Where do racists draw the line?

So obviously if race realists had their way 100%, we'd live in (e.g.) a Europe where Nuremberg race-laws 2.0 would be established.

Fourteen words:

"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."

That means it is a crime to race-mix because it will lead to the propagation of racial impurity.

But here's my question:

Where do you draw the line?

Why do you stop at the generic concept of race (white, black, hispanic, east asian, arabic/indian, native american, abo) rather than realizing there are many many subtypes within each race, especially the white race?

Take pic related, for example.

Anybody mixing with a redhead will lead to further extinction of the already endangered natural redhead.

Similarly, people of different eye-colors mixing will lead to an advantage for one, and a disadvantage for the other eye color depending on the pairup and the gene being dominant or recessive.

Why would it, in most white supremacist utopias, not be a crime for a blonde white to mix with a brown haired white, or a green eyed white to mix with a blue eyed white?

Other urls found in this thread:


I dunno but for some reason brown eyes disgust me. Just the thought of everyone having them in the future disgusts me.

shut up faggot. My brown eyes are beautiful

Keep it within subrace ie meds with meds nords with nords slavs with slavs

In order: 4,3,1,2

most redheads are irish.

inbreeding when?

I wonder if the people arbitrarily defining race in the twisted North American context realize that almost all white people are mixed from Irish, English, Scottish, German, Roman and countless other very distinct celtic, germanic, mediterrean and baltic ethnic groups that were "race mixing" over millennia. Odds are, every white person is very much multiracial, making the concept of the "white race" moot.


Holy actual fuck how many times, Sup Forums? How many fucking times? If you don't like a race, select them more strictly, humans achieved globalism many times between 9000bce and present day, unless you're aiming for some sort of purity or best representation of something that probably only worked thousands of years ago and only in very certain environments, there's no reason not to look for the best qualities in all women.

Personally, I recognise the internalised feminine agenda to stunt intelligence and choose to elevate intellectualism for selection. It's all part of my push against the fact all the dumb dumbs hate smart people.

Your brown eyes are plain unless they're the lightest shade of brown, in which half of everyone will believe you're beautiful and half of everyone will believe you're some sort of yellow eyed demon.

I do kind of wish light eyes were selected more, it's soo pretty!

I draw the line at ethnicity. Either you belong to my ethnic group or you're an outsider. It's much simpler than the race nonsense.

The line is draw at ethnic groups level.

magnificent bastard

are my eyes beautiful? pic related



For the immediate future most would be happy with a broad definition of white since as it is, we can't even live without niggers, chinks and mudslimes being forced into our communities.

neanderthal admixture circumvents this pseudo issue; just set a minimum threshold for it and voila, a solid basis for a white race, and one NOT based on hand wavy bullshit like in Germany 1930-1945.

If you identify as white and non-whites identify you as white, you're white. End of story. We have far bigger problems than this right now. Nitpicking is stupid and divisive.

1,2,3 white

>4....ehhh...i have serious doubts about the percentages on that one.

really bro

>Why would it, in most white supremacist utopias, not be a crime for a blonde white to mix with a brown haired white, or a green eyed white to mix with a blue eyed white?

That would be next eventual elevation of this type of ideology. There's always an enemy. That's why any non-blue-eyed white blondes supporting this stupid Nazi shit are literally retarded cucks who have no foresight.

When the values in society are liberty, this is what actually preserves all white races, including all the subtypes.

Unless you're unter as fuck, you should have some interest or knowledge or story of your ancestry. I can go back 2 generations on my mother's side to Italy and to about 1850 on my father's through German/Irish communities back to northern Germany, although his mother traced easily to northern Italy.

This should be normal, because now I know Sardinian, Sicilian, Italian, French and maybe even Spanish women have genetic risks attached at least for me. My ideal is actually Irish (more Irish! Strangely safe genome) and Baltic or eastern European to balance the German which has strange effects when you try to mix it with Italian.

This is all about designing a better human in the most natural, least synthetic, way possible.

Enjoy your recessive genetic diseases.

Your man eyes are sloped the wrong way, also that colour is literally hazel/green bred dark and then bred light again, it's like they're stained.

East Asians.

Neanderthal admixture is actually what causes a lot of deformities because our skull sizes were different. Europeans overcame the Neanderthal but there's not much the Neanderthals overcame from the Europeans.

