why it wasn't popular. Now you're all salty for us not liking your comic with shitty writing. Fuck off Mike.

>That's a laugh. Seriously though, his drawings aren't bad. But he shilled that shit too hard, it's like forcing a meme. If it was good enough it would have caught on. The writing was shit which is exactly why it wasn't popular. Now you're all salty for us not liking your comic with shitty writing. Fuck off Mike.
This is the most upsetti post I've seen on Sup Forums.
Kudos to Maldraw for raping your mother otherwise we'll never see legendary asshurt posts like this.


lol I gave you a compliment you worthless subhuman jungle monkey. At least my work is seen by more than 12 annoyed people that have no desire to see it. Get a writer and focus on drawing. Then people might actually want to see your work too.

Post an animation you've done, the we'll talk.

All 3 of your posts in this thread are nothing but sperging at Maldraw's comics and OC's and calling him names like some kid that lost a CS match.

You really are a special one.

>pretending not to be Mike

At least use a VPN it's clear you have no friends, this is embarrassing. Anyway, I gave you some real advice. Play to your strengths but recognize your weaknesses. You can't even craft creative baitposts. Your writing is terrible man, but your drawings aren't bad. Focus on that and you'll be a lot more successful.

Hello friend

I am, funnily enough, a writer looking for an animator. I'll email you when I get home from work.

But about me: I'm nearly 30 now, so just over ten years ago I thought getting a degree in scriptwriting would be a good idea. Obviously that was a ridiculous and childish decision, but nevertheless for the past couple of years I've been working on a portfolio, and now I'm long overdue kicking things up a notch with a good animator.

I'd say my style would be a little Rick and Morty/Ren and Stimpy/Sick Animation if it had a far too mature and serious subtext for its nature, and thus was even funnier

Not that I'm hilarious or anything. But I will make it as a writer, even if I have to take heeb dick until I'm shitting dreidels, so it'd be nice to get some work done without that

Everytime you call him Mike you remind yourself of the times he told you to go hang yourself on the ceiling so you'll dangle like a mistletoe.
Just let it go dumbfuck. Cherry picking every single shit he makes does nothing but to show how eternally fucking asspained you are at him. And you will be eternally asspained at Malaysia until you leave the board.

Mike, I'm trying to help you. I was an early supporter of yours when you published your first comic in the Trumpgens. But your writing just isn't there and being mad at Sup Forums because your writing is so bad it can't garner a fanbase isn't going to make it any better.

Go to /lit/ and find someone that at least can produce something with a semblance of good writing.

TRS fags get out

Best idea I've been able to come up with so far is maybe just transplanting the election into something else, like a cooking show or a game of monopoly.

>I should have won, I have more monopolies

>Yeah, but you're bankrupt

Transplant it into a video game context
One player captured the flag and won the game but another player got the most kills and demands they should win instead because of that


No need to remind yourself to go commit suicide like that.

For the last fucking time, stop associating us conservatives with you racists nutjobs.

[email protected]
Throwaway, I'll brainstorm some shit with you. Going to sleep right now.
English major, that's my qualification.