Anti-Trump shilling on Sup Forums

What is even the point? I don't understand. They aren't going to change anyone's mind here. Literally no point at all. Do they think they are going to annoy us off Sup Forums or something?

It's for the normies that come here looking for Trump support to try to trick them into thinking it doesn't exist

we need spiderman

CREW needs to fuck off

> they are going to annoy us off Sup Forums or something

Yes, if they can't change our minds, then they make the whole board shit. Don't forget that mods are on board with this.

You guys are not all mental clones like you think you are. It's fun to inject some reality into your shared paranoia and delusion. Not trying to change your degenerate minds. Just killing your buzz. you deserve that

Sup Forums does not belong to you.

They have 40 million to spend. Might as well piss it into the wind.


When I was railing your Mom she kept calling me your name.