What the fuck, southerners?

A TWELVE-year-old has been arrested in southwestern Arkansas for murdering a young woman during a robbery at a gas station. Just how the fuck are you people raising your kids down there? Jesus Christ...

And to add insult to injury, the state won't even punish the evil little shit for very long.

>12-year-old boy arrested in clerk's fatal shooting

>FOUKE, Ark. — A 12-year-old boy arrested in the fatal shooting of a convenience-store clerk in south Arkansas is facing a capital murder charge, a prosecutor said.

>A newspaper carrier found the clerk unresponsive early Thursday at a gas station in Fouke, about 140 miles southwest of Little Rock and near the state's borders with Texas and Louisiana. The Miller County Sheriff's Office said the clerk, identified as 21-year-old Christa Shockley, was pronounced dead a short time later.

>The boy cannot be charged as an adult under state law, Miller County Prosecuting Attorney Stephanie Black told the Texarkana Gazette. Generally speaking, a juvenile can be held until his or her 21st birthday.


I wonder what the skin color is

>Generally speaking, a juvenile can be held until his or her 21st birthday.
Just hang the little shit and be done with it

Boy will serve juvy then when he hits 21 he'll be transported to prison to continue his sentence

Of course it was a nigger. Whenever they don't mention the race you can be sure of it.

What race of people do this kind of thing?? ....

WRONG. It's the human race you racist

it probably is a dindu but because of their age they can hide the identities

How exactly is this a "southern" problem? This shit literally happens every day nationwide. It's not something that's unique or limited to us. There's a hell of a lot more 12 year olds robbing & murdering in Chicago, Philly, NYC, LA, etc... so fuck off.

This is why abortion, birth control, and IUD implants should be free.

>Just how the fuck are you people raising your kids down there?

>Implying that Southwestern Arkansas represents the South.


declare the kid criminally insane and put him in a mental hospital for life.

Show the fucking parents
Where were his parents
His parents should be in jail

good maymay

Is that woman white by american standards?
The 56% meme is too generous.

Fouke is like 1% black.

They were playing GTA in real life.

>I wonder what the skin color is


About as white as your average Spaniard.

The 1% that commits 75% of the crime.

Lemme guess, a white child?

>even .0001% white

Blacks are 13% of the population and commit 50+% of the crime. Its more likely to be a black kid than a white kid even in a majority white area.

I live not to far from here, there are black people everywhere, especially in those small Arkansas towns. I'm willing to bet money it's a black kid.
