What does this image say about the US and Sweden? Which is preferred?

What does this image say about the US and Sweden? Which is preferred?

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US leader looks resolute and purposeful. Swedish leader looks spiteful and bitchy. Can't even turn it off for two seconds for a photo.

What are the odds the pregnant woman is carrying a black baby?

picture means sweden is fucking gay and women are retarded on a power trip.

There's something clearly wrong with Sweden, I try not to be sexist but what the hell?

i was thinking that

Sweden is forever cucked.

Women by and large don't possess the mentality to handle power.

The women are dressed like casual people. At an official government function.

Either they don't understand the importance of the symbolism of dressing professionally in the system of government, or they don't care.

why is the entire swedish government white women?

The US is a top and Sweden is a... well you know.

because they can't allow rape in their government buildings, it's simply not cricket.

Matriarchy is a hell of a way to die.

what did he mean by this?



I disregard everything Buzzfeed publishes because it is simply a failing pile of garbage.

it says, statistically speaking, that 2 of those women will get raped tonight.
Thanks, Feminism!

Sounds like if you h don't have a problem with sweden, you shouldn't have a problem with trump

How is that an epic troll?

Trump is holding up the Executive Order because that's what is important to him: legislation.

The Swedecuck keeps the folder on the table and looks into the camera because her appearance is more important to her than whatever she's actually doing.

but really do men not run for office in sweden? are they discriminated against?

Obviously Sweden is the best. It has no kikes in the picture. Women politicians>>>>>kikes

Her abortion appointment was right after this photo. The refugees have to eat and they love aborted fetuses

What's the difference between Sweden and US?
>durrr what?
The US isn't known as the "Rape Capital of Europe".

they believe Trump hates women for some reason

Sadly, those statistic don't apply to leftists living in rich neighborhoods.

>this is the state of "journalism" today

How did this happen?

The blond-haired one looks confident and astute.

Not even an E.O. women can't do anything right

all women isn't any more diverse than all men though. it literally proves nothing. and the fact that they think its a troll just proves they're motivated by man-hating.

holy fuck these cunts

This is wrong and you are stupid.

>Isabella Lovin
literally a porn star name

The Jews. What are you new here?


Except none of those are in any ruling position whatsoever. That's not our prime minister, and the fact that they triggered so many drumpftards must mean they succeded in something during their life time at least. Probably their first success this year

Isabella Lovin BBC


One is sexist, the other isn't.

>Blond Albanian

Explain this.


Well the top image shows the President of the U.S. and some some adult men as the President signs off on some serious legislation.

The bottom image shows a minor official of a minor country, and a bunch of her gals, trying to make a snarky point like they're still 17 year old HS students.

It's standard female bullshit - trying to get the attention of an Alpha Male.

USA. Reason being is Sweden is only white women. They don't even have a token minority. You expect that from white men but when white women do it, well, it's an even bigger discrimination vibe. Like you expect them to be better than that but they just prove they're just the same and don't give a fuck about minorities unless it's to make them look good.

kek confirms

>a cabinet full of women makes an ultraliberal move
>swede on a ultra far right site supports it
that means taht even the far right in sweden supports their governments policies
thats how cucked they are

That Sweden is cucked and the US isn't.

That Sweden is doomed.

i really hope everyone appreciates what mattis means to us now. he's not a warmonger, but if we do need to bomb the shit out of somewhere, he'll do it UNDER BUDGET AHEAD OF SCHEDULE.

then he'll make a press conference and send his deepest regrets to the shithole we just bombed, and he'll mean it.

>lol what an epic fail xd ! can't wait to show this to my bae's son :D !

I didn't even notice. I wasted it. I feel like a real leaf nigger right now.

now THAT'S edgy

albanian is white

always has been.


the image looks like a picture

the picture of swedish government tells me that swedan is going to accept shitload of refugees

Iran looks like he will not hesitate to stab you in the eye with a pen. China looks like he will enslave you and your family and work them to death. For Russia, I'm not even going there since I just ate.

My grandchildren not bowing to the floor and getting raped by mudshits. Stop posting

>being this numale on a right filled ox board
no wonder swedenstan is black

>no blondes

Sweden is dead

Yeah. Dressing well is important.

sponsored by your greatest ally

hair dye

>Executive Order

Leaf Education, everyone.

