Why liberals love islam but hate christianity? I am honestly interested

Why liberals love islam but hate christianity? I am honestly interested.

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At their core, they're motivated by a hatred of white people and white culture.

Liberals see Christianity as the white man's religion and you know how much they hate white men.

Liberals see Islam as the colored, misunderstood underprivileged religion so it appeals to all the basic Tennants of the cult of sjw

Seems logical. Are they aware of it, or is it in their subconscious?

they're scared of it
>please don't hurt me mr paki


You'd think they'd be aware of it with how often many of them outright say white people are pure evil and are responsible for all things bad in the world. I don't think they've consciously articulated that their core motivation is the destruction of white people though.

I bet niggers don't even know what the sign says

Its because
> Muh islam is violent
its violent because you fuckers started wars in there
>its their religion to be violent look their history
Look in the mirror you faggots
go back to your whites-only mother's basement while she sucks off some mexicans


when did you arrive off the boat?

>its violent because you fuckers started wars in there
Really? We started the wars in 673 AD? I think you're fuckin retarded bud

Because they're mostly degenerates and pedos and Islam happens to normalize what they want to be free to do more than anything.

>never read a book
>thinks he knows history
>resorts to "ur mom"
have fun never being human

It's total cognitive dissonance. I actually pity it over actively rejecting it. It's like you can gve them what they wan't but I already know what they wan't but it will never happen in a functioning civilization..

pic related


It's a form of rebellion against dad that took absolutely catastrophic proportions.

>impying the middle east was the only ever place in the world to have wars and be violent and conquer places
...... really? I mean cmon

What part of Syria are those black bastards from, exactly?

>he fell for the religion of piss-meme

LOL! What a fucking fag :D

Will Japan be the only "first world country" in 100 years?

Christianity = built the west
Islam = wants to destroy the west

It's as simple as that

They were violent right from the start. And Asian countries never initiated wars with Islam, but they too have problem with it.
>Look in the mirror you faggots
I absolutely disagree. Christianity was never spread primarily through war. Yes, countries that warred also spread it, but primary motivation for those wars was never spreading Christianity, as opposed to ones done in name of Islam.
And even disregarding that, Christian countries evolved beyond that hundreds of years, while Islam is still fucking going and showing no signs of turning more sensible. By its core it's incompatible with western civilization.

As far as the relationship between white Christians and muslims go, we owe them about 1000 years of warfare if you want to pursue a historical justice doctrine.

because brown people.

you've to go back.

The reason I ask is cos there are a lot of white liberal males. Seesm illogical that they protest against themselves.



Looking at their birth rates, Japan will not exist in hundred years.

White liberal males tend to be effeminate, sad human beings.

I almost agree. But why are they so aggressive when they escape their warsones and get to Europe?

Athiest logic

>impossible for woman to immaculately concieve a child.

>totally possible all life and creation emerging from nothing on it's own.

Because mudslimes are shitskins, and christians are white

The most obvious reason is naive benevolence towards "oppressed" people. That's conscious.

Delving into the subconscious, there is a pathologic feeling of shame for one own's culture instilled by media and education.

Even further down, exclusive to women, is a desire for masculine, exotic men who will either remove the more emasculated stock male population or push them to become more masculine again. Women make up a huge part of SJWs/liberalism.

Maybe its like with stocs. They go up and down.

>The two psychological tendencies that underlie modern leftism we call "feelings of inferiority" and "oversocialization." Feelings of inferiority are characteristic of modern leftism as a whole, while oversocialization is characteristic only of a certain segment of modern leftism; but this segment is highly influential.

>By "feelings of inferiority" we mean not only inferiority feelings in the strictest sense but a whole spectrum of related traits: low self-esteem, feelings of powerlessness, depressive tendencies, defeatism, guilt, self-hatred, etc. We argue that modern leftists tend to have such feelings (possibly more or less repressed) and that these feelings are decisive in determining the direction of modern leftism.

Serious question, if it's called the "Syrian refugee crisis" then why are most of these so-called "refugees" actually niggers from Africa?

>thousand year old civilization that survives tsumanis earthquakes, firbombing and nukes , somehow wont survive due to one generation of low birthrates that're still higher than any preindustrial revolution number.

They secretly like being dominated and subjugated by reactionaries

> When someone interprets as derogatory almost anything that is said about him (or about groups with whom he identifies) we conclude that he has inferiority feelings or low self-esteem. This tendency is pronounced among minority rights advocates, whether or not they belong to the minority groups whose rights they defend. They are hypersensitive about the words used to designate minorities. The terms
"negro," "oriental," "handicapped" or "chick" for an African, an Asian, a disabled person or a woman originally had no derogatory connotation. "Broad" and "chick" were merely the feminine equivalents of "guy," "dude" or "fellow." The negative connotations have been attached to these terms by the activists themselves.
>Some animal rights advocates have gone so far as to reject the word "pet" and insist on its replacement by "animal companion." Leftist anthropologists go to great lengths to avoid saying anything about primitive peoples that could conceivably be interpreted as negative. They want to replace the word "primitive" by "nonliterate." They seem almost paranoid about anything that might suggest that any primitive culture is inferior to our own. (We do not mean to imply that primitive cultures ARE inferior to ours. We merely point out the hypersensitivity of leftish anthropologists.)

