Should anything be legal in fiction?

Or should there be moral restrictions for the greater good? This is always a hot political topic. Some countries like Japan are extremely liberal, and you can draw just about anything in manga.

Other countries however are very strict and will, one way or another, censor content based on moral.

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drawings shouldnt be illegal, even if you think they are disgusting

Free loli scat drawings
Iz art u alt reichnazis

So long as it's entirely fictional, it's fine. Taking a photo of a naked kid and then tracing that photo? That's wrong, because there was an actual human victim. But just fabricating loli on your own? That's okay. The government shouldn't shoot you for drawing fiction.
>inb4 oh but they'll throw you in jail
And if you refuse to go to jail you get shot, yes, that is how police work. Faggots.

What if you take a photo of a clothed kid and trace it into a naked one? Victim or no?

What if technology improves to the point where a generated image is indistinguishable from reality?

About OP girl, people vote her butt looks flabby... wow.


I can't unsee that now

It's fine if it isn't Shad

Wouldn't that just completely wipe out pedophile attacks, since it is exactly the same and removes the element of danger if caught?
How is that a bad thing?