Bill Clinton, James Alefantis and child-trafficker Laura Silsby are all connected with the orphanage that employs CIA agents.
Other urls found in this thread:
Anyone interested in Pizzagate should look into these threads. In the FBI one there was a suspicious poster, ID: Avbx2XsQ, that spoke pretty cryptically. Worth looking into.
This thread started off slow but near the end we started discussing the symbols and insider references discovered in the thread above. Interesting stuff.
Important, don't let this slide. People are spamming the paris shit multiple times
I know. This is one of the only relevant threads. We had a good discussion going in the last thread. The FBI thread I posted above was slammed by shills. Read both. Lots of things were brought up that haven't been mentioned before.
Wasn't James bond an orphan
Wow, just wow, I'm 20% of the way through and whoever did this work needs to go behind a VPN.
Or in the middle of a shit-river where Pedosta won't come (like I am)
this is who shouldn't have the codes....
The FBI thread?
b u m p e r i n o
I was in the FBI thread. I think FBI guy was a larper and didn't learn anything new besides the circus thing. This thread though is a goldmine
that's one of the more insane info-graphics I've seen. You make it? Hope not, but believing it is pretty bad too.
Yeah, I think the FBI guy was a larper too. The one poster Avbx2XsQ was strange though. Lots of what he said goes along with what I have been looking at. The animal groups and such.
Great work. Sick fucks. Just a hunch here, but besides rape (which I do think is happening), this is probably also largely about charity fraud and stealing dead people's money. Kind of a 2 for 1. Kill the parents, and make the kid your ward. Money is always involved with these scumbags.
One correction with your picture:
Frank's accusations is that opening the street to the public would bring murder and rape.
It doesn't imply anything else.
You'd need to get a hold of him and ask for clarification if you want to use such.
I read the Avbx2XsQ id now. Funny I read his first post earlier but didn't think much of it besides it being a relatively more mature post. Now that i think of it, it definitely was something. And he said something that most of us don't think about, even if we know- "post about terrorist attacks ...", it all seemed like a smarter than usual guy not even looking for much attention. I'm definitely giving him some credit.
Definitely. It's only when you start digging to do you see the true monsters that these people are. Some accounts blatantly flaunt the pedo shit. Others are much more subtle and seem completely normal but there are insider references that tell you something is not quite right.
One thing is for sure though, I have to find a free VPN that works with Sup Forums. I don't want to die at Pedosta's hands lol.
Lettered-agency's user-chan's can you please look into this.
You should be fine, regardless. As long as locations and identities are not revealed you should be alright. Basically, there's a lot of speculation and coincidences right now. Nothing has been brought up that is very damaging yet.
What do you make of the "critters" reference? Think something is coming?
While I'm not actually afraid, i have to entertain the possibility of my ip and location being known to NSA and establishment squeezing that info out of them to silence me...
might wanna submit that info and graphic to the pizzagate wiki page.
They've got a lot of stuff on it
I think he is specifying different groups or code for something. I think some animals represent groups in power and others represent victims. He mentions hawks and mice independent of the guy that talks about the circus and mice. I'm just guessing though. In the other thread we discuss references to spiders. Not sure what to make of it yet.
Bump don't let it slide by fake Bogs and spammed Paris
Buzzfeed if you're reading this I hope you get cancer
Did you see this pic posted in the other thread? Know if it's a meme? I've seen references to "trash man" before.
Bogdanoffs. Shills know people respond to them. They are spamming threads on them.
Could I have a quick rundown about them?
Don't have one. Never saved the pasta. This isn't really the place for it. Don't want to derail. The shills should respond in another thread.
Take a look at the threads linked above. Interesting stuff.
No, but creepy.
I actually have to read the Museum thread. I think I'm behind by a week on lates tPizzagate stuff.
Redpill me on bogposters. I always thought it was just a silly meme, but I'm starting to suspect otherwise.
I've seen references to it before. Remember the *Record scratch freeze frame meme? I've seen one like it with a spotlight shining on a trashcan. Basically, the poster is saying they are garbage or trash. Goes along with the pic.
