Redpill me pol is getting a wife from a Asian country a good idea (just not Japan fuck Japan) I've been looking at cuties is there any one with experience what's the best ones to go for does it ever work out I don't see how it could be worse then the shitty girls in North America... they are small exotic smart and I love the food what light can pol shed on the subject
Asian brides
>fuck Japan
nigger what the fuck are you on about Japan is the only good one
plastic surgery disasters
no empathy
you can't throat sing don't even fucking bother
Naw I'm not a weeb trying to fulfill my anime fantasies
>Asian country
>not Japan
Not even a weeb but you've already fucked yourself. Most Asians are nigger-tier (look at those islands with the brown ones) and the Chinese are cancer, always have been. The japs have had their potential unlocked, hence why they are technologically and culturally more advanced.
Japan: Strong nationalists and traditionalists. Believe that men respect women, and children respect their parents. Value being logical, on time, clean.
Even hitler called them "Honorary Aryans" because the Japs were even based back then, and he even said race mixing with Asians could produce strong hybrids.
Japs are the best Asians, South Koreans are second best, followed by norks, Chinese, and islanders are last.
Do you have actually have any experience I would like to know from someone first hand
Seems like there are lots of other good counties Korea, Thailand, Vietnam she doesn't have to be the most pretty just loyal good at cooking petite body and they got fuck all in those county's so it seems they would be more grateful then a jap girl
>a fucking leaf
Fuck off
Japs are money hungry cunts
gooks are money hungry cunts
chinks are money hungry cunts
None of them will marry you if you are not rich,not even if you are a 10/10 pure aryan
I summed up jewsia for u
Should I just turn gay then?