Justin Trudeau is trying to cover up the involvement of Muslims in the Quebec terror incident to avoid looking like a fucking idiot for virtue signaling about refugees this week.
There are blatant inconsistencies with the witness testimony, number of weapons found and the official narrative which claims it was one white kid "lone wolf"
Read this information, distribute it, compile sources here. We can't let them get away with this one. This was a bunch of Muslims shooting each other up and the Canadian government doesn't want people to realize that and stop supporting liberal initiatives.
>mosque has security cameras installed recently due to vandalism >not one image of Alexander at the mosque has been released
Its not the first time, Two Mohammeds shot up a night club in Calgary and it was swept under the rug instantly
Logan Nguyen
This shit was a huge false flag
Fuck mud slimes get out of our country
Hunter Sanders
Funny how they let the driver off in that case.
They won't ever release the footage because it will indicate that there were multiple attackers. And why if it were to turn out that someone shot back?
It would utterly humiliate Trudeau if this was a bunch of Muslims killing each other.
Zachary Garcia
Also its far too late for us OP
even if it was proven to be a cover up, people will just call you islamaphobic and racist for questioning it
Jaxson Richardson
You have to do something user or your country will become Sweden 2.0. Fight back.
Get the word out, start getting people to question the government, those fucks are trying to slide this under the rug.
Jeremiah Johnson
Cooper Wright
Yeah. I think a lot of people here suspect something weird going on.