Sup poltards, yes I know Trump won etc

Sup poltards, yes I know Trump won etc.
Do you remember that university professor that had an obscure model that predicted US presidents since 1950 or something, he had a website and everything. Did we meme his shit up after the election or were we too euphoric to remember?
I remember, discuss.

Other urls found in this thread:

Just imagine the smell of that thing, like you know when you have that faint hint of blood scent in the back of your throat.

It's a horse hoof without the hoof. Saw this on a vet site,

What the fuck am I looking at?

Fat girl pussy smells a thousand times worse than that.


Found it

A de-hooved horse

That looks painful


Oh goddammit



Doesn't matter, trump one.


It's a big horse.

Is this an illness or is this done on purpose?

I found it man its give it a read

It is extremely painful.

It's dead, the hoof comes off easily like that after because the blood supply to the nail stops.

Its also an amputated limb from a dead horse so its not feeling pain.

Really drove home to me how important hoof care must be for horses and I ended up checking out loads of videos and sites about it out of curiosity.

4 u

t. mr. hands

Smells like horse desu

did it die because somebody pulled it off?

laminitis does this. Horse might not be dead

it looks so cool like a paintbrush with red paint

Bet it smells, put down a horse with a busted hoof before, the smell could choke you.

Are you sure?
That blood looks pretty fresh.... not like it would be dead for long.

>laminitis does this. Horse might not be dead

At last I finally see

the fibonaccis
the beauty of nature
the beauty of life
the beauty of pain
god's design hard wired into every single detail
I was blind but now I see

I can now say that I'm a #cruzmissile




thanks buddy

thank you kek

It was Allan Lichtmann. He wrote the Keys to the White House or something. I had a class with him in college. Libtard as shit.

Done on purpose on dead horse


Thats fascinating.
Finaly a shill thread which is good for something.

I don't know anything about horses, but still this looks like it would smell really horrible.

ITT: literally beating a dead horse

reminder that americans de-foreskin their kids on purpose

That doesn't smell too bad. The hoof that came off does.

If I pulled a horse's hoof off, would it be extremely painful?

Yes. Like ripping your fingernails off only worse.

For him

And what do they do after removing the laminitis ifected hoof?
It doesn't look like they can grow a new one.

Do they have some prostheses or something?

Good questions

Fuck off, shill.
Trump won, deal with it and stop crying.

We are talking about horses now.

that's what you get for posting a very cool picture

>Just imagine the smell of that thing,
Its a fucking paint brush you fucking patsy.

Well laminitis in general is pretty common. There are different degrees. Yes the hoof does grow back. In this case you would have to do a total rebuild of the foot. Which would be expensive and cause the horse to be locked in it's stall for over a year.

thanks, user

hmm… so i guess that the common procedure will be to just kill the horse?

Its a baby horse hoof you dip.

Probably for most. I've worked with people who have the money and time to do it. Horse people are completely out of their minds. DO NOT ever date one. And don't ever buy a horse either. Unless you're real deal loaded or need them on the farm.

upon further consideration, I now see it is an adult horse that's been dehoofed.

Lame horses are always put down.

There is no mercy for those fuckers.

>being this stupid


why would ou do that on a live horse i've seen them drill in and inject stuff not carefully autospy a live horse

What the fuck. Do I wanna know?

They are heavily sedated user. Come on man

*there is mercy for those fuckers

still surprised the Irish don't eat horse meat on the reg btw


Imagine your arm pit on its rankest day. Throw in tuna, piss, and faint shit.


is this what will eventually happen to chris chan?

I didn't know gangrene could happen inside the body but I guess there's no reason why it shouldn't. Sometimes i think I should have studied medicine but then again I don't want to touch fat old people I secretly hate all day.

Thats actually disturbing. Thats what a horses foot looks like


This is a terrifying image

I think it's pretty cool, I never thought about how a hoof actually connects to flesh and blood.

>Dating a horse girl
I'm laying in her bed right now while shes at work.
Can confirm, Horse people are off their rockers. She gave away her horse shortly after we started dating but she has been in the horse industry her whole life.

It's the same idea as your fingernails.

It's a unique crazy but they are usually pretty good in the sack.

>the liquid jew
sulphuric acid?

>It's another "OP posts a picture more interesting than what he's talking about" episode


Also as said, Laminitis is pretty common, but it's basically a death sentence for the horse. The amount of time, money, and effort isnt worth it. Most times you can't ride them anymore and they're forced to sit in the stall which leads them to just becoming crazy.

It's the equivalent of a dog becoming rabid. You could probably treat it, but you're better off just mercy killing.

Best episodes desu


You made the right decision.

Some people decide to study medicine because they want to know how the body works — but then they realize that modern medicine still relies on trial and error and that they just memorise whats (currently) the best way to cure something.
And then they are doctor and do the same 5 treatments all the time.

I have personally fixed many such cases. I was dealing with some high rollers though. But I do not agree that laminitis is a death sentence. It can be. They rehab horses back from leg breaks these days

alcohol, you dumb paddy. no wonder your country is so deep in the jews' pockets.

Just remember, gore is the best way to fight against shills and normies. Thats what old Sup Forums did when they got raided by normies.

Post a little bit gore and they vanish.
But sadly gore isn't allowed on Sup Forums… but now the shill posted it himself.

I doubt it smells much it doesn't look infected or anything

I think Hillary had enough of Gore as well.
Oh yes it's real (2004 ish)

She would have fucked him if it meant she could be president


apparently they get put down if it ever happens.

I think all those things there are nerv endings

That looks so satisfying, it's like when you take a muffin out of the wrap.


can it just be painted black again? or can it be fixed for real

Now imagine why caltrops were so effective and the pain the horse would be in when it stepped on one.