Daily Reminder #2

Sup Forums supports AfD


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RRG hat nicht mal eine Mehrheit obwohl sie bei den letzten Umfragen zugelegt haben.




I fucking love this shit

I have a couple more from yesterday

redpill me on current german political parties .

> 22
Here's one for Reporting Fake News

If I can get a translation for pic related, I'll get a German version made later today

New Spiegel Cover


Top: "Bekämpfe Fake News"
>'Fake News is also the term used in german media

center bold: "Melde deinen Nachbarn"
center small: "für das verbreiten falscher Nachrichten"
>I believe the german translation for "Fake news" works better here

I would leave the hashtags as they are. German translations are simply to long to use as hashtags.

At least it's a white baby.

Fucking beautiful.

Do you have a render of the girl at the bottom?
would be much appreciated

Thanks German bro. I'll get on it today.

Can German anons redpil me on Russian expats? Who do they usually vote for and support?

Thanks for helping us in our fight, Burgerbro.
Much appreciated.

When I do have German version of the hashtags, I've used:

#GegenFakeNews (for the leftists)

I've also used #BeschutztMerkel for #ProtectMerkel. Is this the most humorous/ironic translation, or is there a better work than "Beschutzt" ?

Russians lean very far right and authoritarian.
You will find that a lot of the Naziparty members here have east european origins.

Russians here are very unhappy with Merkel for a variety of reaons. Foremost: They had to work very hard to get to live here and now they see the government blow shit up the sandniggers asses 24/7.

Another reason is that MSM here shits on russia all day long. I assume around 70% of russian expats would vote for the AfD. If they vote at all that is. They usually don't care too much about politics.

No problem, German bro.
But my skill (if I have one) is really making memes, not in distributing them. You German anons will have to take the raw material and them move the memes into the digital and analog streams.

I think "SchuetztMerkel!" is better. It is pretty much the more commanding version of it.

The other two hashtags work quite well.

I will try to. Germany is currently cracking down hard on FB pollacks and almost no German uses twitter. I think plebbit and 9gag might reach the most, especially young voters.

I'll save and prepare for the meanwhile.
May Kek be with us.

Do Russians mostly live in Eastern part of Germany or it is no longer relevant?

I wonder, how is it possible to use MSM hysteria about Russian Shadow Influence against themselves. Maybe it would be better to blow it out of proportion with actual Russians at the scene? If they are portrayed like the source of all evil, what the hell do they have to loose?

What about Krautchan?

No longer relevant. There are russian communities in every major city here.

Russia has their own news network stationed here since a couple of years. Russia today Germany.

It is doing very well, since MSM has an approval rating below 40% and many people go there as an alternative. I wouldn't worry on that front.

The main goal concerning our russian citizens is to actually get them to vote. I have little doubt that they would vote for anything but AfD.

Once again, I appreciate the linguistic feedback.

Pic related was the results of a joint Burger-Kraut translation effort. We went back and forth until we finally refined the final version:

>The best time
>to report
>Fake News

>Is Right Now

Krautchan is pathetically small and anything but leftwing. We have to reach the normies wich, in Germany, use mostly Youtube and FB.

FB is getting censored by MSM now, though. Youtube seems to have the biggest chance of success. Frequently used entertainment sites like 9gag could work as well.

Looks good but could you shadow the font?
The handpart is hard to read.

OK, good feedback.

>I know a lot of women
>who have spread
>Fake News

>I've reported all of them
>to Facebook

Except I support feminist party of Germany.

Wall when?

well done

This one is great

>FB is getting censored by MSM now
This is the reason that a reverse psyops campaign might get some traction in Germany right now. I think it's important to tie Facebook, Merkel, and the CDU to each other and treat them as one unit.

"When I report stuff, I report to Facebook AND the government."

I also think that Germans need to think about analog campaigns in which memes and even fake agitprop posters are distributed in public places (advertising kiosks, inside subways, near S-Bahn stops, and so on). The government is already super effective and efficient at censoring stuff digitally, but they may be less prepared to take down analog memes made from paper and distributed conventionally via glue and tape.

What is AfD stance on sexual ed and social services in general? Do they support respect to common sense, traditional family values? If ja, then is it possible for them to start outreaching to Russian and generally Russian-speaking communities? I am talking about providing information in two languages. They will vote only if they feel that it matters.

I thought about analog but the problem is it would be costly to do on a large scale.

To get decent size poster you have to oder them as well, wich makes you easily tracable.


This 100 times.

They are conservative, so they promote traditional family values.
>providing information in two languages
Fuck off. German or burn

The biggest problem of the AfD is that it is a new party that has no common core in a variety of political topics.

They campaign on traditional family values but i have heard nothing about sex ed apart from (rightfully) fighting the whole SJW propaganda, like shilling kids to be trans.

Sollten CDU & AFD nicht von allen Parteien das meiste gemeinsam haben?

Are normal Germans big supporters or defenders of "Free Speech"? Or have typical Germans been brainwashed into accepting a certain level of government censorship tied to generational German guilt?

