This is an ideological shift and refocusing of the opposition to antifa. We're community workers, centrists...

This is an ideological shift and refocusing of the opposition to antifa. We're community workers, centrists, people who contribute to amber alert, missing persons reports, and calling the police. We're here to help insure our rights and keep people safe through non-lethal means. Our name is not ANTICOM, as it parrots the evil forces of our detractors. We are the Vanguard of Liberty, so we'll discuss ITT how we plan to carry ourselves. No riot gear, no subreddits with retarded usernames like u/nsdapShouldHaveWon and u/RightWingDeathSquads or anything else that makes us seem militant.

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck this whole


Why are we talking about them so much lately? Just because of the Berkeley incident?

They're literally nothing. We lower ourselves by even considering them an enemy that needs to be opposed. All that would do is give them validation and attention.

Just so you know, the statue of liberty is actually a depiction of the god Apollo who = the sun god, Helios, Baal, Lucifer (notice they are a light bearer), Ra, etc., as well as a depiction of a baphomet.

Just got off of work. The uniform is decided.

Reflective vests, MAGA hats, dress nicely.

Bring trash bags. Clear debris from the road, put out trashcan fires. Remove stickers from street signs and remove graffiti.

The key is SAFETY people. We want to create a good image while being safe. Only move in after protests sweep through.

In addition I don't care what the name is but I'll always be for Safety Squad.


My question is, is this something that should be worked out in the open on Sup Forums? Especially with all the HWNDU bullshit and other happenings that have brought us all you faggot fucking newfags

No MAGA hats, we're not coming out right away as Trump voters.

Reflective safety vests reflects light btw, they don't produce it. Perfect uniform.

>guys just cower and be a little spineless faggot

you're an idiot, fuck off

What about Pepe in his original form, to take it back from the narrative...

Not a Newfag, and most newfags come to Sup Forums.