Cucks be cucks

Sup Forums are you seeing this shit

Other urls found in this thread:

>Libtard, Armenian Genocide denying, turkroach is incredibly delusional about something
Color me fucking surprised.

Old. Shitty thread. But no sage.

So this is what Jews feel like when they're blamed for everything.

Also what happened outside of standard riots?

Talking about pathetic beta cucks...

i gotta say i like dave rubin. he has some good as fuck interviews even with people he ideologically opposes.

I fucking love that TYT are now the leftist Infowars.

The Young Cucks on suicide watch

Agreed. He's a good guy who will talk to anyone and is a true advocate of free speech. He may as well stop pretending to be liberal and just come out as being red pilled cause he shares nothing in common with modern liberals. Cenk is a sad pathetic fuck, that is the equivalent of the enquirer or some Clinton rag of a pundit.

As if Sup Forums is capable of gathering a group of individuals who would actually hurt people.

They're giving you too much credit.

And now that it's been confirmed that one of the protesters who was assaulting people literally works at Berkley University this retard will completely ignore it and act like he was right anyway