The reason I'm asking is that I'm considering another series of images for #FightFakeNews in which I have the following captions:

>We believe in Free Speech
>That's why we will report your speech as Fake News

>I am reporting your speech
>Because I believe so strongly in free speech

Would something like this work with a German audience, or is an abstract concept like "Free Speech" something that typical Germans don't care about?

CDU ist Merkels Nutte.
CSU wäre ne gute Wahl, aber nur in Bayern wählbar.

I looked at Krautchan today. It's still as bad as it was when I last checked, maybe a year ago. Hardly any threads that are up to date, few replies, shitty threads in general.

I only went there to see some Putsch-Chan images tbqh. And I didn't even find any.

Well when you ask them on Internet Censorship they say they don't care because they don't have anything to hide anyway. They forgot about the Stasi.

If you have agile fingers, engage in reverse-pickpocketing.

Sneak business-card sized papers with web addresses or just QR codes into peoples' pockets and purses.

Write something like "Hitler Nudes" on them.

AfD ist das was CDU vor Merkel war.
Das Problem ist, dass CDU zu tief in der merkelischen anti-rechts Scheiße steckt und alles versucht um es zu verheimlichen. Zum Beispiel hat die DCU Wahl-O-Mat in Mecklenburg Vorpommern boykottiert damit keiner merkt wie ähnlich die Parteien sind.

It would work, no doubt in my mind.
I think it could redpill quite a lot of people with the hypocracy being made that obvious.

Germans have been taught, like a lot of leftists in the USA, that Nazis have no rights. No right to free speech, public protest or anything. So all the MSM has to do is establish a voice as Nazi and it will no longer be heard by the german people. quite sad.

Since they have overdone it in recent years the AfD emerged as backslash to this very policy.

Kann ich ne Quelle für diese Boykottierung, hört sich an wie das was die Demokraten in den USA gemacht haben.

This is one of major differences between west and east Germany. West cucks never ad the Stasi

>expecting people who live in Germany to speak German
Why are you so racist? Ms. Merkel SAID that Germany is a land of immigrants and diverse cultures and languages. Holy shit you haven't changed at all from when you did the holocaust have you?

Well, let's keep talking through this idea, because I really think that an analog campaign (combined with a digital one) can still be very effective in Germany.

Where I live, I was able to use my color ink jet printer at home to make high-quality, high-color memes which I then distributed in newspaper boxes around downtown Seattle.

These "Insertion Attacks" were actually very effective and were easily seen by several hundred (or more) people on the street before the local SJW's would take them down - typically in under a few hours when the election was just weeks away.

I don't know if German cities have free newspaper boxes like the ones in pic related, but it's also possible to do small things like "Operation Leave Behind" where you go into a Starbucks or coffee shop and "accidentally" leave behind 3 or 4 memes in strategic areas where they will be seen subliminally.

Remember: don't try to boil the ocean. Think about redpilling one or two people at a time.

Yeah makes sense, but we still learned that stuff during our Denazification years at school.

Yes, unfortunately that approach would work in Germany. The vast majority of us are compleytly brainwashed by leftist social justice ideology - everything else will be branded as "alt right, "extreme right" or "nazi". And the Average German ´likes to justify takign someone elses righs away if that someone has another point ov view (specificall if he/she is seen as "right", regardless of wether thats actually true)

Still, not as bad as Liberal Arts College Students in America. But we're busy imorting that too, so i guess we're fucked.

Buisness cards with QR codes are quite a good idea. Just put something eyecathing on the front and leave them with other fliers in shops or university blackboards. I can already see the outrage.

Possible slogans on the card
YOU can be part of a new future!
or similar


I used to support AfD. Now I MEGA

It is quite common to leave flyers in shops or restaurants. Leave behind would work.

Newspaper boxes barely exist anymore.

>CDU fürchtet Ähnlichkeit zu AfD

One thing is to experience it first hand and other thing is to hear it in school. For instance compare commies in usa with commi occupied countries like poland. poland wont have any

Don't be fooled. He is an even bigger cuck than Merkel. He is the leftwing candidate, That should ring all alarm bells.

That's why I'm going to be making more memes like pic related. It's amazing what you can find with the following Google image search:

>"super model male soft focus leather trenchcoat"

You get back beautiful people who look like they're working for the Stasi and Securitate in 2017

Wow this just shows they don't really have any values they stand for at all, they'll do anything to remain in power.

I want candidate that is going to end austerity. I don't care about ideology.

You can glue things on the outside of S and U-bahn train windows, with the message on the inside. Whoever is sitting inside will look at the message while it won't be quickly removed by other passengers.

The newer subway trains of Stockholm have sliding doors that partly cover a window when opened. This surface is not accessible when the doors are closed, so a sticker is likely to stay for a long time. I see various messages put there every so often.

Listen up, racists! There's a new CREW on the block!

Buy our mixtape here:


Fat-trolls and filthy niggers never learn.

Make a summary of this Memo so I can add it to my copypasta collection. People aren't going to read through that.

>It is quite common to leave flyers in shops or restaurants. Leave behinds would work

Just to clarify: Operation Leave Behind is when you "accidentally" leave behind some memes on a table, distributed in such a way as to make it appear that someone forgot them. This way, people will look at them and maybe even *think* about them, but they'll be less reluctant to destroy them, as often happened to the memes I put into newspaper boxes.

