You're telling me you didn't get a part-time job in your field while studying?
You dun goofed..

Also, that is a terrible fucking CV..

gaming is still a nono
that CV overall looks bad and dont forget you're over ran by cheap labor GG NO RE

>low GPA
>too embarassed to say which shitty university he went to
>CV looks like a schoolkid's resume it is so badly laid out

It's you you stupid faggot.

this is bait
>2.5 gpa
everything that kikes hate. kys

dude please look up online how to make a fucking resume

as if your fucking resume is any better. do you have an engineers degree?

Do you have an engineering degree? All your CV states is that you have a shitty GPA. Everyone you sent this to probably thinks you dropped out.

Didn't know retards put a hobby section wtf.

Replace it with volunteer shit. If you don't have some get some.

Your resume is ass

I know troll, but for those mouthbreathers out there don't put GPA or hobbies on a resume. Computers isn't a skill either

Honestly OP this resume makes me think you're not even out of high school yet.

Delete the GPA. It's not important. Be more detailed about your responsibilities in your work. Be more detailed about how your success was measured and how you succeeded.

Get some less shitty hobbies. Also, who puts hobbies in their CV?

I fed cats at pet smart. what the fuck do i put. "fed the cats perfectly every day"

Because you do not have any relevant experience which can guide you to a professional job.

It's Microsoft not microsoft.
No one gives a shit about your GPA, delete it.
What that "Computers" in SKILLS section FUCKING means? Does it mean you eat shit cockold from your computer?
No one gives a single FUCK about your Hobbies.

Actually there are some resume template from Google Drive, get one of them and redo it.

Please tell me that isn't your actual CV.


topkek this is why you're not hired.

Also that resume is shit

Holy shit, Sup Forums PLEASE don't fall for this bait. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE

Repost, Please KYS

It isn't, this gets posted every night and everyone always falls for the bait.


Fucking LEAF cancer level

>he fell for the engineer meme
kek you deserve it m8

>falling for the same bait that's been posted a dozen times before


You should add "Interweb" to your list of skillz.

I agree. Either this is one desperate pathetic faggot or it's shitty CTR bait. I think it's bait.

maybe you can engineer an advanced rake

Thanks for the great laugh.

Your CV looks like make 10 years old learning Word.

GPA 2.5,

It's not your degree it's the fact that quite frankly your resume looks like shit. If that were to come across my desk I'd throw it in the bin as it looks like it was made by an autistic 15 year old.

Hobbies do not matter and neither do extra curriculars. Put more information about skills previous work experience down

please be bait

gaming isn't a hobby, it's a vice

i don't put drinking on my resume



>worked with team members to accomplish goals
>helped assist customers in tasks

It's like calling a janitor a hygiene technician. Just polishing a turd, so you can parade it around.

Your resume doesn't even mention that you graduated or have a degree, it just states a GPA and no actual graduation date.

extra curriculars' can matter if they come with references, same with volunteer work.

is this repetive post proof Sup Forums is a psyops?

Looks way too amateur, do your best to acquire experiences that look related to your field. I probably wouldn't hire you wither with this resume.

Do youknow what will fix that?

FREEEEEEEEE college for everyone.

I'm sorry you failed so embarrassingly throughout your life, and continue to do so now.

what's a good way to say on a resume that i've never had a real job and i've made all my money thus far by going to auctions and buying shit and selling it on ebay?

>a commodities trader/investor

We've done this one already, a few days ago.

>invest zero time in CV
>get zero responses
>"S-STEM is a meme!"

topkek friendo

>Checked on wells
>made sure they operated accordingly

How the fuck did you get through college and not acquire any meaningful work XP?

Employers in engineering fields care first about your capability, and THEN they ask about your creds. This whole communist idea of "education for productivity's sake" drives me bananas with it's retardedness.

I spent 6 years in college studying chem and bio. Only got a AA and make $180k writing software (which was always my hobby). I feel bad for you guys, but I mean: FUCK! Why didn't you have the good sense to do what you wanted, rather than what makes money?

