And I fucking live here. It's a small ass town so it probably won't get too large, but I'm going anyway. D u b s decide my fate.
There will be an Antifa protest at Oklahoma State tomorrow
William Bell
Joshua Peterson
Julian Cox
give a few of them the stone cold stunner
Matthew Howard
you will be hit in the head with a pipe, but not pepper sprayed, kek willing. good luck!
Daniel Allen
masturbate in public with a bullhorn screaming 'this is what democracy looks like'
Carson Collins
none of the policies in the hashtags have anything to do with fascism. violently suppressing free speech is fascist however
Nathan Taylor
You get yelled at by antfags but then see them at the bar after and they avoid eye contact.
Logan Ross
I am rolling again because I really want you to be safe, but I kinda want you to get piped in the head.
C'mon KEK! Hit me up with some doobs.
Caleb Perry
It's the 4th now retard
Jordan Stewart
Not in OK fuckhat