Netherlands second, okay america?

Netherlands second, okay america?

Other urls found in this thread:

Flikker op naar reddit underage faggot
>rook meer wiet en luister naar pinkfloyd whydontyou.

Flikker jij maar terug op naar de randstad kankerjong.

Kankerlubach en kankervpro, hoop dat ze de tyfuskanker krijgen

Israel is already second

>posting this again
I'm just going to call you a kanker and leave it at that

Thanks, I sincerely apologise on behalf of the Dutch people.

Just saw it today, didn't know it was posted already.

Met one of you fuckers recently. Kind of like a cross between an Aussie and a Jew. Don't know how I feel about that.

Deploy the Kek Squad!


>not knowing Israel are second

Don't worry though, you'll always have a spot in our hearts

simpelweg episch om eerlijk te zijn

Please save me from this shit country

Je snapt wel dat het filmpje voor de lulz is toch?

Redpill me on why you should be second instead of Russia or the NJE.

De thought police is er.

This is becoming a bad meme. Portugal did one too:

It starts at minute 2, not 1.

pretty funny but sorry, nato needs to fall

"Netherlands Second" is good, but any other parody of it from other countries is total shit. Poor execution and they try to insult Trump too hard (not even his fan, but come on, that's just looks pathetic) when original video was much more light-hearted and well made. Portuguese version is just unwatchable.

>dat gevoel wanneer Tim Hofman alle kleutertjes naar de stembus begeleidt en groenlinks ineens zetels krijgt


Lubach is kanker