Daily Reminder

Sup Forums supports AfD

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We don't have voting machines but let's see what happens.

was? duhm ?
>und dann noch afrikaner

Sup Forums supports NSDAP


Hallo reddit

but not her serious womunz dyke hair


was willst du? bist weder deutscher, noch sprichst du es , oder wohnst hier. du machst dich lächelrich, brudi.

No, I don't support being against a whole religion. That is not the way forward. What should happen is, we need to point at the actual problem without pissing off a whole religion. It'll only get people aggravated and in the end you solved nothing.
It's time to be smarter, wiser and solve the fucking problems for once.
Yes they are within Islam, within Muslims. But the way it's communicated always sucks. Especially here with the PVV. Or else they would've been in parliament a long time ago, but they are too stupid to judge the situation properly and distinguish between people.


Neinhold why are you here?

That's a lot of women...


10 Pfennig wurden auf Dein Kinderkonto überwiesen

nothing to see here :^)

>No, I don't support being against a whole religion that openly aspires to take over our country, destroy our right and freedoms, destroy our democracy, force our Religions into nonexistence and if we stand in their way kill us and our families without mercy

We call that cuck over here.

Actually, I support Feminist Party of Germany


May AfD make Germany German Again.

Expecting french and german man to have balls?

Who is the Aussie and what are her odds


>10 Pfennig wurden auf Dein Kinderkonto überwiesen

No clue and just about zero

>Volunteer as voting aid
>Get to count the AfD list

It's that easy. Voting aids are always in need, get paid and in my city you get free stuff like sauna gift cards from time to time.

Woman are treasonous cunts but they are half the voting people, so we need to bait them by puting a (based) woman in charge

>Trying to disband the EU and not taking it over
>Weakening Europe so that foreign powers have their go with us

It's like you actually don't like Europeans at all. Are you a Russian shill?

May kek bless our dear Frauke Petry

Arschgeburten für Deutschland (AFD) - wer baucht's ?

I`ll support any good Samaritan, if he supports the Russian people.

> anal jokes
Wow, (((humor))).

versuchs mal nüchtern.

SPD unter 5%

This, important than ever with the amount of shills we have right now.

Don't you have a nigger to pay, you weak pathetic cuck? Go and play on reddit.

>if he supports the Russian people.

das gute an Trump ist, das er die lügenbande dazu gebracht hat ihr wahres gesicht zu zeigen - mit Trumps damaligen pro-russen-slogans nahmen die angriffe der russe gegen ukraine zu.

das hab ich frish gemacht

und spricht englisch.

halt doch dein schnauze wendelin

I'll only support a German attempt to take over Europe if you act more like last time


Weil Schulz auch immer nüchtern ist wa?


> Nikki Haley erklärte

By their fruit. By now anglo apes as usual about how NATO should attack Russia. The moment NATO will do anything anglo offers, anglo would leave, play dumb and then join the winning side.

Cool thing - we are colony to anglo. So if USA would be dragged by a sikhcuck to war with US, they win.

The Poland one looks like he grew up in a Gulag

mmm YA

>communist humor

He is actually a cuddly gandpa the picture just makes him look bad

yes we do!


Fuck yes we do!

Yawol mein Herr!

As if. Any strong, united Europe poses a threat to the US and your hegemony in Europe. Get fucked.

AfD will have to do for now. But your point stands

Sieg fucking Heil.


deine mutter, mirco


top kek

Kek willing


better version




Er war immerhin nüchtern als er vom Gymnasium geflogen ist.

AFD wird gewinnen




And who said that? Russian proxy shill? Fuck you, Sup Forums in not one person.


German Sup Forums sopports SCHULZ and is anti-anime.
There are literally just two edgy weebs in the AfD general circlejerking, SAD!

Fuck off ahmed

Antoni see some shit



I support thighs

Petry is the last hope for the German people.

Trump! Become friends with Petry! Invite her over!



What if I'm pro Schulz AND anime?

>no Geert Wilders or Thierry Baudet
>no Netherlands
Are we really that fucking irrelevant? Are we Portugal?

I don't know, if I was a right wing German I'd avoid raising any hands above my shoulder. Good thing she used both hands. Must be so awkward.

Unfortunately, you're the Poland of the west



Didn't I shoot Poland guy's arm off in CoD4?







Will they kick out Höcke?

If AfD wins, the west is saved.


If we win France eu is dead, if we win Germany idk. Either they vote again and overturn it or she dies. Im pretty sure germany may be beyond saving. Aussie would be icing on cake.

>German ((((pol))) supports (((SCHULZ)))


What did she mean by this?

Ne, sowas ist nicht so leicht in Deutschland.
In Österreich geht sowas ja schnell wie wir erst kürzlich bei der FPÖ gesehen haben.

Hier kann das Jahre dauern und dann ist es nicht mal sicher.

Nicht mal Edathy konnte die SPD aus der Partei werfen obwohl KiPo.

>no Netherlands

PPV are in the lead for next months vote.
NF in France have gained top position in polls after the huge scandal of the favourite globalist candidate has erupted and expanding daily. His numbers have dropped 8%.

This is how fucking terrified they are of Netherlands and France falling to "populists" and "racist nationalists" in March and April.

I bet the people counting the votes are Antifa scum like the time they counted the votes in Austria.