Awesome, you have massive muscle density. Pity your head is a weird shape and your teeth come out wrong.

>that's in direct white light

Borderline golliwog eyes.

>Anybody mixing with a redhead will lead to further extinction of the already endangered natural redhead.
that's not how alleles work m8

>that one on the left
I'm fine with freckles, but there's a point where it looks like you have some skin disease.

this post is so nu-pol

nazis werent about killing everyone not aryan. it was about nationalism and cleansing their land of parasites.

>Enjoy your recessive genetic diseases.
Yes, as we know an Italian mating with another Italian is likely to produce a Hapsburg-tier mouthbreather.

It's very simple. I respect my roots and I know where I come from. If you don't, that's your problem, but don't expect me to follow suit.

She has green eyes stupid.

>We keep all whites
>purposely try to breed the brightest and hottest people.
>Enact laws to ensure Blonds, brunettes, red heads will survive and never dip below a certain percentage

There problem solved.

Also this is a shill thread mean to demoralize us and call into question our ideas.

>Awesome, you have massive muscle density. Pity your head is a weird shape and your teeth come out wrong.

u wot m8 ill bash yer fookin hed in

>This is what leftists believe because this is what leftists would do.
Fucking mong

You see, the difference within a race are much, much smaller than the differences between races. I'd say that the most important part of your question should be answered in this way: someone with pure red hair mixing with someone with for example blonde hair only changes a few genes that apply to hair colour. Such genes, even when recessive, may be expressed again if in the future two people with recessive genes (without the requirement of any of them having red hair) breed. Same goes for eyes: on a genetic level, within a race these differences are relatively small and are not completely lost upon breeding. As such, I find all white subraces suitable to breed with other white subraces which means that I would sooner discuss whom I consider white.

However, when races mix, many, many more genes are affected, which means things get infinitely more complicated. It's very unlikely that "white" people would come into expression from mixed parents due to the tiny chance of both parents actually having inherited all of the white genetic material.

The difference between an irishman and an Italian is negligible and okay when compared to the difference between a human and a nigger.

The gingers can fuck off.

>Anybody mixing with a redhead will lead to further extinction of the already endangered natural redhead.
That's a myth.

I will be laughing all the way to my grave if the neo-Nazi crowd think this is enforceable in any way shape or form.

My grandmother (father's mother) was nominally Jewish but married an Englishman. You would never know I have Jewish ancestry unless I told you, even if you dug into my genealogy as her family changed their names and were complete atheists.

Also on a random side note, I'm engaged to a girl from Wiener Neustadt and if we end up in Austria and have a family, even less evidence will exist...

Nice try but your understanding of neanderthals seems taken from jew cia rags like National Geographic.

Do some real research faggot.

First archeological evidence of pitched instruments? Neanderthal bone flutes.

First evidence of ritual/proto-religious belief?
Neanderthal bear cults.

And that deformed cranium? Well yes, you're right: it increases our the cubic volume of our fucking skull, meaning it makes us smarter, on average, you fucking ignoramus.

Oh and please give me more of this delicious shill argument:

>"hurrr sapiens so superior totally out-bred and SUPPLANTED Neanderthal amirite?"

look at the genetic record, retared: neanderthal MEN sought out and bred with neanderthal women, but neanderthal women almost never interbred with sapiens men.

supplanted? More like we're the fucking founding SEED of a new type of man.

What about me?

Wife's Italian with very pale skin, brown eyes, straight thick dark hair, and petite body.

I'm very dark skinned from Ghana, with almond shaped brown eyes, nice teeth, 6ft tall and very fit.

Don't care what all you haters say. I know our kids are going to be super healthy, intelligent (both parents are going for masters), and gorgeous! ;)

Sounds like you need to retake your freshman year bio class.

And racemixing laws are nitpicking strawmans because racemixers are removing themselves from the gene pool already. More than 90% of whites marry only whites and more than 90% of whites who fuck nigs end up single mothers on welfare with a half nig kid. No joke you can look that shit up. That is how it is now with all of our love and tolerance.

The line we need to draw is the fucking border and we DON'T NEED MORE BROWN SKINNED FIFTH COLUMN WELFARE LEECHES




Hitler even killed 5 million pure blooded Germans, you stupid fuck.

