Girlfriend doesn't want to have any children

So Sup Forums today the subject of a conversation turned to children with my Girlfriend. She said she doesnt want children because they'd ruin her body and she doesn't want to "get fat". It sort of depresses me because I intend on marrying her at some point in my life, and I come from a large family that I see a lot of, and they're all happy with their 2 to 3 kids per uncle i have. I also want to have kids for my parents sake, I bet they'd love to have grandchildren. It all just really depresses me that she doesn't want kids for particularly selfish reasons. What should I do? It actually really upset me hearing that she doesn't ever want them, I really wanted a lineage to leave behind.

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Rape her, my good goyim.

Get her pregnant anyway
If she tries to abort dump her

You want kids.
She doesn't.

Dump her, and find someone who is mother material.

I don't have that many scruples but that's a huge deal breaker dude.


all women are like this until they hit a certain age

We have a winner.

if she does kegels and abs it wont ruin her body

>Doesn't want to perform her ONE biological function on Earth

She's defective. Dump and move on

/thread click more info

>She said she doesnt want children because they'd ruin her body and she doesn't want to "get fat". It sort of depresses me because I intend on marrying her at some point in my life,
If she's worried about ruining her body, that's an admission that she has no intention of marrying you and sees you as a temporary thing.

How old is she? Their biological clock makes them start wanting kids between 25 and 30, so if she's under that then don't worry yet.

Amen to that!

Women get bigger tits and wider hips after pregnancy.

Damn shame, but just dump her ass and move on. Don't waste time dating that shit.

This is like saying she wont cheat on you again. It is bullshit my man, she is not mother material, you're thinking with your dick. She is trash, jerk off and think on this and you will know it to be true.

>because they'd ruin her body and she doesn't want to "get fat".
Discarded, she is vain, egotist, unmotivated(does not want to work out to drop fat), likely brown haired, less than 5'5", and maybe an unspoken fetish. Did I nail it?

This sounds good. If she actually loves you and wants to be with you, she will have your children.

Don't listen to Anons.

At some point in her life she will develop "baby fever." It's basically female uterus screaming for pregnancy. They can't help it.

If that doesn't work tell her that her body will wither away once she goes past her 30s.

Almost quads of truth

tell her you want to raise 3 dolph lundgren clones, as he is clearly the ubermensch and none of our autistic russian hacker genes could ever compete

all women want to have children, she just perceives you as beta and is using you as an economic backup plan

DTB asap

That's a very good plan if you want your wallet raped
Seriously though, if you can't convince her otherwise, dump her on the spot.

two things could be happening
>she could be testing your loyalty
>she could be unable to have kids for health reasons (and wants to give you an honorable way out of the relationship)

I ask around the 3rd date because this subject is important to me. You should have found out her intentions sooner.
>what should I do
learn to communicate better and sooner. If you know for sure it's because of her body imagine than , yes break up.

>She said she doesnt want children because they'd ruin her body and she doesn't want to "get fat"
Dump her. Clearly she's a selfish vapid person.

Babies don't ruin a body... age, gravity and laziness do. A little exercise and healthy eating go a long way. There are plenty of fit moms out there. Plus, if she doesn't want kids, she's probably a lefty... if you convince her, she will just brainwash your kids anyway. Better find a new gf.

Op follow this guys advice. There are endless amounts of women out there, just go find another one. You aren't soulmates whether you think you are or not and can find someone just as compatible who wants children.

Came here to post this

Tell her to go ride the cock carousal and enjoy a lonely time when she is old with no grandkids and family because they dont exist

Women who don't want children are basically worthless. Leave her immediately.

1 post by this id

by that point she'll be past healthy child bearing age. Nice try Stacey :)


This is why I broke up with my girlfriend of 4 years 3 months ago.

