I hope none of you guys are pathetic NEETs

I hope none of you guys are pathetic NEETs

Texas is for steers and queers.

And you ain't no steer boy.

I wasn't aware Chile had internet services stable enough to allow you to shitpost.

What an age we live in.

>tfw posting from my phone on my lunch break
O-o-only 4 more hours

>be NEET
>sleep How I want
>wake up whenever I want
>nobody is my boss

>Tfw sticking it to society
>Beta uprising coming soon, watch out fucking normans

NEETs are almost as degenerate as weebs which are almost as basic as jews.


hahahaha ;_;

>you will never be a comfy as neets

Why are all these peppers different?

To be honest, I never actually understood what "NEET" actually stands for, as an acronym.

Education or

Well, I'm glad that doesn't include me because I do have a modest retail job and am currently in an engineering program.

Commob dude, we both know our country is filled with NEETs
t. brother of a 30 yo NEET

Nice blogpost, faggot.

Fuck off.

Good choice. Picked something that will still be needed in the future. My field of work will always be needed especially in TX.
t. constructionfag

>bitter neet lashing out at someone with a future and goals

Are you the Jerry NEET who is like 22 and shares a room with his teen brother?

>paying taxes
>contributing to the system that's actively working to destroy your country and genocide your people
>all so you can have a little extra disposable income
Being a NEET is the only acceptable way of life for any true Sup Forumslack. Wageslavery is selfishness.

>almost 40
>NEETing since 1997
>NEETbux since 2003

>I am a bad goy

>tfw took a sick day