Brown eyed, brown haired white nigger detected. Fucking cuck.

I didn't read what you wrote but I'd fuck all of them.


American whites are ethnically white Americans and their race is white and white alone. They aren't multiracial.

White= all white European Caucazoids. Also, if their IQ is above 90 they are fit for ptocreartion.

>You would never know I have Jewish ancestry unless I told you

Or we can start with a simple wall test, Schlomo

I remember mentioning once to one of my fiancée's friends in Austria I had Jewish ancestry. The reply was a nice quip "aber du hast keine Judennase" Made for good laughs all around

I hope you fags have your retinas behind 7 proxies

oh the fucking irony

they're quite nice m8

Multiple sclerosis is relatively common amongst Sicilian and Sardinian populations, especially if they come from inland villages. These people also share genetics with other west Mediterranean islanders and the southern French, some of which moved to French Canada, became nationalistic Quebecois and then bred their own fun little genetic diseases.

Still, it's fun to be a tall(ish) Sicilian, even if I have cousins and second cousins with MS.

Yes, highlander, I was thinking of you.

Be a manlet elsewhere, this is now an über's thread. You don't have an opinion unless you're at least 6 foot.

Agreed. Sexually selective traits can't be bred out, which is why the mainstream media wants as many coal burners as possible.

Yes, I know Neanderthals existed in a relatively advanced Neolithic society for hundreds of thousands of years, they rarely used metal tools and their art/culture was entirely controlled by women. Need more red pill or are we convinced Neanderthal are not super human?

FYI, brain volume is a fucking myth, the brain developed more complexly than that. Tell me, do you believe a blue whale is more intelligent than a human?

>but Neanderthal women almost never interbred with sapiens
How many white men bred black women?

Here's your (you).

The Hollywood ideal mulatto super business woman that stays fit despite a demanding job and an autistic son is still more appetizing than a white woman who's lost all perspective and standards for herself. Your "nigger" can be dressed prettier than my very real land whale.

>being this delusional


Are Ivanka's 3 Jewish children white?


In my books, if it looks white and has round eyes, its white.

We can't be too picky these days...

So people with hidden black ancestry can be white as long as they "look white" according to you.


Whiteness is officially dead guys. AHAHAHAHA

Nature and nurture, my friend. You make a fair point if I was speaking about the latter.

not bad/10


tjhanks m8


Don't worry, it's just pic related.

>that whole post

lmao'ing at ur life senpai

Fuck that. I have reddish brown hair and red haired women disgust me. Can't help but feel I'm related to them. Plus they'd probably give me full on ginger children who I'd have to drown in the sink.

we don't have real neanderthal dna, the ""neanderthal"" dna that we do have is actually from an asian denisovan which is why dna tests say that asians have more '"neanderthal"" dna

Irish and Italian 'people' are not white. Everything on up is ok though.

And your point is what, exactly? I didn't place any prohibitions on marrying outside of one's ethnic group, especially when the person you're marrying is from a related ethnic group. What I was getting at was that your claim of the imminent danger in marrying within your own ethnic group is bunk. People do it every day and yet, miraculously, produce healthy children.

Besides, this is the same bullshit argument leftists use to promote "race mixing". They propagate nonsense like: "Have mixed babies, they're healthier!"


as a white male, I don't, I get a white women pregnant then I help the white race survive, if I get a shit skin pregnant then I thin our their blood, either way just impregnate bitches you cucks, don't stay to raise also


fuck you

>Society controlled by women


>brain volume myth

lel my sides user do you believe in some mythical super fact realm? Is "highly fucking correlated" not good enough for you?

In humans, cranial capacity makes a difference, fuckwit. Your blue whale analogy is ridiculous; I have no idea the impact or causality behind whale cranial capacity. But in humans it was associated with repeated and consistent growth of the prefrontal cortex, and, oh would you look at that, signs of intelligent behavior, right down to the present day, where high iq is STILL correlated with cranial capacity.

this is wikipedia tier shit, user, don't try to troll your way out of this one, you're fucking wrong.

>How many white men bred black women?

I do not see the impact or relevance of this question.

haha not really

anyone now how to keep the pics from coming out sideways?
t. noob


very simple
slavs are the master race
rest of you can go fuck yourself

Gingers are the only thing unique to white people. Every other race has albinos. Blondes are nothing special.


