Soldier shoots someone outside the Louvre in Paris
Soldier shoots someone outside the Louvre in Paris
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Sacré Bleu!
tres bien
>Police source says a French soldier has opened fire after a man tried to enter the Louvre Museum in Paris with a suitcase #Paris
One less.
24 999 999 remaning.
please be a nigger
Une belle journée qui commence !
Its true!
Drilling it right now
>Suspect allegedly armed with #knife approached a military patrol. Soldiers opened fire
I read it as
>Soldier shouts someone outside the Louvre in Paris
and thought it's the most Europeanuniony tolerant and peaceful thing a soldier can do when confronting a terrorist.
Jesus Christ please nuek everything.
>A man stabbed a soldier near the Carrousel du Louvre in the 1st arrondissement of Paris.
>Do not carry suitcases in France
>TFW I thought this was Italian
>tfw it was the bogs
Qui a été tiré? Les soldats à Paris ont des armes pour un raison.
Guess he wasn't really feeling the louvre, eh?
some guy with a noife.
Weak happening desu
Case closed lads
>Muslim country
French soldier shoot someone, that must be the first time.
>A police source told AFP the man was armed with a knife.
>It is understood the soldier opened fire after the man tried to enter the museum with a suitcase.
>The scene has now been sealed off to the public.
Who are the bogs? Could I get a quick rundown?
It's Paris, 90% chance that even the bullet was Algerian
I don't know, rifles weren't that drop-dafe during WW2, maybe we killed some krauts by accident.
no, you have your facts wrong
paris (and the "ile de france" region) is full of blacks.
arabs are everywhere else, especially marseille (and the PACA region)
>be french
>take 4 hour lunch break because fuck it, no-one in this country works anyway
>carry briefcase with me
>stop by public museum on the way back
>get shot
Nice country you got there.
Patriotic French video incoming:
A few words in the description box for the Germanbros out there.
>1940 Sup Forums
suspect is only wounded
u right, maybe someone drooped riffle while "tactically retreating" and shoot some Krauts.
That's a relief. Thought for a second one of the soldiers turned kebab.
that was the joke you quadruple nigger
Taking bets on race of this individual. Any takers?
just got the AP Alert FUCK IT'S REAL
Arab. I bet 5 shekels.
I thought Algerians were the black ones since they were north african. Thanks for the fact
Probably a north african with a big grizzly beard and a koran.
he is a slav dont expect too much
Dealer,$100 on mudslimes plz ty.
>be American
>get shot
t. Internet Explorer user
unless those are full of money and for someone working in politics that is
Jacques rebour!
Also taking bets on the contents of the briefcase.
It's a Muslim you dipshit
no they're brown (although moroccans are dark brown)
sub saharians are black
Fucking Slavs, glad my father raped some of you in Yugoslavia when he had the chance. Go step on a land mine.
Are you black?
Never got to say that you have a georgeous flag
Whenever the cops shoot someone in America they MUST kill the innocent POC because they have no choice. Surely French law enforcement havent been able to figure out a way of disabling people instead of killing them?
Maybe they can teach the white american cops a thing or two
>post about habbening in france
Too soon, Britfriend.
I'm glad he was shot before doing anything to the Louvre tbqh, I have not visited it yet
>mfw my brother is in Paris for Vigipirate/peace keeping operations. I really hope he's not involved in this bullshit.
Thanks, you've got a gorgeous pussy.
Save it, it's all yours my friend haha :)
Every time I see 'POC' I always read it as 'piece of crap' for some reason, yet I can't recall that ever being an existing acronym.
eww, no
yeah now we have to pay his cell for 10 years then he gets to try again or leech off welfare for the rest of his life
To whom did he surrender himself this time?
tfw I can get banned for this
lets guess the name of terrorist, Ill start: Yannick Ahmed
I have cancer now
>not wanting your brother to be the one who took out the muzzie
digits and your brother is kill.
It's called "advancing in the other direction".
For what?
Also who is that ref guy and what is that look on his face
I'm glad my brother doesn't have to this bullshit because of his rank and status. Sentinelle sucks.
T. Nigger tier frenchman
Thank fuck for that, ay. You dodged a nuclear bomb when you came out of your mother's womb. Congratulations.
Coulter's Law states that it was a white man.
Why? You want to see it burn or something?
This happening will distract from Trumps failing policies. No wonder Trumpers are "excited" about death and suffering.
Rly maes you wonder.
>how did he know?!
Thanks, Lori
First picture of the attacker just got released
i made this thread talking to her now on fb
Sensibly chuckled
It's not even summer yet
Has anyone else noticed that most of the "I am a master of many languages; behold me and tremble" fails on/ Sup Forums are from Australians.
"Qui a été tiré"....lol
Imagine, when the race war DOES kick off, what kind of soldiers these dim-witted vain little fags will make.
They will put their rifles together in some "special, original way" that they think will make everyone look at them and admire them, fuck it up like this beer-swilling, sheep-fucking retard fucked up his attempt to google a French sentence, and blow up themselves and their whole platoon without killing a single mudslime.
Genocide Australia now. They are a liability to the white race.
Mudslim prayer day
Here comes a mission for Captain Padamalgam
>En avant le suppositoire !
Pic related. Spread the link, brother.
Lovin' it. Hope I'll be able to spread my seed in it some day.
Name is being reported as Samuel L'Hideau
We've heard this multiple arab shooter story before.
Pour l'ennemi ni trêve ni pitié
Il reculera au feu de nos canons
Debout les hommes et sonne le clairon
A l'assaut Turcos pour la France en danger
Is Marseille 'ok'? Where in Marseille is tolerable for the white tourist?