Why does France suck?

Why is France the butt end of jokes? Why do they always fail?

What can they do to be taken seriously on a military level again?

Because they became the colony of their old colonies.

Make America Great Again

I think France just takes our shit knowing that they were the difference in the war of 1812 and the revolutionary war

Will make France great again

Same problem that'll face other countries. They natives are being outvoted by the fast-breeding new demographic(s)

This, we wouldn't be here without their navy.

>UK and US prevent France to go all the way with the original draft for the peace plan for WW1
>"Guys that shit sucks it's only 20 years of peace"
>Germany never pay reparations, French troops cross the border and occupy the left bank
>Uk and US ask France to withtdraw, France agree for the sake of stability and peace
>Start the maginot line to prep
>Want it to go all the way to the channel
>Belgium is getting butthurt over having fortifications on the border and go cry to the Uk
>France says Ok but you guys are in charge of Belgium in case of an invasion
>Belgium and the BEF proceed to get raped, Brits run away to Dunkirk
>French army get outflanked

Rotschild plant that guy will crash and burn so bad it will be funny

because they're the sweden of central europe

I've heard this guy isn't even mentioned in French history class anymore

Baby shoes. Never worn.

You know the best part of French jokes? All those men who died so that America could be independent and supplied 90% of US arms and gunpowder, and how are they repaid? America just shits all over them. It's hilarious.

>Be Lares Puerto Rico september 23 1868
>rebelling against the spanish
>declare independence from spain
>the town of lares sits on a mountain top
>easily defended position
>capture all of the spanish guns and cannons on the area
>tfw 600 men can't hold a mountain
>tfw the rebelion is over my November 17 of the same year

Just one of many failed attempts at rebelion that happened here, the last big one was in the 50's, since then the pro independence party has lost face and credibility tho now we are faced with growing communism/socialism in the PPD along with pro leftist BS.

From Joan of Arc (1430) to Napoleon (1815), France was badass. They were the undisputed military power on the Continent. The French population was far and away the highest in Europe.

After Waterloo (1815), foreign governments impose an unpopular regime change and reparations. Thus began France's decline. Also, under Napoleon, the French adopt family planning. Their population stagnates while the rest of Europe's continues to skyrocket.

1830 - July Revolution
Instability and regime change.

Revolutions of 1848
Instability and regime change.

1851 - French coup d'etat
Instability and regime change.

1853 - France instigates the Crimean War
"The Crimean War marks the demise of the Concert of Europe."
The balance of power in Europe is broken.

1861 - French intervention in Mexico is defeated.

1866 - Austro-Prussian War
France's ancient rival on the Continent, Austria, is at war with Prussia. Bismarck is making a bid for Prussian superiority over all German states in an attempt to form Germany. The combined German population would dwarf the French population. France's position as the Continental Power is threatened. Napoleon III, however, is too prideful to assist France's old enemy, Austria. Prussia wins easily and German unification begins.
French politicians dismiss the idea that Prussia's newly-formed North German Confederation is any threat to them and decide not to enlarge the army.

1870 - France-Prussian War
A few years later, Bismarck makes his move. Prussia is at war with France. The French are unprepared and defeated.
Wilhelm I is proclaimed Kaiser of the German Empire in France's famous Hall of Mirrors in Versailles.
Defeat, reparations, territorial loss, foreign-imposed regime change.

1892 - France's attempt to build the Panama Canal ends in failure due to corruption and high mortality.

1894 - Dreyfus Affair
France is humiliated and divided.


Because we can take it. We gave the world an ideal then the world forgot. Now we'll take everything to make them remember

1917 - WWI
French manpower is depleted. Mutiny afflicts what little is left of the army. France is defended by British and American men filling her trenches. Then France has the audacity to act like the victor and presses Germany into an unreasonable treaty, burdening the country with debilitating reparations that the British and Americans do not agree with and that the Germans cannot pay.

1923 - Occupation of the Ruhr
Germany falls behind on the unreasonable payments and France acts high and mighty, invading the defenseless Germany and occupying the most industrial region.
As a result, hyperinflation grips Weimar Germany, paving the way for the rise of National Socialism in Germany.

1940 - WWII
A resurgent Germany has had enough of being trod upon by the uppity little shits in France. France is rapidly defeated and completely conquered.
The French don't even put up a fight in Paris.