It means Sweeden is cucked.


Apparently you people used to be great light cavalry and atrocity troops.

We may need at least one of those skills in the future.

That Sweden lies. Their prime minister is a man. A cucked man, but still a man.

sweden = diversity
US = all old white men

I guess they didn't have putty to fill the deep crevasses in those faces.

Sounds reasonable, Since Sweden is 40% black it must enjoy cannibalism.

Women shouldn't be in politics.

>all male isn't diverse
>all female is diverse


there's three kikes in the US picture

but kikes should? hahaha

jews are white aryans

>all female is diverse


Isn't Sweden less then 10 years away from being classified as a third world country?

>wat say
Says those bitch's are ugly.

Sweden picture says: Nuke us, nuke us now.

and they all have macs
fucking disgusting

they still have a few decades before they reach the status of cities like your Chicago.

As usual, a Brit is correct.
Literally just stroppy females wanting to get the attention of an alpha male and be in the limelight for a few seconds.


ehem, i fucking hate you americans. *frys vocals* racist nazis. you're all white trash. you know how rich i am, you poor assholes? i'm so fucking rich that i can afford a cashmere beanie, one that looks identical to beanie of that hobo over there, but expensive. **vocal fry superiorly* yeah man. * so fuck you fly over states, especially that one, what is it called? british columbia? yeah fuck you guys, man. now get some fucking culture, you trailer park hick. *smokes a bowl* have you seen this new oscar winning movie called generic oppressed negro movie #9? no, of course not, no-culture red necks....

>What does this image say about the US and Sweden
The men are actually doing something while the women are pretending

>Iran looks like he will not hesitate to stab you in the eye with a pen.
He's actually wiping the blood off his pen while that photo was being taken.

>7 men
>8 white women and a nigger in the oven

What this says is that men need less workers to do over 1000% of the work.

Sweden is so progressive! I love it!

is that geert wilders behind trump?

brojevi brat bravo

Well yeah, all the white people would have to die before Sweden became 100% black, and that will take some time. I was more referencing the collapse of their government because of demographic shift, like South Africa.

whats more scary than all female government is that they unironically kicked out the men. you can't realistically have an all female government without deliberately sabotage men


Was there ever any doubt?
"Hi I need a computer for light browsing and text editing."
"Even a $200 Chromebook would be overpowered for th..."
"Ooooh what's this $1999.99 one do? It matches my phone."


Malmö and Göteborg are already gone.

Women are not meant for positions of power. They always manage to fuck it up. BIg and small
Time for my anecdote.

I spent 2 years in NY state prison. The CO's (guards) were mostly male but you had a fair number of females. Now with male COs you had every range of personality type. Some were tyrannical pricks on a power trip some were just there to do their shift and collect their paycheck. As long as no blood was spilled and the housing unit was quiet they didn't bother you and didn't want to be bothered.

Now the females CO's on the other hand were UNIVERSALLY either complete fucking cunts or complete idiots.
Give some middle aged woman absolute control of 60 men and they invariably end up doing 2 things. They either go on a power trip writing tickets left and right and sending people to the box to assert there grrrrl power OR they end up being so fucking lax that the unit turns to absolute shit because the entire shift turns in to an opportunity for them to get male attention. When these lax bitches work you end up with niggers chimping out and constant fights. Me and another guy had a CO who was bringing us xanax and alcohol on a regular basis but the housing unit was a fucking shit hole whenever she was working.

Women are not meant for positions of power and especially not positions of power over men.

One of the women is about to take 6 months paid leave then return at 30% capacity with different priorities.

females are genetically programmed to desire racemixing, to ensure widest genetic variation in the species. This is why a feminist driven/dominated culture is so pro-immigration. Men, on the other hand, are genetically programmed to protect tribal identity through genetic stabilization. Civilizations cannot exist without tribal identity, hence why women bring down civilizations all to satisfy their primitive genetic programming.

you've obviously never been to Chicago, Sven. Malmo is a shithole, but it's not even 1% as bad as Chicago inner city.

name one male ruler or politician who has not fucked it up

Sweden is run by women; the US is run by kikes.