Yeah I think I've seen this shit at least 3 times. Sage

Lie on your resume and make it more flashy, ask your parents or older siblings for help

Well this is better but its to long


>2 pages
this is a resume, not cv

Why americans put their gpa? Do people really give a shit? Also dont put ur high school jobs or any jobs that arent gonna help in engineering stuff. One way to boost a cv is getting certificates, like welding, one or more cad programs, electronic stuff etc.

Well i at lest have IPC610 IPC620 and JSTD-001

you don't put in your college/university gpa? what? yes, you should include your gpa which says how well you did in school grade-wise overall

well night /pol i put in my stuff

I was going to congratulate you on this hilarious bait, but then I saw your flag and realized you were serious, Ave probably considered adding "Great at sucking dog penis" under skills.

>Falling for this obvious shit-tier bait

Not in latvia, there r more important factors to cv than some gpa

Stop it with this bait thread

I put my GPA, but it's because I had a 3.9

If it's mediocre, it should be left off

resume is different than CV. a CV is only for professional academics. but what would you put on yours instead?

this was funny the last three times it was posted.. even Sup Forums loves it. haha keep up the reposts! im sure hilarity ensues.

kek, good one op

I am the cyber


trump is a fucking retard. jesus.

Nice simple resume. I would work with you.

>4 things, 3 of which are related
Learn to pad that shit out son.
Try "I am proficient with the Microsoft Windows Operating system, as well the Microsoft Office suite of programs.
I also am extremely seasoned with the use of Civil3D Structural Engineering Software package."

Also, seriously learn to pad your "Work Experience" out a bit more (Work like makes it look like you are 12). Example of mine. Instead of saying "Hurr I sold alkyhole and moved boxes", I fluffed it up to identify the different duties I would fulfill on a day to day basis.

Find a nice template too. I have Experience, Education and Certifications on the left hand side of mine, and personal information, a brief summary of what I strive for in my position, Strengths, a little about me section and references. All up, I have

I ended up with 3 job offers last year after I was made redundant, after only interviewing for 5. I probably applied for about 20 to 30 positions all up. It wasn't fucking easy.

>Fell for the STEM meme

You played yourself. Poos, azns and feminists have your job now whitey.

Your GPA sucks balls.

Your life sounds fucking boring. You sound like a basement dweller and an underachiever.

I would never hire someone with that resume.

When u finished ur college/university, what was ur major and thats it on the school stuff. Everything else is experience, skills, certificates, related past jobs to the one u want to get. No hobbies also, nobody cares what u jerk off to in ur free time

No. That's roundabout and sounds stupid.

You shouldn't be listing Office on your resume anyway. If you really need to, just say "Skills: Office, Civil3D"

Good tips (more or less) on the second part.

You don't need a template as long as you make it look nice.

This is bait.


If it's not you can't get hired because anyone who doesn't know his resume looks like shit must literally be fucking retarded. I could've made some shit like this in 3rd grade computer lab in 5 minutes. Step your game up for fuck sakes. Also "low gpa but excellent communicator"
>you literally apologize in the first fucking line of your C.V.
jesus fucking christ user, if this isn't bate you are an out-of-it retard

21yo white male here
i'm in tech/stem and making 6 figures
it's not all a meme

This. I laugh at engineering and CS cucks every day.

pls be joke resume

I would not put that underachieving GPA on your resume. Leave it out.

not sure why. see

Another one fell for the STEM meme.

Me too leaf. I got a Geology degree and spent about 8 months unemployed before I took a job as a lab tech making 15/hr.

A word of advice though, your resume/CV is fucking shit. I see at least two glaring grammatical errors. Your descriptions are vague. Your GPA is shit, your work experience is shit.

Google resume templates and copy more or less word for word. Also don't be afraid to lie on your resume. I didn't get a job until I lied my ass off on mine.

I know this is a troll, but a while back I checked CVs for an online company and a lot of them were as bad as OPs.

People cry and cry about how they can't get a job and yet there they seemed to have spent about 10 minutes on their CVs and most of that had been formatting the damn thing. I still don't understand how some seemingly smart people are incapable of putting together a coherent CV or cover letter. You can just go online and copy an example - but even that is too much effort for some people.