1954 - Algerian War
Algeria has been an integral part of France for over 100 years. When rebellion breaks out in Algeria, France defeats the rebels militarily but loses the will for victory.
Defeat, territorial loss, regime change, refugee crisis as almost a million French Algerians flee to France.

So yeah, that's why.

10/10 best history lesson

Reminder that the American Revolution was first.
Reminder that the American Revolution lasted longer.

Your ideal is the cancer that has destroyed the west.

The French revolution is the root of all social evils in the west today. You guys chimped out too hard and got greedy.

Maginot was designed to be "outflanked". It was a defensive strat designed to force the german to go around while reinforcement came.
The german did go around, the reinforcements just said "Fuck that, I'm not getting raped by Hans"

French education is disaster, anything remotely offensive or nationalist is being purged, the general level of students is plummeting. It's a clusterfuck.
50y ago it was the model for the modern world, Japanese copy pasted it and they're killing it today.

Dont be stupid like me leaf, lefties, not even once.

because its easy to be sucked into degeneracy when theres so much good food and wine and women.

Bigger cowards than Norway

Never, because WW2 is the only war most people know a thing about

Seriously one of the best countries. It's easy to sit behind a computer screen and complain. Get off your computer and get out of Paris.

Refugees are welcome here
Im voting for Hillary
Bernies system totally works

>What can they do to be taken seriously on a military level again?
Raise their military spending, for starters.

Third time a charm eh?

the american revolution didn't have the same impact as the french revolution

WW1 ended the western world. Whatever was left of the heritage and history of all time beginning with the Ancient Greeks disappeared in 4 years.

It's the American brand of republicanism that spread across the world, not the French.

But still, I'll give the French Revolution the credit it deserves for initiating nationalism. Honestly that is a bigger deal than republicanism anyway.

You guys can take credit for socialism too. Ha.

I wouldn't say it was the end, but yeah I agree that WWI broke the West. The greatest tragedy of all. We still get to enjoy the long decline.

It was also the culmination of centuries of nation-building. A war centuries in the making. A conflict which began with the nation-building of the Germanic tribes all over Europe in the wake of Rome's collapse. Finally the nations ran out of room to grow, and confrontation spilled out against one another.

>Be filthy surrender monkey.
>Glorious German army marches East and destroys Poland, who you fucking hate in order to destroy Russia, who you also fucking hate.
>Decide to declare war on Germany and invade while the majority of the German army is out killing Commies, thinking it will be an easy fight.
>Get destroyed by what is essentially the German police force.
>Germans send out a few guys to punish you for your insolence.
>These guys are outnumbered and outgunned, with most of the main army being in Russia.
>End up being destroyed, and begging Britain to help you as Germany makes love to your women.

But guys, Fance won the WW2, after all. Ant lost wery few men compared to Germany and USSR.

Canada falls. Justin wins.

France goes to war.

>American education

>It's the American brand of republicanism that spread across the world, not the French.
It wasnt a "trend" spreading "around the world"
It was Napoleon dumpstering every monarchy one after the other

>Why is France the butt end of jokes?
You tell me mr 56%
>Why do they always fail?
t. lost against vietnamese farmers
>What can they do to be taken seriously on a military level again?
Mate we're like competing with the UK for Europe's #1 military power. No military force outside US, France, UK, Russia and China is actually relevant.

So you're just another butthurt burger.

Education is all about slavery, islam and world war 2 nowadays.
I blame Brussels jews for this.
Buy it's backfiring, a recent report shows that a lot of young students believe in conspiracy theories and hoaxes, and the number is rising.

je ne se pais but it seems losing 2 world wars, having policemen with no firearms on their person, every male in france being a cuck, drinking coffee out of a bowl and not wearing deodorant aren't exactly prestigious.

My boyfriend is french >:(

We could have prospered.

France, military, relevant. KEK.

If you support Napoleon you support liberalism

EinekleinekleineKatzestarb, unddasarmekleine MädchenbegehtSelbstmord

>it seems losing 2 world wars
We didn't lost the first one, casualties don't determine the winner and we started pushing the Germans back by the end.
>having policemen with no firearms on their person
>every male in france being a cuck
>drinking coffee out of a bowl
>not wearing deodorant
All memes. You're making shit up at this point. As far as I know the US have a strong cuck fetish.

>non-country criticizing world powers

Shame based serbs couldn't finish the job

>every male in france being a cuck
>drinking coffee out of a bowl
>not wearing deodorant

Seen all 3 on same guy, literally yesterday. And im just passing