For some reason we'd never really talked about it, despite living with each other for over a year. So we kinda knew we wanted to get married and started talking a bit about that, and then what would come after that and that's when I found out she never wanted to have kids ever. I knew she didn't want to have them early (which is fair enough) but that was too much for me. After thinking about it for a few months I called it quits, the breakup was relatively clean but it was really difficult to leave someone who I loved so perfectly over one thing

If you need to talk about it let me know


Does she even work out?

Saying she doesn't want to get fat or ruin her body isn't a good enough excuse.

I've know some women who actually worked out when they were pregnant and ate right too and they looked really good.

I wouldn't want kids either if it meant getting my body all distorted. Fuck that.

Either accept that you won't have kids or get with someone who wants kids.

Forcing a baby into the situation would be a terrible idea.

This. Almost all women say this stuff when they're young.
Wait until she gets close to 30 and suddenly... tick tock tick tock

Pretty much this.

freeze eggs and sperm

I don't know how old you both are. Younger grills tend to see motherhood as some sort of very optional thing only some women choose, because of cultural marxism. My girlfriend thought so too when she was ca 18, now she is 22 and she often talks about wanting children.

No I'm still here, I'm just sort of in awe because nothing I ever posts gains this sort of traction.

I'm feeling this, I've been with her about 6 months and its flown by, I feel like at some points shes open to the idea because I've received messages about it saying that she wants to or would consider having one with me but then she just drops it off the table.

She's literally a top tier swimmer with a scholarship for it.
About to hit early 20s.

Why would he want to wait that long? She can get with the program or fuck off.

>wait until she gets close to 30
>still says no
>OP has suddenly wasted X years of his life in a relationship he knew he should've left earlier

This is a bad plan

$100,000 for in vitro, nice try lab jew

Most women say that in their 20s and its ok OP.

shes still mentally maturing, as are you.
Be glad she saying no at the current time because odds are you two will break up and you will go through 4 or 5 more women before you find a wife to give you offspring.

Have a kid now and you will ruin its life with its parents fighting and split and 2 daddys and 3 mommys coming and going.

Late 20's
Early 30's

If everything is stable. Work is steady. Relationship is stong and steady for over 2 years, thwts when you have a child.

Be sure the support systems are all in place to ensure your kid grows up in a stable environment. Otherwise you risk having a sjw or a coal burner.

>About to hit early 20s.

ppphhhhfffttt Jesus motherfucking H nigger Christ, OP. You have nothing to worry about. She will want kids.

Women stop mentally maturing in their teens.

Thanks man, thinking like that makes me feel a bit better about the situation.

This. You fucking moron.

Did you read that in your MGTOW guidebook?

Jewish people everyone.

6 months in a relationship in your early twenties and talking about kids seems a little fast, I wouldn't worry too much about it to be honest. Just let her know how you feel (communication is important) and if it's still a major point of disagreement when things start to get really serious, then it'll be time to think about ending it.

Children are unnecessary. The planet is overpopulated as it is. We need more women like her.

Only China and India and Africa have this problem.

Dump her and don't look back. Stop wasting your time on this worthless woman, her genes are defective and will never be passed on.

Shit, if you're also early 20s it's probably best for both of you to finish school/find a stable job first too.

SOunds like she's already fat

>Why would he want to wait that long?
Well I don't know how long "that" is. Maybe it's 2 or 3 years, maybe OP is 18 and 30 seems like another world away. Perspective on a great many things will shift as you get older.

Chances of her still saying no are almost nil if her reason is "I don't want to get fat." That's shit that 20 year old girls say. Once her golden years start to fade, getting fat isn't nearly as scary as not having kids for them.
You'll just have to trust us old farts on this.

>t. Schlomo Shekelberg

Thank you wise leaf

Honestly, breakup. You will regret not having children.

>About to hit early 20s

I want to hit you with a hammer for wasting my time by creating this thread

I know I will, I'll probably see if she changes her mind.