Good lord you're right.
Don't know/remembver the 'record scratch' thing.
Sorry no time for silly games.
All german website but the only english is:
> " Presse rants: 'rough around the edges, a bit bizarre, but fun as hell'
Are you on a VPN?
Looks like the pic actually is a meme. It says it's just a nonsense phrase but there is probably some meaning behind it. Too many coincidences.
Yeah, i'm fine. I've seen that site before. Someone tried to analyze the image fragments in the background. Didn't lead to anything though. I think there is some connection with the owner of Dr. Pong and Comet Ping Pong but can't remember.
For conversation, participation, and lesser-mitigated happiness. Interests and themes that motivate our starting are:
- Un-virtuality (physicality) / real variability.
- Healthy addiction.
- Losing defintion between game/sport and �partying�.
- Gaining control / losing control.
- Pre-apocalyptic activity.
- Improvement of eye-hand coordination.
- �feedback play�.
It is intended that the game space has the possibility to itself be played, through the use of mobilized furniture, perpetually changing d�cor, installations, exhibitions, etc. It is thought that there is an appeal to walking in to a room in which one expects to be surprised. For example, the room may be rearranged as necessary in order to suit momentarily changing needs, as in a gymnasium in which sports equipment is moved and exchanged depending upon the activity at hand.
The organization of the organization, as well as its space, are therefore intended to be less than comprehensively organized. It should be clear what makes up the association and its activities, but less definable in what it produces in the way of a specific atmospheric quality or public image. We, like the public at large, might at times wonder what exactly we�re dealing with here, and never know.
Check the logo. Nice name: JK Rowling loves Haiti
Yeah, she shilled for Hillary quite a bit right?
Keep tracking this!
Hey, I'm the greek user from the previous thread. Actually, this born to die world is a fuck thing is familiar to me and not only from the previous thread. I think my ex had uploaded or shared something similar or I've seen it in some manga.
Yeah, I was in that thread. The born to die thing is supposedly a meme based off a bad chinese to English translation. There could be something more to it though.
is this what you mean?
Yeah, the guy has a few other posts also all are strange and revolve around animals.
This and 2 or 3 other posts.
Well, if there was more to it and it wasn't a random image ther should be more to the other images he/she posted tho which seemed kinda like generic fanart/anime girls
What's strange is that the animals he mentions are the same ones I have been seeing repeatedly in suspicious accounts. There will be normal pics like food, travel, family, etc. and then all the sudden you see stock photos of these animals and symbols. Pretty weird.
I hate you retards
Probably nothing more to the anime. It was probably just a random pic. The "I am Trash Man" part is what I found weird. As I said before, I've seen references to it other places. They could just be based off this meme though.
This is just an "engrish" meme. I think a tee shirt designer concocted the image a few years ago. You've seriously never seen it floating around?
I've probably seen it once before. Didn't click at first.
Thanks. Try to spread that thread around. Some interesting things were brought up.
That's why it reminded me something.
With a search I found this (obviously)
A youtube video,
There's also a facebook page with like, 63 likes but I don't know if it has anything really weird, it shared stuff from a page called close the internet that uses the hashtag close the internet (since we mentioned they use hashtags before could be something idk) that has a statue that also might possibly be a statue of Antinous (the pose seemed pretty similar) probably wild speculation tho.
did he say anything else?
Two french/russian guy that got a genetic disease which gave them ugly faces
They may or may not have had a diploma in astro physcisim.
They may or may not have done a PHd that may or may not be relevant
They frequently appear on french television.
There is nothing special about these guy
What do you mean? The FBI guy?
Bumping for the children
Not much. Mentioned the initials of three people allegedly involved tho.
Is that Antinous?
Hawks definitely assassins.
mice are probably us, public figures doing research. loud mice=david seaman?
psyops working on ground critters sounds like a reference to the super gullible brainwashed people
idk though im just larping
in all honesty, i'm just a lurker. just decided to be useful for once and bump/drop that screenshot here.
stop making sense it's literally nothing REEEEEEE
yes, the last 'harry potter' movie was literally madame presidente and trump had a role as rich goyim
I think the user was referring to the agent.
