SHROOMEY DOO - scrape the uterine wall - HWNDU not invited


What's their end game?

crew pls leave
shitty shilling tactic, it's obvious

John can you ask simply plaid and spike spiegel if they prefer Rei or Asuka?

If you already asked can you let me know what they answered? I've been keeping record

>John the Baptist
>Sup ForumsBlart

Take the milkpill.

Weaponized autism

It honestly might be time to can the show entirely for a few weeks.. This episode has been 100% pure, unsalvageable shit, and i don't think it's going to get any better tomorrow even with Jesus there. It's been fun shitposting with you, but as always, redditors fucking ruin, shit all over & run everything /ourguys/ create to the fucking ground.

See ya space cowboys

ScarfJew milked the fucking camera

Milkman went to the bar with those annoying fuckers?

can someone just bash these faggets