Why isn't potato famine considered a genocide?

Why isn't potato famine considered a genocide?

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It happened to white people.


Because Irish aren't human

Fucking Irish man, fuck'em. One little tattyshoah and you never hear the end of it.

Also it wasn't done intentionally to wipe them out, so not a genocide. Unfortunately.

Spooky pick ddeessuu


>potato famine

Why didn't the english help them?

Because being too stupid to rotate crops or grow more than 1 kind of food, or fish inst genocide, it s just being stupid.

They did, so did the Americans but those that "took the soup" were seen as traitors so they starved to death instead.

why didnt they fish?

isn't ireland a giant island?

or did paddies get fucked over by their anglo lords yet again?

>why didnt they fish?

British made it illegal.

They'd hang you if they caught you with a fishing hook. kill your family if caught with a net. You needed a licence to own a saw, whish no irish could afford.


your fucking lying

theres no way that ever happened anywhere

British made it illegal to grow nonpotatoes, banned boats, nets, fish hooks, saws, hammer. anyone of these things was a death sentence.

I am so ashamed of my people. e need to let the muslims in to purge us and our evil genes.

It's true. We banned Guinness too, anyone caught with the guinness shits after a night out was deported to straya. And ginger pubes was a hanging offence.

It' true.

they even banned windows:


wtf i love the british

We don't really give a shit man. We aren't like kikes lmao

I'm so ashamed of being british. We areso horrible. I am thinking of converting to islam, my sister already is.

Maybe the future should belong to islam. I hate myself. I hate being english. The irish are so nice, how could we.

Don't forget wallpaper

Who caused it? God?

It was a famine ffs

they tried to tax the inches on the irish's mattresses but the irish couldn't afford matresses.

genocides are perpetrated by humans on humans. the famine was a natural disaster.

Because the victimes are white.

They used free market economics to help kill the irish.

'oh you're starving? sorry dude, free market'

Should have revolted. The US kicked as soon as they took our sugar, stamps, and tea. Now look where we are.

>Now look where we are.

Israel's slave?

>genocides are perpetrated by humans on humans. the famine was a natural disaster.

It coincided with a crop problem. That was just part of it.

We really did try to kill the irish, we are history's villains. I hate bein english.

>Should have revolted
Kek. Like the little fuckers haven't been trying since forever. But then they didn't have the backstabbing snaileaters to back them up did they.

mfw my ancestors killed my mates ancestors to make an extra 20 percent in grain sales

mfw I'd do it again even though I'd feel bad.

fucking anglo genes we're rotten.

I think we've been stern, but fair

Irish revolted routinely every 20 years and got BTFO every time

Don't people in The UK have Irish ancestry, and don't people in Ireland have Briish ancestry?

no i got test. pure anglo

It's not seen as a genocide because first of all it was a natural famine caused by disease, not design (although British policies of the day contributed to the severity) and secondly The English did try and help, they provided workhouses and soup kitchens, it's just that their charities and food relief were woefully inadequate.

Why the fuck are you so jewish england? What the hell?

No I checked, no protohominid in me

irish are co-magnon

You don't get the world's greatest ever empire without the odd tattyshoah here and there mate.

Fucking homo erectus more like

Because England lost no war.

>(although British policies of the day contributed to the severity)

The only reason there was famine at all is because the British policies which were designed to reduce the Catholic Irish to poverty created a situation where most Catholics were small tenant farmers with one crop that they also had to use to pay their rent in.

>why didn't the English help?

They did, in their own way.

>be Irish
>main source of food has failed
>ruled by British
>ask our rulers for assistance
>they comply
>but you have to work for it as to not get lazy
>make you build random roads all over Ireland
>get paid monthly
>die of exhaustion and hunger before getting paid

Even today the Irish landscape is covered in random derelict cobble roads that start nowhere and end nowhere.


They did. We sent them some infantry and a spy told the English. Go learn about some Wolf Tone.

A few years latter, for your revolt we used another strategy.

Because whites cannot be victim of genocide.

>Why didn't the english help them?
The English made the situation worse by high taxes, which was basically most of your good crop.



Song related.

And what people caused the potato famine to GENOCIDE the Irish?

