Are Afrikaans women the perfect solution for Sup Forums's virgin problem?
>Dutch/Anglo genes
>Hates niggers
>No seriously, they fucking hate niggers
>Loves guns
>Desperately need to leave SA
>Will marry you if you're not a total creep
Seriously though, why haven't you married one yet Sup Forums?
SA Waifu best Waifu?
Other urls found in this thread:
>brown eyes
>brown eyebrows with obviously dyed hair
>possibly elective surgery breasts
pass, also note the shoulders are wider than the hips. possibly tranny
I want one
spotted the fucking autist permavirgin lmao
Seconding this user.
i'd take her in as a refugee
I would gangbang her with Sup Forums
They are all quadroons and octoroons. One drop rule
It's time for us to go to South Africa and rescue the afrikaan cuties. Just marry one and they'll suck your dick for rescuing them from Obongoland
>that picture
>looking at her eyebrows
Son, I am disappoint