Pretty much we all are now. Nothing concrete. Just guesses. Mainly insider references that we are trying to interpret. Same with the circus and mice topic.
David Seaman's twitter went dark after posting about aliens and blood drinking.. his last youtube video is all illuminati talk..
Unlike his pizzagate stuff, the only sources he's going off of are the "Sacrificed a chicken to Molech" email.
no sources at all... probably compromised
btw that post was a reply to pic related
free vpns are useless man, they'd give up your info if the officials ask of them
look something up on the darknet there are good cheap vpns, gotta have btc tho
Also, same anons response to the OP
>suspicious accounts
elaborate please
Actually search, this ID Avbx2XsQ and see every post he has. It was weird and another user seemed to actually get what he meant and converse.
I'm the orignal poster that posted about the "circus" reference. The original comment referred to the construction work being done as a "maze for the squirrels and mice that are working for the travelling circus". Not sure if mice were used in the same context as the other poster.
I don't know what darknet is. A buddy of mine has btc so I can pay him
Probably not. It might have been used in the sense of owls eat mice and him being a loudmouth mouse he was an easy target.
Not going to list any. When you start digging you notice that there are trends these accounts have in common. They post pics of random objects and animals and seem to have hidden meanings based on their followers reactions in the comments. You find some strange pedo references and these people are connected to whole groups of similar accounts. Artists are very common.
According to kym today is the day where the most interest for this meme has been shown kek also does anybody know if it is?
Which thread should I read first? FBIanon or the other with the oven-moloch as OP picture?
bump, pls don't die thread
Not sure. These groups seem to be very involved with mythology though. These people are also obsessed with Nike. They constantly post groups of Nike shoes (often comparing adult and kids) or large collections. One account holder even travelled to see a Nike statue and said it was a "shoutout to their Nike bretheren".
saw yesterday news about a busted pedophile ring in canada, can't find it anymore. was it a fraud or can someone pls post a link?
the animals represent types of actors
owls are obviously minerva if that means anything to you
Since you are the most prominent posters in the thread, I would like to ask you on the following...
Did you notice that high-ups often use crappy writing and spelling? They seem to deliberately make mistakes, like FBIanon in that thread. But I noticed it also elsewhere:
>This pedo-band from cpp: "yu the one I luv" or similar, their song titles go like that
I wonder if it's for plausible denyiability "hur dur nobody would write like that"
Maybe it's also this "do as thou willst" mentality, that the really powerful are above writing rules? Bump quickly...
Could actually be a plausible theory
It's like an additional layer of being in-the-know, maybe. Demonstration of power.
What do you think? Did this already occur to you?
Never crossed my mind but I wouldn't be surprised in the least. They act "plebber" than an average Sup Forumsack. I was the guy who suggested signing but in hind-sight an actual FBI would never sign.
I do agree with the point of id:LK3HyflX who points out about the cryptic user in the other thread though- that guy looks like he may have been someone.
Buzzfeed nu-males or whores- if you're still here- I hope you do get cancer.
Could be. That wasn't FBIanon in the thread posted here. I'm not sure if there is anything to the spelling. There could be. Anon5 often confuses "there" and "their". Not sure. Probably depends on the poster.
I'm looking at the page that uploaded pic related, I haven't found blatantly SJW or satanic shit that you said their pages often use but I saw the bug chart posted again
Look at the images associated with the hashtags I mentioned. They are out there.
What do you think about this Pizzagate? do you think this shit runs deep in our country as well?
I am going to follow Obama on twitter,the moment he lands in India,I will search him and I will throw a dog poo right on his face and will disappear in crowd.
> You just got yourself monitored, kiddo.
Don't let emotions take you over.
What's about that Hildabeast thing? Can anybody explain?
Ants are the best bug, period
Also Amy Schumer. Why was she important on Sup Forums some days/weeks ago?