And Jews/Israel whom they associate with whiteness and therefore guilt.

Same reason why teenager shit on their family and look up for things outside of their home

because shhhh

Ive studied quite a bit about islam and the ones you call ' violent from the start ' are a small percentage. Im NOT denying that the middle east is fucking itself in both ears and as it is right now the saudis can slowly burn to death and i would never care, but one of the things many people speak about is the concept of "Jihad". Jihad does not mean war. Jihad means the upkeep of your religion, and the spreading of it, and some interpret that as war, the Shia ones being those ( there are extremes). The concept of jihad is very similar to concepts that exist both in Judaism and in Christianity, being that all the land is/will be the land of god/the chosen ppl so you must spread.
>christian countries evolved
Look at pictures of many middle-eastern countries before they were riddled by war and Wahhabism, which is the religion of the royalty in Saudi arabia, which is the one that is always represented in media as the violent side. ( Almost all islam-related terrorism is/was organised by wahhabis, starting in egypt in the 19 century to examples like 9/11, Bin Laden was a wahhabi) I kinda lost track of what i was saying but the whole thing of 'islam is not compatible' is debunked by actual photos of actual countries before the radical side took over. There is also a radical site to jews ( the crazy fucking orthodox ), just like there are several kinds/interpretations of Christianity that exist in the modern world that are not considered 'compatible' with the modern world. Youre taking small parts of a massive population and claiming that they represent it all

They hate everything thats white thats probably why so many of the libtards self harm and the reason they side with mudslimes is simply because they are dumb as fuck

>Why liberals love islam but hate christianity?

Liberals subconsciously want to destroy civilization and Islam is the fastest route to accomplishing it. It's why the interests of Muslims supersede those of every other one of their pet victim classes.

They finally give you free WiFi eh, dirty nigger?

One thing that i agree with is that we gotta be careful with who we let into the countries, but the situation is somewhat critical and its not that hard for some crazy isis-fanboy or member to enter and go crazy plus theres about 700k syrian refugees in Jordan you dont hear about them going crazy because Isis and such dont really give a shit about jordan

Kinda like how most atheist attack Christians yet support and want Muslims

They even attacked Dawkins calling him a bigot for attacking islam

Flavor of the week and nothing more. Don't try to comprehend rationality within the workings of a vapid mind.

I've never met a liberal I could respect.

> lel nothing therefore God xDD
why do theist arguments always boil down to this

Im a californian on vacation so yes definitely an italian nigger

Cause Christianity is evil. Remember witch hunt?
You could accuse anyone you didn't like that they are witch or heretic and people would think it is their duty to punish them.

Just imagine if that sort of thing could happen today.

Pedro nailed it, good point amigo

Although I'm a Christian that argument is flawed as fuck. Back to biology 101

>Goal of Leftists = Socialism
>Goal of Islam = Caliphate
Goal of Christianity = Maintain current order

Checkpoints moving to Socialism:
>A: Overthrowing the current order
B: Establishing socialism

Checkpoints to Caliphate:
>A: Overthrowing the current order
B: Establishing a Caliphate

They have formed an alliance, because both groups need to reach point A before they can achieve their goals.

I don't get this.

"Liberals" who like Islam consist of tumblr highschoolers, fat Nation of Islam women in shawls, no Jews or women with half a brain entertain it.

Betas love Islam on both sides.

Oh what a surprise, then I recommend you go visit Tor Vergata in Rome, there're many cute muslims there, it's the most muslim area in Rome, so much cultural enrichment there, they're really cute people and you should definitely befriend some.

> They even attacked Dawkins calling him a bigot for attacking islam
Really? Has it gone so far? I thought Dawkins it somethin like a prophet for them. But after the women's rights march in hijabs everything seems possible.


Remember when Dawkins had a stroke? it was due to stress after being denied participation to an annual scientific meeting, because he tweeted too many "islamophobic" things and they didn't want to associate with him anymore.
After that they apologized, but needless to say the meeting was already over, he couldn't attend anyway due to health issues.

Dawkins retweeted Sargon's tweet on this:

And the hyper SJWs went after him and forced the organizers of a scientific meeting to cross his name out. Dawkins had a stroke a few days later. After a post stroke podcast Dawkins himself mentioned the SJW cause of this stroke.

> stroke
This is kinda sad.

This, I did forget about the video kek I still can't believe something like that was taken so seriously.

Because of Soros money.

>its violent because you fuckers started wars in there
They were violent long before even the crusades. Killing each other. Even today, most Islamic violence is sect based.

>even Turkroach agrees Moozlims are violent while cucks try to defend them


>That pic.
That's exactly what an infiltrator would say.