The amount of anti-intellectualism I read here is astounding. I rarely see and intelligent thread or post.

I'm glad it happened because it gave my great grandparents an excuse to come to based America.

>Being a fucking Yuropoor
LMAO should have had a potato famine you faggots

I don't know - why is the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami not considered a genocide? Why is the 2010 Haiti earthquake not considered a genocide?

The Irish famine was a natural disaster. The British government may not have responded to it particularly effectively, but that doesn't mean they caused it.

Ireland was the concentration camp m8. an island needs no barbed wire.

why didn'tyou cunts just leave germany? why not grow some food in those camps?

Great great grandparents*************

Rich people can't commit genocide unless they lose a war.


The British land owners were shipping food out of the country while people were starving you delusional limey.

There was enough food to feed people or to turn a profit for the land owners and the land owners and the authorities chose profit.

>Because being too stupid to rotate crops or grow more than 1 kind of food, or fish inst genocide, it s just being stupid.

The Penal Laws were designed to reduce the Catholics to individual families holding small plots of land who paid rent as a portion of what they grew.

Growing multiple crops and rotating them requires resources that they didn't have. When the crops failed, they had to hand over the few potatoes they had as rent, to keep their houses. Otherwise they'd be homeless when winter came and that was a death sentence. They had no money because all their labour was tied up into subsistence farming to feed themselves and pay rent.

Commercial fishing requires access to the sea. If your tenement farm isn't by the sea you can't fish. If you have no money to buy food you have no money to buy expensive things like boats and nets for fishing.

Sure. Acts of God or unpreparedness on behalf of the Irish does not constitute a genocide but a clear refusal of the ruling government to help and further exacerbating the situation sure does.

Furthermore British govt lowered foodstuffs export tax from Ireland, increasing food scarcity in Ireland.

Main relief efforts were left to private parties as the British response to the starving peasants was to make the build roads from nowhere to nowhere.


>Canada's drinking maple syrup

Not sure why I laughed so hard.

>They'd hang you if they caught you with a fishing hook. kill your family if caught with a net. You needed a licence to own a saw, whish no irish could afford.

>Penal Laws designed to reduce Catholic Irish to paying rent for small plots of land
>Land has to be split up between all sons
>Farms all become tiny plots supporting a family
>They have no money built up because everything they grow is for paying rent, with the excess being kept to not starve
>They all start planting potatoes because they produce the highest yields, are adaptable, easy to plant and the poor Irish need to get as much out of their land as possible
>Blight hits, most of the potatoes are ruined
>The potatoes that are harvested have to be used to pay rent to not be homeless in winter
>Very few people happen to live by the sea
>They have no money to buy boats, wood to make boats, hire boat makers, buy nets, buy material to make nets, buy hooks, buy material to make hooks, buy fishing line, buy material to make fishing line.

>this is what Americans actually believe
The effective tax rate on Irish peasants in the 1840s would have been low to non-existent. Income tax was only payable by those earning over £150 a year, and even that was only 2.9%. Most of the tax payed by the poor would have been through tariffs on goods, but the average Irish peasant was probably not much affected by taxes on imported sugar or whatever. There would have been a local parish tax based on the amount of land you owned or rented, but the rates of the very poorest tenants (those renting £4 or less worth of land a year) had to be paid by the landlord (which unfortunately backfired when landlords started evicting tenants rather than pay their taxes at the height of the famine).

By far the biggest drain on the finances of the average Irish peasant was the rent they paid to their landlord. A few of these would have been English aristocrats, but by the 1840s most landlords were Irish born, and although the majority were still Protestant (though still not necessarily English - Irish did convert) a sizeable chunk were Catholic by that point. Although aristocrats still held most of Ireland's land (as it was in England), landowners by no means all held vast estates - there were plenty of small and medium-sized landowners who treated their tenants just as badly.

The idea of the absentee English landlord starving his Irish peasants to death is more or less a myth, put about by Irish nationalists to avoid confronting the fact that the Great Famine involved Irish landlords kicking out their Irish tenants, leaving to starve to death, because that sort of thing doesn't make for a good Celtic punk song.

to be fair, that's how poverty was dealt with in England as well.