Hey Sup Forums do you tuck in your shirts?

Hey Sup Forums do you tuck in your shirts?

In a professional setting, yes. At home, no.

Of course. I'm not a pavement ape.

this, just depends on where I am and what I am doing

Yes because I have a job where I make more than minimum wage.

No,that's weird. Why would you put your shirt in your pants? That's not where shirts go, that's where your dick goes.

I wear a suit to work so of course.
At home I dress like a fucking slob in pajama pants and a t shirt. Perfect for eating cereal in while marathoning anime on Hulu with my gf of 2 years

t. not nigger

this. only apes go untucked

Only when it's a shirt meant to be tucked in. Many short sleeved shirts and flannels are not.