Are you saying these people are actually Abos?

hno thanks toothpaste, I've come to embrace the fact that I am a parasite, thanks for the suggestion though, hope you survive global sea level rise

< octaroon

The identity of the future will be easier, there's us, those who want to become better, and them, those who want to be decadent, decaying masses of flesh.

This distinction will only deepen as only a few make any real effort to overcome themselves.

How easy it is for you to shift positions and pretend you were right all along.

Fucking selection. Do I say no black chicks? I most definitely did not say no black chicks. I said no ugly chicks, and ugly is now more than appearance. No dumb chicks, no horrifically fat chicks, no crazy chicks, no diseased chicks. This isn't a nature or nurture argument, this is an argument about how everything is already in place to take us closer to perfection, except the normies keep standing in the way.

I have never heard that Asians have more Neanderthal dna than Europeans, unless you're speaking of some south east Asian ethnicities.

We all have about 4% and therefore about 10% admixture after you recognise the effects of genetic drift on analysing dna. Going back 800k years, I predict one in ten of YOUR ancestors were Neanderthal.

Related ethnic groups are bad.

My ancestors on my mothers side spent tens of thousands of years in coastal regions of western European, probably living in carved out caves a style imported from Anatolia along with agriculture. This isolation eventually caused MS, even if it also created attractive men with high cheekbones and a relative lack of obesity.

My point is I could fuck a French Canadian qt, which would be fucking awesome, and learn French and have culturally French Canadian children... Who would then have MS. This argument works for basically any similar ethnicity to mine.

You're not perfect either. You have genetic imperfections. You'll remove these and have miraculously healthy children by replacing your obsession with mixing like ethnicities with an understanding that evolution at this stage works by selection, which needs variety to work.

This isn't just about preserving certain attributes directly, but about giving ourselves (and our children) a chance to mate optimally (i.e. other white people). Whites are being brainwashed into mating dysgenic-ally for the purposes of "diversity". If this continues, the result will be the end of everything that makes humanity great.

200% whire


>This isolation eventually caused MS
So because your family produced a genetic defect everyone who marries and procreates within their ethnic group is playing Russian roulette. Right.

As I said, it's bullshit. If the risk was as significant as you seem to be claiming then almost everyone on the planet would be producing defective offspring, and probably would have done so for several hundred if not thousand years. Yet, strangely enough, ethnically homogeneous households continue to bring forth healthy, happy children every day.

So, in short: you should have listened to what I told you in the first place. You're not going to change my mind because I view the world, at least in part, through an ethnocentric lense. You go ahead and marry/mate with whoever you like, but don't expect me to do likewise.

Since when Abo people have fucking blonde hair?
Probably like the "Native American" people in my school. Bunch of fucking white people with weird last name having scholarship for "diversity". Literally gibsmedat

>Literally gibsmedat

Fuck off you pseudo intellectual.

White is glorious and that is not how genes work.
Traits don't just "disappear". Recessive genes show up all the time in a population in addition to the fact that most genes work as a mix instead of on/off.


can i get free indian money if im 1/32 indian?

Real fuckin nice strawman OP. Whites are one race (or subspecies) and within the white race are ethnic groups such as Celts, Meds, Scandis, and so on. It's obviously optimal for, let's say, an Scotsman to find a nice Scots-woman to settle down with, but if he has to settle for a French girl then no harm, no foul. The further away from Scottish the less desirable the mate should be with the line being drawn once you go beyond what constitutes as obviously European aka white.

I've never heard anyone talk about laws against race-mixing besides online Aryan LARPers. But people should be encouraged to stay with their own kind and discouraged to mate outside of their race. This wouldn't even be a conversation if white people weren't so conditioned to question their own in-group preferences these days. It's fucking insanity.

Fucking leaf

what qbout breeding with.mix race people?

As of now, any sub-species of "white" is fine to procreate with other whites. We draw the line at clearly non-white mixing. I personally believe this is fine and we dont need to put boundaries on our other white kin considering the unity needed...

White race is not a real thing, most racial types have gray areas of boundaries with other racial types, and I hope your mother is the one to die in her sleep because you're a fucking cunt.

no, I'm fucking a ginger