Sincerely what killed Sup Forums? I have an itching suspicion that it was the Fappening and all those who spout about a Sup Forums boogeyman for no particular reason are tourists from 2014 who still haven't left.
Sincerely what killed Sup Forums...
I've been browsing since early 2006 and it has had it's ups and downs, put it's actually better than ever right now. I honestly feel like this is the golden age of Sup Forums.
I've been here since 2009 and would like for Sup Forums's bullshit to not spill over into other boards, though.
Same reason I hate Sup Forums. You guys are just the new version of that, except with worse porn.
How can we pin this on the jew?
Been here since oct 5th 2003 and it's always been shit
Sup Forums killed it's self in it's own stupid ass panic and self importance of actually thinking that anyone outside of this place cares about this place and ever has.
Calling everything a meme
Taking Sup Forums seriously
Hiro's faggot ass and moots even more faggoty ass are ruining and ruined this place
Plus now you have late millennials and early Gen z here now and they have no sense of reality. Seriously no two generations more easily to brainwash, and they don't understand basic social conventions because they're the children of two generations of panicked retards.
God I hope Russia nukes the shit out of the west someday.
Actually, I take it back, it was diminutively ironic self-awareness that killed Sup Forums.
take a look at the retards on the hwndu stream right now and you'll get a good understanding of what exactly is killing Sup Forums
The blaming everything on ebaums meme died.
Now people promote coming here and claim responsibility for things we have done.