And I thought my resume was the fucking worst in the world
Thanks for making my day better

>not recognizing it's b8
stem can make bank though

and if you lie on your resume you'll never get a job, smart one


This. There is no fucking excuse with the internet. There are very good CV/Cover letter templates for every industry now. If you can't even spend a couple of hours tweaking your resume and making it look professional, you don't fucking deserve a job.

>You shouldn't be listing Office on your resume anyway. If you really need to, just say "Skills: Office, Civil3D"
Look, I agree. It really should be basic knowledge, but there are fuckwits out there who don't know their way around Word, let alone Excel.

>You don't need a template as long as you make it look nice.
Agreed again, although templates make it a bit easier to work with I find. As long as it is presentable, and stands out in a professional sense, rather than lolcomicsans and ClipArt (Friend in HR had some horror resumes she snagged from work, god fucking hell people are retarded)

To be honest I get worse resumes than this most of the time, but still nowhere near the category where I would want to interview you.
Look up how to write a CV only, it's all about marketing at this point.

You're the exception and made it then. What's your job?

>stem can make bank though
True, it's just not the sure thing many undergrads believe it to be. It's very dependent on luck and current industry strength. I happened to graduate with a Geo degree pretty much at the depths of a major oil crash. If I had graduated 2 years earlier I would've made 6 figures right out of college.

>and if you lie on your resume you'll never get a job

My last 2 jobs beg to differ. People really overestimate how much employers actually look into this. I've even lied on resumes that went through ADP screening on work experience. Never had an issue.

tech-related. in CS but i'm not a code monkey/programmer (though i obviously can code).

Old bait is old.

My feeling is that most job vacancies are so full of shit and the companies are lying anyway - so you've got to at least match them to stand a chance.

At least half the people I've worked with have come across as genuinely incompetent. Yet the job descriptions make it sound like you need experience with the Navy Seals and a professorship to be a glorified secretary.

they have (overly) high expectations - apply anyway and impress them in an interview


Why does this god damn thread keep getting made every day?

Is this some kind of psy-ops shit or is it just massive autism?

>so you've got to at least match them to stand a chance.

Exactly. I can't tell you how many times I read job descriptions for "entry-level" positions that required 5+years of experience in the field and proficiency in all kinds of proprietary software.

I'll start being honest about my qualifications once they start being reasonable about their requirements.

Your resume is shit

dont you get in shit when they find out you cant do the stuff you said on your resume?

I want to live in the west so badly. Here I'am asked about hobby every single time. When I say "I develop my own apps and release them in Play market" they say "sure you do if you apply to Android developer job, you could not mention that. So what are your hobbies aside of programming?". I don't even know what to say because all that i do is sitting at home, watching anime, playing dota and shitposting. Also HR always ask about age, martial status, who I am living with and other private questions. I am employed for 5+ years and never passed an interview with HR, got job only when I was speaking to manager.

>Advertising a 2.5
>No description of what HUSKY was besides wells
>Skills: Computer
>Hobbies: Family and Friends

Say you take care of your dog, play an Instrument and do some sport.

Should have learned a trade.

>college attendance reaches unprecedented levels in recent decades
>surplus of shit degrees like psychology are commonplace
>students realize you can't get a job with a shit degree anymore
>everyone flocks to engineering
>now supply exceeds demand
>engineering is now a shit degree because everybody has one

The world needs ditch diggers too.

I had a 3.0 GPA in biology and it took me 10 years to make up for it, and my career still isn't great. I hire young biologists with at least a 3.5, and our good internships basically require a 4+. You'll have to do what I did: take a shitty job and work hard for years.

Are these the new slide threads? It was funny the first time, now it's just getting a bit much.

That just periodically happens. I tried to get my great uncle to elaborate on why it happens, but he just stonewalled the conversation. This periodic loss of jobs has certainly been the case since the 60s.

How did you guys manage to acquire work experience during your studies?

Chem eng here, only about 10% of my class and mech eng managed to get internships over their school years. Most of us just worked retail over the summer part time.

Can't even find an UNPAID research volunteer position. Have a 3.2 GPA not counting my general first year.