So, you might leave a couple of memes on a big table, or "accidentally" leave a meme on the table with the sugar and spices. I've even talked to anons who just taped them up to the walls in bathroom stalls.

There are also all kinds of magazine dispensers next to (or just inside of) supermarkets. In 30 seconds, you can discretely put in a half dozen memes and walk away unnoticed.

Exactly, Merkel is changing her opinion based on latest reactions from people. 2009 she said she will go pro-family. 2013 she went full green. 2017 she tries to safe her face

After I started learning German, I was surprised to see how many words in Russian language have roots from it. Even some swearing! Why not direct this energy towards potential voters?


Do your buses have printed timetables? Over here they're protected by a pretty basic lid. One could drop a message into these.

Be careful to not cover any relevant information.

Because promoting languages besides the state language is what leftists do

Recently, I was working on a blending of the German and the EU flags.
>tfw the correct version is a blending of the EAST German and EU flags

Nach 16 Jahren Merkel Regierung müssen die leute doch endlich Aufwachen, vll. sind sie das schon, haben aber angst ihre Meinung zu veröffentlichen.

Any AfD Meme Ideas?

Krautchan is mostly about Sup Forums. It is considered by lots of users as very helpful place for people who are trouble minded. It is pure love.

Yes, they do.

I would do it reverse. Use the EU flag and the East German center piece.

I'm probably a bad example because I'm a programmer and most of them are liberal. I tried to talk with many, but answers left me buffed.
>I vote for Greens because weed
>Merkel is good because she kept her idea on the refugee crisis
>The key to achieve world piece is to finally give the people in the third world a...
>Dude not all muslims are terrorists
The people are so far up their own asses that it hurts

At least my boss is a full blown conservative. He celebrated Trumps victory and hopes for Petry to be next.

What happened to AfD-chan?

OK, here are two ideas I've been playing with:

Idea #1: The Numbers Game
The idea is to associate Merkel and Petry with a single digit number. Merkel's number is 0 (zero) and Petry's number is 4.

[Merkel Photo]
0 children

[Petry Photo]
4 children

>I will vote for the woman with more time for Germany's future

You could also have a table of numbers, where Merkel has some huge number like 30 (number of years as a politician) versus some small number like 3 for Petry.


Idea #2: Keep Our Streets Safe
Show pictures of the new concrete barricades that are now a permanent fixture around every major walking street in Germany, especially ones that have been spray painted to look like colorful Legos.

>Only one woman can keep our streets safe

Then, there would be a big #Danke-Merkel hashtag and maybe a #KeepUsSafe hashtag

We need an alternative to AfD chan.

I am talking about reaching out to Russian-speaking people on their Russian language internet forums or social groups Vkontakte, where they discuss their daily life in Germany, also hanging out posters in Russian and German languages in Russian clubs etc.

I was the same until I learned about Pizzagate and Trump won, I always had hate for the Government but I'd always said I'd vote for the Greens for the exact same reason you did.

We all start somewhere but you need to have an open mind unlike what's happening these past few weeks where if you're against anything that opposes the Liberals ideas, you're labeled a Nazi.

I blame the media, they really trick us and they know exactly no person reads through articles so they use their headlines so effectively to push their agenda.

fake news


AfD sieg wann?


>all those negative comments

>I'd vote for the Greens for the exact same reason you did.
These were quotes from people I talked to, not my own


Can't you just make a picture of Petry with 4 white kids and Merkel with one white and three black ones with a caption like. "Sharing is caring" or "Only Nazis are just white."

Just use a screencap of something called "Einzelfall-Karte" it is a google map document listing all crimes commited by refugees.

It's too obvious and will backfire. It's not normie friendly


This is also a good idea, although I tend to prefer memes that are more subtle.

Pic related is from "Operation Inversion" in Seattle. Anyone can do this anywhere. Here's how it works:

>go to a magazine shop or a big bookstore with a magazine section
>identify the high-traffic area of the magazine display
>scan magazines, and then decide how to "invert" the narrative
>rearrange magazines in the high-traffic area to make your own subliminal messages
>be creative - you can turn things sideways, turn things upside down, or rearrange things as needed
>when you're done (in like 30 seconds) take a photo of the mayhem
>return home and make a meme of the maymay to share on Sup Forums

Operation Inversion is fun because you get to do analog operation in literal meatspace, right next to SJWs and shills who have no idea that you're being subversive.

>tfw you can spell PEPE two ways: with 2 overlapping copies of "People" or two overlapping copies of "SHAPE" magazine

Gibt mir Hoffnung

This, it is better to concentrate not on the migrants but how it was handled, how horrible human tragedy of ME was used to score political points, despite local governments being unprepared and underfinanced.


Somebody redpill me or give material on the federal reserve bank.

oops wrong thread

Exactly! Nice work.

Hey, can you give me Google search IN GERMAN and targeting Google.de that will return lots of concrete barricade images like yours? I've misplaced my German query, and the English-language results aren't as good.

The ones I really like have church spires and Lego-like barricades.