>not wanting to get mompilled

failure at life

no, she'll start with the want to "travel" neme and have a "career". She'll never be able to play house and mommy after fucking around with nobody to for 30 years. Motherhood is a sacrifice that GIRLS like her can never make. Just because she will eventually bear your kids doesn't mean she'll raise them right.
You're a good guy who deserves and CAN have better. I used to be like you ["but I don't want anyone better" as I died inside]
like I said earlier, learn to communicate (that means being able to get honest answers from people) Don't avoid the truth by accepting what you want to hear. If she loved you, she would be the one asking you to start the family because it's in a WOMAN'S instincts to be mothers.

>So many god damn young 'uns in this thread telling OP to break up because they, themselves do not have girlfriends and they, themselves are too young to know how much you change as you approach 30.

Honestly kids, shut up. OP's question requires the perspective of the oldfags, your input is unnecessary.

Find someone who isn't a vain and vapid bitch? Oh wait, that's every millennial whore

>except my whore

> japan
Dont you have a problem with NOT having kids yourself?

>woman waits to 30 to have kids

enjoy the birth defects bitch

That's all bullshit. All women say that. Until they get knocked up "by accident" and love it.

this, shes not that into you mate, move on

Based answer.

that's a meme, Japanese birth rate is higher than birth rate for white people in white countries, it's the nogs that skew the figures

>She said she doesnt want children because they'd ruin her body and she doesn't want to "get fat"
>doesnt even know how her own body works
seriously she will be a land whale the second you get married

old fags can't even send MSM messages but think they understand modern women.
take your prune juice grandpa

Tell her you want at least 3 or it's a deal breaker.
Be the man in the relationship.

Leave her
Either she's hiding the fact that her kids would be deformed or retarded and or she doesn't want to put up with kids.

acknowledge me damn it !! ffs even KEK has endorsed my post!

>asks if someone wants to have their children on the 3rd date

I'm guessing you don't get many 4th dates, do you?

I think you mean MMS dumbass. I'm a software architect. Yes, I can.

just do kegels/invest in vagianl reconstruction surgery and breast lift and dont eat its not that hard

if women realized this it wouldnt be an issue
if she cant commit to it just dump her

>MSM messages

trips of truth. Dump the self centered narcissist.

Cute meme, did you learn that from meme school or have you fathered many children with 30+ year old women? Impressive feat for a virgin.

I dunno, she's extremely active.

Technically we're post millennial... barely

Check'd, and she's hinted at changing her mind on it a bit, I'd say it's her potential mothers instinct over that. I'll be hopeful until I hit mid 20's if im even still with her, but if it hasn't changed by then I'm out.

not my place to give advice but best of luck OP, i hope your lineage continues on for hundreds of years :)

oh come on, all girls say this.

once the hormones kick in she'll be begging for your seed

kids only allowed if you are white.

> be German-Irish
> GF be Belgian-German

We're white.

She's a lost cause. I'm sorry user. Leave her immediately and seek a girl elsewhere. You'll be glad you did.

Ask yourself, who is she maintaining her appearance for? Not you, it sounds like.

If you do, marry her, imagine the following likely scenario. She gets pregnant and decides to keep the baby. You're overjoyed. She gives birth. The baby is black. You now are legally obligated to look after this hellspawn.

>About to hit early 20s.

oh for fucks sake. OP you're a fucking retard

cant really sympathize too much considering how long it took you to breach the issue desu

come on son

my mobile auto completes words and such you obviously understood what the fuck I meant spergs!

Kek endorsed calling me a retard, I may be but I like to think about these things.

Dump her. You want kids, she doesn't. That is a major incompatibility. Find someone who matches your needs better.

I've known my wife since she was 18. Back then, she didn't want kids. By 24, she wanted kids, but wanted to pursue her career as well. At 28, she's pregnant with our first child (due 4 July), has quit her job (with my support), and is planning on being a full time mother.

People change a lot as they mature.

>Ask yourself, who is she maintaining her appearance for? Not you, it sounds like.

young fellows may not realize this yet but women keep up their appearances for other women, not for men

Congratulations man, hope that happens to me as well

We have an optimist here.